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No Flirting if Not Married

No Flirting if Not Married



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Adult games? She doesn't play those! The dignified Second Young Master of the Junran Group, actually got rejected by an unassuming assistant? Pressuring her with work, blasting her with words, suppressing her with his social status, one pressure after another, he didn't believe she could withstand it all! "If you step out of line again, I'll report you for sexual harassment at work!" The assistant snapped back furiously. The man smirked and pushed her against the wall in the bedroom: "No, this is much more serious than harassment!" After waking up from the hangover, she was filled with regret: How can I get him to leave me alone? He took her hand and placed it on his heart, his tempting voice ringing in her ears: "Beg me, call me 'hubby'…" Her response: "…Shameless!"
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Chapter 1

The sleek, black McLaren weaved through the bustling city traffic like a slippery snake. The sun had tucked away her radiance, leaving only the afterglow to light up the entire city. Amid the towering skyscrapers, the dusk of the sky formed a vague landscape.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Lu Lingjin sneaked a peek at the man next to her. Yan Xuran still maintained his stern expression, compared to the low pressure atmosphere at the company during the past half month, she felt as though she was frozen in a cold storage unit.

Half a month ago, the renowned actress and model, Wei Yinghen, returned to the country and announced her marriage immediately upon return. Shockingly, her soon-to-be husband was the president of Hengrui Group, Yan Siyi.

Who was Wei Yinghen? The woman Yan Xuran had loved for five years.

Who was Yan Siyi? Yan Xuran's cousin.

How laughable was that?

Clearly, this wedding had delivered quite a shock to those involved.

What Lu Lingjin didn't understand was, why did he insist on taking her, an inconspicuous assistant, to the wedding? Shouldn't he be bringing some tall, eye-catching film star or pop star? Wouldn't that only enhance the rivalry with the beautiful and noble bride?

What was she in comparison? Lacking in appearance, physique, and most strikingly, presence. What on earth was he thinking?

The more Lu Lingjin thought about it, the more restless she became. But she was powerless to reverse the situation, as the car pulled up in front of an upscale boutique. She had no choice but to stiffen up and follow him into the shop.

Throughout the process of choosing a dress, his attitude could only be described as perfunctory. Lu Lingjin was not one to dress up, and Yan Xuran clearly seemed distracted. After trying on three dresses, he held up his hand.

"This one will do," he stood up, his tall stature towering over her by more than half a head. His overbearing presence made Lu Lingjin feel suffocated. He turned to the saleswoman at the counter, "Give me a tie in the same color scheme, and bring over a necklace." After a moment, it seemed he had thought of something else, "Never mind the necklace."

Lu Lingjin watched him reach into his pocket to pull out a box. Opening it, inside was a pair of diamond earrings. The white gold material formed a tiny teardrop shape, a not-too-large diamond embedded at the bottom.

He looked at it for a moment, and then reached out to take it, moving closer to her to help her put it on.

Having never expected him to put it on for her, Lu Lingjin stood frozen and hardly daring to breathe. Though she had her ears pierced, there hadn't been anything hanging on them for a long time. The thin, hard post going in was prickly and a little painful. She couldn't help but let out a soft gasp.

"Does it hurt?" His movements slowed down and he looked at her, as if he was really seeing her for the first time at that moment.

"It's fine, I'll put them on myself." Ling Jin quickly took the earrings from his hand, adjusting them herself in front of the mirror.

The tiny earrings swayed delicately as she moved her head, the diamonds weren't large but they shone brightly, just like him, blindingly beautiful.

Ling Jin wore a soft yellow dress, the large V-line on her back extended from her neck to her waist, highlighting her curves. The front is pleated, just enough to make her perfect figure subtly apparent.

Most people can't pull off this color, but she was born with naturally fair skin and a slim, proportionate body. Her smooth back tapered down into a slender waist. With every step she took, there was an air of sensual elegance. Her appearance sparked endless fantasies in people's minds.

Yan Xu was wearing a similar colored tie and a navy blue suit. Usually, his enigmatic smile would complete his perfect picture. But she knew he couldn't bring himself to smile at that moment.


The wedding of the President of Hengrui Group, Yan Siyi, and famous model Wei Yinghen took place at the Purple Imperial Residence, owned by Dong Cheng.

The Purple Imperial Residence is a newly developed entertainment center by Dong Cheng Group, situated next to the Sea Dragon Bay. Ling Jin had visited this place once with Yan Xu.

The Sea Dragon Bay beach has an exotic Southeast Asian feel, stepping on the soft, fine sand felt like walking on cushiony mud. The sea water was so clear that it mirrored the white clouds in the sky.

The bay is divided into two sections. One for recreational activities like water sports, and the other like a garden, making it an excellent choice for holding banquets or weddings.

Behind the bay is the main building of the Purple Imperial Residence. The building isn't tall, and from an aerial view, the entire area layout looks like a Chinese character "迟". At the base lies a hotel and behind it are business leisure and shopping entertainment venues.

When Yan Xu took Ling Jin there, the wedding ceremony was still in full swing on the sandy beach.

The sky was gradually darkening, but the venue was decorated like a garden and the high-power spotlights made the whole area as bright as day. The flowers were lit with various colored lights, as colorful and vibrant as the moods of the people there.

Of course, this did not include the mood of the person beside her, which could only be described as the darkening sky and sea in the distance.

Lu Lingjin couldn't resist sneaking another glance at Yan Xuran, only to see a slight smile creeping against his usually cold expression these past few days.

Could this be... a calm before the storm? The last glimmer of light before darkness?

Lu Lingjin found herself breaking out in a cold sweat.

Yan Xuran leaned his elbow out, making it clear for Lu Lingjin to link her arm through his, but after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, there was still no movement. He couldn't help but turn to look at her.

For some reason, Lu Lingjin was paying him no heed. Her eyes were wide open, staring intently at the event happening within the banquet room.

A light from afar came shining upon her, illuminating her beautifully made-up face. Her fair skin, already luminous, was now glowing like a polished jewel. Yan Xuran marveled at how impeccably smooth her complexion was - he had never met a woman with skin so flawless that not a single pore could be detected.

Her eyelashes were not long, but were curled just perfectly. She didn't appear to have applied any mascara, only a hint of eyeliner and eyeshadow that matched her dress. Her nose was not straight like some people, but rather slightly curved, giving her profile a cute and charming aspect, making one feel like taking a playful bite of it.

Then came her slightly opened lips, with a soft pink hue of lipstick blended with her natural lip color, creating a plump and lustrous effect that could cause hearts to skip a beat.

How could the ordinary girl who usually kept her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail appear so extraordinary today? It must be those dazzling earrings that made her stand out, and the ambiance of the banquet that accentuated her splendor, making her radiate such charm.

Lu Lingjin had experienced grand weddings before but had never been part of such a star-studded event. In the sea of people, she noticed familiar faces that were typically only seen on television and movies.

Although she was past the age of being starstruck, the excitement was unavoidable when she was actually up close and personal with them.

"Are you finished looking?" A voice beside her yanked her from her reverie, bringing her back to reality, her eyes darting towards Yan Xuran.

He retracted his smile and with his elbow still outstretched, he instructed, "Link arms." There was no room for negotiation.

Lu Lingjin quickly linked her arm through his, her heartbeat picking up the pace even through the barrier of their clothing.

As soon as Yan Xuran entered, all eyes were upon him - media, influential businessmen, and celebrities alike. The intense flashes of cameras were so dazzling that Lu Lingjin could hardly keep her eyes open, covering them with her hand.

Ultimately, Yan Xuran was put under the spotlight, his handsome face and impeccable demeanor, handling the situation nonchalantly, without the slightest hint of panic.