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The Alpha's Dark Luna

The Alpha's Dark Luna

Author: LunaticPessimist



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Anya's life as a simple grocery store cashier takes a dark turn when a mysterious and dangerously attractive customer saves her from her abusive husband, revealing himself as the Alpha of a powerful werewolf pack—and her true mate. Suddenly, Anya is thrust into a world where she’s destined to become Luna. She battles dangerous rivals and uncovers shocking secrets about her own past. Will she embrace her destiny and unlock the fierce power within her, or will the dark shadows of her past destroy her?
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Chapter 1

Anya’s POV



“That would be 64 dollars and 22 cents.”

I forced a smile as I handed change to a customer after scanning all the products she bought.

“Thank you. Come again.”

My eyes darted to the clock. Only an hour left.

It is late, far later than I planned to be here, but my workmate called in sick, leaving me to cover the evening shift alone.

The Friday night rush has been exhausting. My legs are already crying from standing too long. I could almost feel the varicose veins threatening to pop out.

I stifled a yawn and called out for the next customer, my voice tired but polite. "Next, please."

As I looked up, I froze for a moment. It’s him. The regular customer who always comes to my counter, buying the same brand of beer every time.

Tall and broad-shouldered, he has that kind of attractiveness that draws attention without him trying. His dark hair is neatly trimmed, and his eyes are a deep, intense brown. He’s wearing a black leather jacket over a simple t-shirt and jeans, and there is a certain rugged handsomeness about him that makes it hard for me to look away.

This is the fifth time that he’s buying the same product today.

Before I could say anything, I heard a snicker from the counter beside me. Kayla, my colleague, is smirking, eyes darting between me and the mysterious customer. “Here he goes again,” Kayla teased, her voice just loud enough for me to hear. “Always picking Anya’s line when the others are wide open.”

Arnold, the bagger, grins as he loads groceries into bags. “I think I’ve got a bag big enough to fit you in, Anya,” he jokes, nudging me with his elbow. “So the guy can just take you to go.”

I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I widened my eyes at them. “Hush, you two,” I whispered urgently, shooting them a glare. “He can hear you!”

Embarrassed, I anxiously glanced at the customer. I really hope he didn't hear them.

He remained silent, his expression unreadable as he placed his six-pack of beer on the counter. I avoided his gaze, focusing instead on scanning the beer.

“Sorry about that,” I mumbled, still blushing. “They’re just… messing around.”

The man didn’t respond. His eyes were just fixed on me in a way that made me feel both flustered and self-conscious. I could feel his stares piercing into my soul. Does he want me?

I silently scolded myself when I felt my heart getting excited.

For goodness’ sake! You’re married, Anya. You shouldn’t be thinking about how striking his jawline is or how beautiful his eyes are.

I shook my head, shaking off the thoughts.

There's literally a gold band around your finger, Anya! You're already committed to someone else. Don't be fooling around like a teenager.

I handed him the receipt, forcing a smile. “Thank you. Come again.”

The man nodded, turning to leave, but just as he reached the end of the counter, I noticed something. The beer. He forgot to take it with him.

“Sir, wait!” I called out, my voice louder than I intended. The man stops and turns back to face me, a hint of surprise in his eyes. “You forgot your beer.”

He blinked, as if just realizing his mistake, and then walked back to retrieve it. Our fingers brush for the briefest moment as he takes the six-pack from me, sending a jolt through me that I quickly dismiss as exhaustion.

“Thanks,” the man said, his voice deep and rough around the edges. He gives me a small before turning to leave again.

I watched him go, confused. Something about him doesn’t add up.

Why would he buy something and then almost forget to take it with him? And why does he always come to my counter, even when there are faster options available?

“Strange guy, huh?” Kayla remarked from the next counter, pulling me out of my thoughts.

She must have noticed me spacing out.

“Yeah,” I replied absently, still watching as the man disappeared through the automatic doors. I shook my head, trying to clear it. “Strange… but probably just tired, like the rest of us.”

Arnold laughed. “Or maybe he’s just distracted. Wonder why.”

I rolled my eyes, but deep inside, a small part of me couldn’t help but wonder too.

Could it be that he’s actually interested in me?

I shook the thought from my mind, busying myself with the next customer in line.

“Next, please.”


The fluorescent lights flickered off one by one as we closed up the store for the night. I thought I was going to die from this long shift. Danny better come to work tomorrow because I’m not going to cover up for him again.

I tiredly sling my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door with the others.

Everyone is just happy to finally be going home. It's been a long day. The cool air greeted us as we stepped into the parking lot.

It’s already dark outside. What do I expect when the store closes at 12 AM?

“Finally done for the night,” Kayla sighed, stretching her arms above her head. “I swear, if I see one more customer today, I’ll scream.”

Arnold chuckled, shaking his head. “You say that, but I bet you’d still flash them a smile if it meant a good tip.”

I laughed lightly, though my legs hurt, and my mind is already on the drive home. I just want to crawl into bed and forget this day ever happened.

I’m sure that another tiring day awaits me tomorrow. I should get some rest.

“Come on, guys. Let's just go home,” I said.

But as we walked through the parking lot, I noticed something that made me halt.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a familiar figure leaning against a car near the edge of the lot. It is the man—the regular customer who always comes through my line. He is standing there, watching the store intently like he’s waiting for someone to come out.

Kayla nudged me with a smirk, following the direction of where I'm currently looking at. “Hey, Anya, look who’s waiting for you.”

Waiting for me?

My heart skipped a beat.