
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Ray ray





I'm karma Rose I grew up in a pack. I grew up knowing about mates Alphas Lunas and everything that goes with pack life. My mom and dad Are the Alpha and Luna of our pack. Alpha Grey sledge and Luna Jayla sledge. I watched my whole life as my mom lost who she was doing everything my dad wanted being his Luna. She gave up all her dreams to be with him and be the Luna of the pack. Well I'm here to say I do not want that. I'm sure that my mate is most likely an Alpha . I don't want a mate right now and I definitely don't wanna Alpha. I want to live my own life have my own job and live my own life.
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Chapter 1


I lived in my.pack with my parents my whole life. I love pack life. It was great. Now that I'm grown I'm nineteen years old . I have my own job and my own house. I Live one town away from my parents. It's about a thirty minute drive. I go visit my pack to see my parents every other Saturday. The rest of my time is spent living my own life the way I want to live it.

I was offered a job as soon as I graduated and I took it. I am a receptionist at a pediatric clinic for kids. I love my job and I'm good at it and the pay is good as well. I promised myself years ago I would not be like everyone else meet my mate at eighteen and mate with him and do everything he wanted me to do nope that's not me . I watched my mom do it and she became who she was told to be not who she wanted to be.

So I do everything different I do not want to meet my mate. I stay away from my pack on special occasions just in case there are wolves there from other packs not taking a chance on running into him anytime soon. If I smell a werewolf and it smells berrer than most I walk the other way. I don't want to be mated and tied down having pups with some vein Alpha.

Maybe one day I will change my mind but it's not today. Today I'm going to meet my best friend for coffee and hang out for a while. Bea has been my best friend since we were born. Her dad is my dad's Bata. Bea is the same way I am about mates she does not want one right now she has a job and her own place in the same town I live in dovers Cove it's not pack life in the the half moon pack. It's being completely free and independent. We both love it i.will run from my mate untill.i.decide I actually want one .

I make it to the coffee shop and meet Bea she's talking about our parents wanting us to come to.the pack Saturday for a cook out with a neighboring pack. She told them we already made plans for a road trip.she managed to get us out of it pack things like that you avoid so you don't run into.wolves you don't know.

Bea talked about her job we set and talked for a while catching up. We work all week and do all.our errands on weekends we don't have much time to hang out. We finished our talk and xoffee and both left for home. It's Friday and I want to sleep as much as possible. All I have to do this weekend is grocery shopping. I'll do that tomorrow sometime tonight I will eat and sleep.

I.get home make a big fat juicy burger and fries eat and go to bed. My wolf was In my.head fussing . My wolf's name is Bella. She a very smart ass wolf but we get along great. She said she wanted her mate. But she would wait for me to be ready to have one. That's a big sacrifice for a wolf wolves are all about finding thier mate.. She understands how I feel because once you find your mate your life is all.about him.