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Hidden Marriage With CEO Husband

Hidden Marriage With CEO Husband


Realistic Urban

Hidden Marriage With CEO Husband PDF Free Download


Summer Nuan felt like she was the protagonist in a tragedy! She had just settled the issue of her parents' forced marriage, yet she was having troubles with a stranger. The worst part was, her husband from a whirlwind marriage had unexpectedly transformed overnight into her direct superior, who was merciless, unprincipled, and threw tantrums at her daily. "He Yanxi, dare you call yourself my husband, don't expect to live a peaceful life ever!" Summer Nuan jumped up from the couch, narrowly missing him. He Yanxi swiftly dodged, his gaze burning, "Nuan, my dear wife, how about having a lollipop to cool down your temper, sound good?" "Screw you, get lost from here…"
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Chapter 1

After paying for the drinks, Xia TianNuan, holding up the drunken He YanXi, who couldn't lift his head, walked out of the bar. She opened the door of a taxi busy soliciting customers, threw the man in, and then got in herself, "Drive us to the Fragrant Overflow Hotel, please."

"Sure," said the driver in a loud and straightforward voice, looking at Xia TianNuan and her companion through the rearview mirror.

Perhaps this was her first time doing something like this, Xia TianNuan could feel her cheeks ablaze with embarrassment, as if she were about to burst into flames. However, this couldn't stop her from carrying on with her scheme. She may owe her life to Xia RongFeng, but she won't bow down. She can hardly wait to see him furious but helpless.

Xia RongFeng, her father, although he is her father, he treated her with indifference like a stranger. The reason why she chose a cheap university and gave up the opportunity to attend a prestigious one was due to lack of tuition. She had asked him for help several times and was rejected each time. In the end, she had to satisfy with a diploma course, with the tuition loaned from the student loan. As for the living expenses, her mother Qin Lan was even more ungenerous...

"We're here!" The taxi driver's shout disrupted Xia TianNuan's thoughts. After paying the taxi fare, she pulled He YanXi out of the car. The cool night breeze made him slightly more sober. Where was this? Why was he here?

Xia TianNuan noticed He YanXi gazing at her with blurry eyes and didn't have time to think much. After mentioning Zhang NiKe's name, she received the room key, helped him to the room. She expected things would go as she planned step by step, but when she let go of He YanXi, she slipped and unexpectedly ended up kissing him—who reeked of alcohol.

He YanXi regained some consciousness from the surprise kiss, his eyes blurry. He noticed the woman, who appeared shocked and was trying to get up. Something was wrong. Why was there a woman beside him? Also, her scent seemed somewhat familiar.

When affluent He YanXi held her tight not giving her a chance to struggle, Xia TianNuan froze. She didn't dare to move. What did he mean by that?

Upon noticing his actions, Xia TianNuan took advantage of the opportunity. She steadily undid his shirt, revealing his perfectly toned body that even surpassed that of a male model. She felt like she had struck gold tonight. Hehehe…

He YanXi shivered as the cold air hit his exposed torso. He glanced at Xia TianNuan who was delighted seeing him shirtless. He realized something but couldn't push her away, he wanted her to continue instead. Only then could he take in her familiar and comforting scent for a bit longer.

Xia TianNuan, unaware that He YanXi was half sober, was worried about how to undress him without waking him up.

He YanXi lay flat—his eyes squinted, stealing surreptitious looks at an ecstatic Xia TianNuan. She really planned to take advantage of his drunken state. So, what should he do? Should he cooperate or resist? He didn't have to ponder for long. By the time his pants were undressed, he was merely a drunk man with no consciousness.

"Bingo, perfect," Xia TianNuan was almost clapping hands for herself. The thin layer of sweat on her face couldn’t hide whether she was nervous or excited. When her laughing eyes saw He YanXi's body, she nearly became stone-frozen.

This man's physique…

Gulp, she seemed to hear herself swallowing.

Owing to the tempting sight of her partly open chest, He Yanxi had long been seduced, his entire body tense with a complete lack of self-control. Damn it, the power of the alcohol was too strong. If he took advantage of her and she fought back, wouldn't that be equivalent to claiming rape? Therefore, all he could do was wait, not letting his body's reaction scare her.

There was a "click" as the light was turned off. Instantly, everything plunged into darkness. Like he had springs installed, He Yanxi held onto Xia Tianwan. His slightly trembling body exposed his fear of the dark. Xia Tianwan was stunned, not daring to move. The strong smell of alcohol was overwhelming, carrying an unbearable heaviness.

Time ticked by, and Xia Tianwan twisted her stiffened neck. But with just this slight movement, it felt like she had brushed against a warm, spring-like breath, gentle and as beautiful as a fluttering willow branch sweeping across her face. It was so lovely that it seemingly brightened her entire chest.

She had never been in love before, and her romantic experience was completely blank. Even Zhang Nicole laughed at her for being an idiot – and indeed, at this critical moment, she felt like one. The man holding her seemed thoroughly awake. What should she do?

He Yanxi was not faring any better. He had encountered countless women who had thrown themselves at him, but there was none he couldn’t resist until her. The darkness was frightening, but at this moment, his heart seemed to settle gradually, just like the warmth that the young girl offered him.

"Cough!" Xia Tianwan lowered her head, coughing lightly, trying to break the awkward silence. Having gotten used to the darkness, He Yanxi was drawn to her fragrance and uncontrollably moved in the direction of her lips.

This chilling touch sent shivers down Xia Tianwan's spine, as if electricity was flowing through her, letting her know that the moment had arrived. She was one step closer to her goal, and the time before Xia Rongfeng's fury erupted had been shortened.

Her lack of objections and struggles set a consensual pattern, which alleviated the half-drunk, half-awake He Yanxi's worries. He thought, just get through this night, and he would find a way to peacefully spend every night thereafter.