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ILLICIT #2 : Crescent

ILLICIT #2 : Crescent



ILLICIT #2 : Crescent PDF Free Download


"Which one beat you up?" Adrian asked as he loaded his gun. "No, please." Leah stopped him. "Tell me which one!"" He raised his voice until some of them turned to us. "Mr. Nielsen, please. I don't thi-" "Don't make me ask you twice, Leah." "I said.. don't make me-" "They're going to be killed anyway... could you just stay here with me?" Leah cut him. "You leave me no choice." He walked toward those people and started to shoot them from left to right. Leah applied a new job to challenge herself, but she never imagined that she was asked if she wanted to work with ILLICIT. Let alone worked directly under Adrian, the big shot of ILLICIT. They worked together side by side until there was an incident of someone breaking into the headquarters. Leah was abused by one of the intruders, fortunately, she was smart enough to ask for help from Adrian. After seeing what those intruders did to her, Adrian turned into a mad man. He made sure to kill every intruder and Leah saw him shooting at all of them. He saved Leah, and ever since that incident, they both became closer. But as an ILLICIT member, love is a dangerous word.
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Chapter 1

Leah Morri


"Which one beat you up?" Adrian asked as he loaded his gun.

"No, please." Leah stopped him.

"Tell me which one!" He raised his voice until some of them turned to us.

"Mr. Nielsen, please. I don't thi-"

"Don't make me ask you twice, Leah."

"I said.. don't make me-"

"They're going to be killed anyway... could you just stay here with me?" Leah cut him.

"You leave me no choice." He walked toward those people and started to shoot them from left to right.

Leah applied a new job to challenge herself, but she never imagined that she was asked if she wanted to work with ILLICIT. Let alone worked directly under Adrian, the big shot of ILLICIT.

They worked together side by side until there was an incident of someone breaking into the headquarters. Leah was abused by one of the intruders, fortunately, she was smart enough to ask for help from Adrian. After seeing what those intruders did to her, Adrian turned into a mad man. He made sure to kill every intruder and Leah saw him shooting at all of them.

He saved Leah, and ever since that incident, they both became closer. But as an ILLICIT member, love is a dangerous word.

I looked up to see the Estelle building in full of admiration. I've been dreaming to work here since I graduated from Harvard. In Harvard, Estelle and Lemiere had been praised by a lot of people for their security and defense technology. Estelle is based in Europe when Lemiere is based in America and Canada.

I applied to Lemiere for a job but I didn't get in. There were a lot of people applying because who doesn't want to work for the Gold Lifes? It's everyone's dream to meet them in real life and actually learn from them.

Instead of giving up, I decided to go to London applying for the job in Estelle. Estelle company is currently run by the youngest Prince of Denmark, Adrian Nielsen. He was known to be smart, strict and ruthless when it comes to his job. I'm completely nervous because this is one of those jobs that really requires skill and knowledge.

I walked into the building with my sweaty hands completely nervous for the interview. I walked to the visitor desk and the woman who was in charge looked at me to say something.

"I'm Leah Morris and I'm here for the job interview." I said.

"Which department are you applying to?" She asked as she pointed at the glass in front of me to put both of my hands on there.

"Security and defense technology." They scanned my finger prints and then she pointed a small camera at me. "Ms. Morris, this is your visitor card. Go to the 16th floor and you will find Mitchell there to assist you." She said and I thanked her. Taking the visitor card with me and walking towards the lift.

I waited on the line because there's a lot of employees working here and I felt a little nervous seeing all of them. They looked really professional and I really hope that I could get this job.

"Excuse me, please step aside." Suddenly I was gently pushed to the side. People were standing against the wall making way for someone. Is it Adrian Nielsen himself?

"I guess you're going for a job interview here?" I turned to see a beautiful blonde woman standing beside me. She was holding 6 cups of coffee and I gave her a nervous smile.

"I'm really nervous." I whispered.

"What department are you?" She asked as she hugged all the coffee cups tightly before someone could squeeze it.

"Security and defense tech."

"Really? That's awesome. Usually that department will work with Adrian Nielsen himself. That's what I've heard. I'm Aubrey by the way." She said in her thick british accent.

"I'm Leah and I hope that's the case." I said and she turned her head towards the entrance door.

"Princess Aria is here, I guess she's coming back to London for good now." Aubrey said and I saw Princess Aria walking into the building. She's a definition of a goddess. She's so beautiful that it really makes my confidence go down.

She was talking to her secretary and guards were protecting her as she walked towards the lift. After she got into the lift, I got into another lift for my interview. I thanked Aubrey for giving a goodluck and she proceeded to walk away with her 6 coffees.

I pressed the 16th button and took a really deep breath. My heart is pounding so fast and I can't even calm myself. As soon as I got out of the lift, I saw a lot of people already waiting for the interview. It was about 40 to 50 people and it made my confidence go down.

"Hello, I'm Mitchell and can I get your name?" I turned to the man who's holding 2 iPads at the same time. "I'm Leah Morris."

"Oh, you're American." He said when he heard my accent. I gave him a smile and he checked if my name was on the list. He turned to his secretary and they both gave me the number 17. He told me to sit and wait until my turn.

I sat down near the window and tried to calm down. I decided to listen to music and just try to practice my speech if the interviewer asks me questions. After 2 hours of waiting, they called my name. I followed Mitchell to a small meeting room and there's 3 interviewers.

I smiled and greeted them politely. They asked me to sit down and started asking me questions. I tried my best to be as professional and as honest as I can be. They were impressed with my resume and the fact that I graduated from Harvard. In fact, Harvard really admires Lemiere and Estelle for being this good in development especially for programming.

I've been working with a lot of big companies too before but I want to really dive into the real deal. That's why I come all over from New York to London. One of the interviewers asked me to wait outside the door for a couple of minutes because they wanted to make a quick call.

I hope this is a good sign because I really want this job. Imagine being able to work in this company, it's just a dream come true. After waiting for about 20 minutes, Mitchell told me to go inside again.

I walked into the room nervously and sat down. I looked at them smiling awkwardly.

"This is a quite rare case, Ms. Morris, but we saw you are one of the top candidates to work here since we received your resume last month. You got the job." She said and I can't help but squeal for a second.

"But.. Here's the catch for you. We will be doing a lot of tests regarding your mental health tomorrow. We want to make sure that you're capable of doing this job and not being a threat to our company." The man beside her said and I smiled nodding.

"I will gladly take the test."

"And one more thing.. you're not going to work in security system development but you will work as a software engineer with Mr. Nielsen himself." I was more than speechless at this point.

"If.. you pass the test tomorrow."