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Until I Met You

Until I Met You



Until I Met You PDF Free Download


Synopsis : Prostitution. Sounds difficult? Not as bad as when you do it secretly. But what if it doesn't remain a secret? Especially when someone who should not know, finds out about it?
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Chapter 1


“You should move on man!” Mason called after me. I know I should move on. I'm even trying my best to, at least try, to move on. But after all this time her memories are stuck with me. Why didn't I notice her before, is beyond my imagination. Maybe it is all my fault.

“Jake?” I turned my back to look at the person's voice that I've been craving to hear. When I turned and saw her in front of me, I cried and knelt down in front of her.

She ruined everything. She robbed me. It's all her fault.


I walk out of the café. I've been accepted into a MHU college. One of my dreams has finally come true. It's the second best college in this town. It's famous for its football team and also most of the rich kids choose this college. I also got a scholarship to support my fees. I still have to work to pay the bill and for my new apartment.

I can't believe I've been accepted. Finally, I can get rid of this damn place. I'm eighteen and my body bears the reason why I worked bloody hard to achieve this. Sometimes, I feel like God is with me. Sometimes. Most of the time is like the whole world is standing against me. Finally, I can bid my goodbye to this foster home. Finally, everything in my life is going to be right and I can be happy. Except, I wish no one finds what I do for a living.

I enter my new apartment. Damn! It's not much but it's mine. Mine! I take a deep breath and exhale it. First moment of Independence. Everything will be alright now. Everything's going to be fine and amazing. I repeat this mantra in my mind as I pick a broom and start sweeping the floor. It's a nice and warm day. Sun is high in the sky and not too hot. I also have to introduce myself to my neighbors.

So I have to work faster. I clean the kitchen first then my bedroom and living room. After cleaning, I unpack boxes that carry my stuff. There are only three boxes that contain everything I have. Clothes, shoes, pictures of my past away dog, more like a killed dog. It was a punishment for stealing two slices of pizza from a fridge when I was starving for almost two days. Though, whenever I see my dog's picture I only remember good memories. I pick myself up after completing the task.

I walk in the bathroom. After undressing myself I sit in the bathtub, feeling warm water on my skin. I can't help it but my tears started running down my face. I cry like a baby. Sobbing and sniffing. I cry for the life that I could have if my parents didn't leave me right after, I was born. I cry for myself going through every beating I endured to stand up for myself. I cry for my loving dog who was with me through hardships in my life selflessly. I cry for my sorry self that has to step up much earlier in my life than other kids. Finally, after shedding all these tears, I promise myself I will make a life that I deserve and imagine. Nothing will stop me from getting what I wanted.

Ting- tong. The doorbell ring disturbed me from making dinner. I walked to the door and opened it.

“Hello.” said a tiny, middle-aged lady. Smiling, I say “Hello. How may I help you?”

“I'm Mrs. Johnson. I'm your neighbor. I live just across the street. I thought I should say 'Hi' and give you this.” She shows me a cake box.

“Thank you so much.” I replied and opened the door more and asked “Would you like to come inside?”

“No. I have to work. You didn't tell me your name, though.” She says and I facepalm myself.

“Sorry. My name is Grace. I just moved here from my fo… home.”

“We will meet each other later, bye.”

“Bye and thank you for this cake.”

“Your welcome.” Mrs Johnson said and left.

I close the door and walk back into the kitchen placing the cake on the counter. “Shit.” I murmur. I'm not stupid. My job taught me a lot about people and her presence screamed trouble. She is one of those gossipers, who like to keep track of everyone's life. I have to be careful if I wish to remain in this apartment and stay peacefully.

I leave for work at three pm. Most people will find it odd that I'm going to work at this hour but I can't tell them my work doesn't require a fixed time. I entered my workplace. You can smell perfume, sweat and sex. Did I forget to mention that I'm a whore? Anyone who does not know about my work, will find it shocking. I change my personality like I change clothes. I live two different lives that contradicts my character. A whore and a good student.

Accept it or not, this work pays me much better than you would expect. It comes with its own pros and cons. You will find some generous men and sometimes women, who will pay us extra money if they are happy with our performance. You can make connections to higher people if you find the right person. Sometimes, they don't even want to have sex at all. They just want some company to spend some time with. But this job also comes with its cons as well. You can never be sure about meeting a stranger. Sometimes you get weird people. There is always a chance that you might not come back alive. You can not complain or file a report against them if you get raped or sexually assaulted. Some customers will think you have no boundaries and you would do anything, literally anything to please them. Sometimes, we are treated like we are not humans. Whatever my life is, I can't let anyone outside this world know my work or I have to face some serious troubles. And maybe I won't be able to afford it.

I entered my college. This is the second day and I missed the orientation and other activities which I don't regret at all. I already cleared out all my schedule problems. I don't work for a pimp and I handle everything on my own. I have a website from where I can meet my clients. My working place is fixed though where other people come to do the same. So time and place is not an issue.

I walk into my first economic class. I like the subject a lot and I secretly wish to have my own company in the future. I took a seat and sat down. There are not many students around. I was looking at my phone and suddenly our professor entered the class. He introduced himself and I thanked God, when he didn't ask for our introduction.

“Hey.” I ignored it, thinking it was for someone else.

“Hey.” I turned to my side and a brunette girl smiled at me. I pointed my finger to me and asked


“Yes you. Do you have an extra pen?”

“Yup.” I replied and dug deep into my bag to take a pen out. I handed it to her.

“Thanks. I'm Angela by the way.”

“Grace.” I said.

“Nice name.” She said going back to her work.


In the middle of the lecture, I glanced her way to see what she was doing. She wasn't taking notes instead scribbling weird things. I couldn't understand what it was.

“I'm writing Jaxon field's song. It's our college's famous band.”

“Oh! Okay. I didn't know about it.” I'm not interested in any band.

“We will talk about it at break.” She said. I wasn't planning on that but I may need a company, so I agreed.

Later we both met at the cafeteria. After collecting our food we both took a seat. She was about to say something when suddenly someone sat just beside me. I looked up to see a guy around my age sitting at my side. Angela squealed as her face brightened. He was a good-looking dude with a nice sense of fashion. He also had an aura around him that screamed rich kid. I don't have anything against them.

“So, I'm going to be straight with you. My buddies and I had a bet that any girl they pick has to make out with me and fortunately for you, that girl was you. So we will make out here. You will get a reputation to be intimate with me and I win the bet. Win-win for both. What do you think?”

My answer was simple and clear “No.” Everything in the cafeteria was quiet and there was a pin drop silence with my answer.