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His Secret Child

His Secret Child

Author: Princess Kinan



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When I see it again, then at that time I will never let go again A woman is walking towards the elevator in a skyscraper. Several files were in his arms. She pressed the elevator button and lowered her head while gently tapping on the black high heels she was wearing. Ting! After waiting for quite a while, the elevator door finally opened wide, and he immediately entered it without thinking. He pressed the number button according to the floor he wanted to go to. However, his eyes immediately fell on someone. The atmosphere inside the elevator immediately felt gripping, as if there was a dark and eerie aura enveloping the elevator. Of course, it wasn't because of the presence of a ghost, but because of an even scarier creature. The woman immediately glanced behind her to see if she had looked wrong, and her gaze met the piercing, dark grey eyes of someone she once knew. The man grinned a little with hungry gazes tracing his whole body, making the woman feel very nervous and scared. "Good afternoon, Mr. Davero," she muttered nervously. "Afternoon," he answered hoarsely. The tall, handsome man stepped closer to the woman, leaving her stunned. She backed away slowly. The man, who was called Davero, did not stop his movements. He continued to corner the woman until he touched the elevator wall behind him. He looked scared because the man was getting closer. "Long time, no see," said Davero with a grin that made the hairs stand on end. The woman could not move a bit. Moreover, the man's hand touched the wall right beside the beautiful woman's head. "What do you want from me?" asked the woman in a weak voice, almost a whisper, after gathering all her courage. "You!" Instantly, the woman's body tensed and she got goosebumps because she heard a whisper full of threats and pressure that was undeniable. Unknowingly, the woman held her breath out of fear. "You're Mine!"
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Chapter 1

I am Agneta Laurinda Aretina; currently, I am 23 years old. I work for a large company in the field of Apparel, textiles, and fashion, which has been successful. I feel lucky to be able to work for this company, even if only in the marketing department.

I'm currently preparing breakfast for us.

Oops! I haven't told you I have a little prince, have I? Well, now I have a little angel named Regan Danial. He is already four years old.

"Morning, Mother!" He cheerfully made me smile.

Regan is the reason I survived until now. Regan is also the one who got me excited again after all this time enduring incurable pain.

"Morning, Mother's Prince." I kissed Regan's chubby cheek.

Even though he was only four years old, Regan was a nimble and intelligent child. He was even the top student in kindergarten. His oriental face, or mulatto, makes him even more handsome. However, just by looking at his face, it reminds me of the jerk who has ruined my life. The first and last man I really hated and never wanted to meet again in my life

"Why are you looking at Egan so intently? Egan is very handsome, huh?" He chirps with a lisp, making me smile broadly.

They even have the same character—so confident, and I don't want Regan to look like that guy, not at all.

"You are very handsome, honey. Let's have breakfast!" I held his body and sat him on the bar stool in my small rented house. "Egan, maybe Mom will be a little busy at work and can't pick you up home. You can go home by yourself and go to Aunt Iren's house, right?" I said this because today is the day I welcome my new boss.

"Let me pick him up." Someone's words made Egan and I look towards the sound of a man wearing a black suit standing in the doorway. He smiled sweetly at us.

"Aiden's father!" Egan shouted and ran to Aiden.

"Daddy master!" Aiden lifted Egan's body into the air, making him laugh gleefully.

He is Aiden Zharil Pratama, a kind-hearted man who has filled my heart all this time. He was able to accept me because I already have children. In fact, he also loved Regan so much that it was as if she were his own biological child.

"Good morning, dear."

The whisper jolted me back to reality. I didn't realize that Aiden was already standing next to me. I smiled at him and went to prepare breakfast for him too.

"Aren't you going to be busy? Aren't you, as the CEO's representative, really in need of his presence?" I asked.

Aiden is the deputy CEO at the Wiratama Group, also known as the WT Group corporation. I work for the largest Apparel, textile, and Fashion company in Indonesia and abroad, including in several developed countries.

"No, just let it be. Besides my cousin, who just came back from London and became the CEO, He won't need me. So Dad will pick up Regan later." Aiden pinched Regan's cheek, making her cheer up.

I can only smile and be happy to see the cohesiveness between the two of them. I'm also grateful that when my life was destroyed and there was no place for me to stand, Aiden came to bring hope for me and Regan. I don't love him as much as he loves me, but I will try to love him with all my heart.

After dropping Regan off at school and leaving her with the teacher there, Aiden and I headed straight to the office. We split up in the parking lot because we were in different rooms.

This is where I am now, at my desk with several files piled up. Pak Wildan, the manager of the marketing department, has asked me to prepare several reports.

"Ta, don't you know? They say the replacement for the old CEO is still young, you know," Sonya chirps.

"So?" I asked.

Even when I came to the office, from the lobby to the hallways, everyone was gossiping about the new CEO, who was said to be young and very handsome.


"He said he was very handsome," Sonya chirped, making me roll my eyes out of embarrassment.

"You've said that many times, and this is probably the hundredth time," I said exaggeratedly.

"Bad, lol," he chuckled.

Immediately, several people came, excitedly broadcasting the news that the new CEO had arrived. We have to get ready soon because the CEO is currently touring all the divisions.

"I have to dress as prettily as possible," Sonya said, looking in the mirror and adding her makeup. I just shook my head.

"I'll go to Pak Wildan's room first." I quickly went to Pak Wildan's room, and Sonya just nodded her head in response.

I was in the middle of reporting some documents to Pak Wildan until the door to the room opened.

"Mr. Wildan, Mr. Wiratama has come." The notification made Mr. Wildan and I stand up from our seats.

"Good afternoon,"



Right now, he was standing in front of me with the same gaze. His sharp gaze was full of intimidation, and his face looked even more handsome and mature. After five years, he is now in front of me. I felt my world stop turning when his gaze again stabbed into the retina of my eyes. The same gaze made me hate him and love him at the same time. However, he is the only person I want to avoid and eliminate from this world. He's the person I really don't want to see again in my life. He is Davero Anderson Wiratama!
