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Lust Love:Fake Marriage With Billionaire

Lust Love:Fake Marriage With Billionaire

Author: Daisy Kent



Lust Love:Fake Marriage With Billionaire PDF Free Download


My name is Ella Grace Johnson. I'm just an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life of an artist, until cancer forces me into an extraordinary situation. Desperate for medical treatment, I find myself in a fake marriage with Adrian Charles Montgomery, a billionaire CEO with a hidden struggle - sex addiction. It's supposed to be a simple arrangement, a means to an end. But life has a funny way of complicating things. Adrian is nothing like I expected. Behind his CEO persona, he's caring, considerate, and surprisingly understanding. But his addiction brings a new set of challenges to our relationship. As we go through this deception, I find myself drawn to him. But our secret is exposed, and I'm sent away, leaving my heart with Adrian. Now, I'm not just fighting for my life, but also for a love that was never supposed to happen. Can we turn our fake marriage into a real one? Or will our love story end before it even begins?
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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Here I am, standing in the heart of San Francisco. The city is alive, its pulse echoing in the grand halls of the renowned Museum of Modern Art where my craft is on display. The charity art exhibition, hosted by the billionaire CEO, Adrian Charles Montgomery, is in full swing.

"Your work is amazing, Ella," Sophia, my best friend, gushes, her eyes scanning the canvas.

"Thanks, Soph," I reply, trying to keep my smile in place. But my mind is elsewhere, on the medical bills piling up at home, the treatments I can't afford.

Sophia, with her hand gently gliding over the artwork, turns to me and says, "No, seriously Ella, your art is very beautiful." Her voice is sincere, her eyes reflecting the inspiration she's drawing from my work.

Suddenly, a man walks in. He's handsome, with a certain charm that screams wealth. I find myself caught in his presence, my breath hitching in my throat. Sophia, who was engrossed in my artwork, notices the change in my demeanor.

"Hey girl," she nudges me, following my gaze to the man. Her eyes widen as she takes in his appearance - the white coat that matches his aura of sophistication. Unable to contain her excitement, she lets out a loud, "Whew!"

Sophia's loud exclamation echoes through the grand hall, drawing the attention of the crowd. The handsome man turns towards us, his eyes meeting mine. A spark of interest flickers in his gaze.

"Who is that?" Sophia whispers, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"I have no idea," I reply, my heart pounding in my chest. The man starts walking towards us, his confident stride matching his dashing appearance.

"Hello, ladies," he greets us, his voice as smooth as silk. "I couldn't help but notice your artwork. It's truly captivating."

"Thank you," I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm Ella, and this is Sophia."

"Pleasure to meet you both," he says, his eyes never leaving mine. "I'm Adrian."

"Adrian? As in Adrian Charles Montgomery?" Sophia gasps, her eyes wide with surprise.

"The one and only," he replies with a charming smile. "I must say, your work is truly inspiring, Ella. It speaks volumes about your talent."

"Thank you, Mr. Montgomery," I reply, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "That means a lot coming from you."

"Please, call me Adrian," he insists, his gaze softening. "And I would love to discuss your craft further, if you're interested."

"Of course," I reply, my heart fluttering with excitement. "I'd love that."

As our conversation continues, I feel a strange sensation. It's as if my heart is melting, my eyes are drawn to his moving lips, and his eyes that hold a world of their own. I'm physically present in the grand hall, surrounded by the chatter of the crowd and the soft music playing in the background. But mentally, I'm somewhere else, lost in a world of imagination.

"Your craft has a certain depth to it," Adrian continues, his gaze still fixed on me. "It's as if each stroke tells a story, each color holds an emotion."

His words pull me back to reality, but the fluttering in my heart doesn't cease. I find myself hanging onto every word, lost in the rhythm of his voice.

"Thank you, Adrian," I reply, my voice barely audible over the sound of my pounding heart. "I try to pour my heart into my craft."

"And it shows," he says, his gaze finally moving from me to my artwork. "It's beautiful, just like its creator."

Caught off guard by his compliment, I stutter, "Uhmm... really? Well, thank you. You are also... well, very cute." I scratch my head with my fingers, feeling a bit awkward.

Sophia, who has been standing like a log of wood, staring at Adrian, finally snaps out of her trance. She gives me a knowing look, but remains silent.

Adrian, noticing our discomfort, quickly changes the subject. "Well, ladies, or Ella, I should say," he starts, pulling out his phone. "I would love to discuss your craft further. Perhaps we could do so over the phone? Here's my number, and if you don't mind, I'd like to have yours as well."

I nodded, exchanging numbers with him and watching him walk away, as he walked away, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. This could be the start of something new, something exciting.

Snapping my fingers in front of Sophia's face, I bring her back to reality. "Girl," I say, trying to suppress a smile. "He's gone."

Sophia blinks, her gaze finally leaving the spot where Adrian had stood. "He is exciting though," she admits, a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Yeah, he is," I agree, my mind replaying our conversation. "And he's fine. His perfume... it's so charming."

Sophia laughs, her loud personality filling the grand hall. "Men!" she exclaims, shaking her head. "Well, Ella, it seems like you've caught the attention of the most eligible bachelor in San Francisco."

I can't help but laugh at her comment. "We'll see, Sophia. We'll see."

"Come on, girl. The man is so into you," Sophia insists, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"You can't be so sure," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

Sophia snaps her fingers in front of my face. "Girl, he is into you!"

"Well, whatever," I say, shrugging my shoulders. "I think he's just interested in the craft. That has nothing to do with me."

Sophia rolls her eyes at my comment but doesn't say anything.

Then while we walked in silence round the glass room art gallery, my attention turned to Adrian, who was now walking towards his Porsche 911 Carrera. I find myself staring at him, my heart pounding in my chest.

Sophia, noticing my gaze, teases, "Hello, Ms. Ella." Her voice is filled with amusement, and I can't help but laugh.

"Stop it, Sophia," I retort, trying to sound annoyed. "I am not falling for him."

"Well, it looks like you are," Sophia says, a smirk playing on her lips. Just as I'm about to respond, my phone buzzes. I pull it out and see a new message. It's from Adrian.