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Queen Manikarnika

Queen Manikarnika

Author: Amateur Queen



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"Marry you?" She asked clearly astonished. "It's not by will." He said to his defense. "Then who's forcing you?" The princess inquired. "Nobody." "Am confused." "Am doing this to protect you." "How?" Queen Ira is an adopted daughter of the king Darsh pranav jai and Queen Poti pranav jai. When King Darsh pranav Jai passed away, Ira could be sent to exile as she no longer has any relationship with the royal family. Where as King Arnav pranav jai had only one goal and only one love that never seem to be possible. Read on to find out the trials, deception, loyalty, betrayal and love story in this thrilling series, Queen Ira.
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Chapter 1




I cried on my bed.

King Darsh pranav jai, my father, passed away and today is his burial.

Am going to miss his presence alot. By now they must be moving to Laxmi river to scatter his ash.

Crying was the only thing I could do but I must be strong and he wouldn't have been proud to see me in this condition.

I must make him proud.

In that case, there's only one thing to do.

I rushed to the stables to get my horse Priya; she's my late mother's  horse. Colored milkWhite. She's got beautiful brown eyes and shes also a fast runner. Shes perfect for the job.

There I met Kapur, the stable keeper.

"Kapur, hurry and get Priya ready." I ordered.

"Yes your highness."

He answered as he ran to the stable to get Priya ready. He's a short man with a muscular build, his turban almost fell off his head as he ran bare chest.

First I'll go to mountain garnish were his body will be burnt, I have to hurry.

Everyone must be disappointed that I did not honor him but I don't care about their gossips, I have to hurry and get there so father won't be disappointed in adop........

"Your highness shes ready."

Kapur interpurted by thoughts, gesturing to the horse.

I turned to my side and saw Priya standing beside him. Shes as pretty as always.

Quickly I climbed up on her back and went off. Getting closer to the gate, I yelled for the guards to open them.

I rushed out the gate and rode her non stop. she was really fast, I knew she would be perfect for this task.

She climbed up the mountain, though its short.

Reaching the top, no one was there only two commoners, both male. I saw the burnt woods as the smokes escaped into the air.

The surroundings were just trees and bushes, only were the ceremony took place and the path were I came from and the path leading forward were cleared.

Without wasting any time at all I dashed to the other path straight ahead as it was leading to Laxmi river.

I was too late. The rites has been completed and his ash had been scattered.

I climbed down from Priya to meet the crowd wearing white.

But went face to face with my worst enemy, the devil herself.

Queen Adhira, my step mother.

"This stupid child! Oh dear god, you are a woman and you are behaving like a child?"

She said eyeing me from head to toe.

I was clearly angry, me and Queen Adhira never got along.

"Look at yourself!"

She yelled at me and gesture with her hands.

Am a complete mess. Though on my mourning clothes as am wearing a white sari and no jewelry but I look terrible. Wait does it even matter?

"You always have one way or the other to bring shame to the royal family. You are a disgrace!"

"I am mourning the death of my father, Queen Adhira." I retorted. All she cares about is reputation.

"It doesn't matter!" She shouted. "Look at every one here."

She pointed as I turned to take in my surroundings. "Does anyone look as disgusting as you? You always over do it, if you are so sad because of the death of the king then you should have been here with everyone for the final rites."

"How would you understand my feelings when you don't have a heart."

"That's enough, the both of you!" He yelled. It was Crown Prince Arnav pranav jai the son of Queen Adhira with king Darsh pranav jai.

I turned to look at him prince Arnav, anger boiled in me. Both mother and son disgusted me.

Turning back to Queen Adhira, I see now shes calmer but still irritated as I sighted some wrinkles on her forehead.

"Son just look at this wrenched girl."

"I will not allow you to disrespect me."


Arnav yelled.

The both of us were silenced. Queen Adhira was about to give me a come back but quickly stopped.

No matter how irritated I am of him, hes till the crown prince and I have to show respect.

"Manikarnika the rites are over, you may leave." He dismissed me.

With that being said, I rushed to Priya.

Am not the one to obey what Arnav or his mother says but I wanted to leave.

I felt a hold on my arm as I was pulled to turn. Looking up I saw it was Arnav.

"Manikarnika wait."

He began but I pulled my arm from his hold.

"I don't want to listen." I turned back, ready to climb again.

"Stop being a spoilt child, you have no one to protect you any more so could you behave more mature!" He yelled at me.

"Am not behaving like a spoilt child, I am mature."

I said through gritted teeth.

"Well I don't think so."

He said while leaning forward towards me.

His small eyes, Amber brown colored, spark as they gave him the appearance of a child. He looked at me with a plain face with an hiden emotion I couldn't see.

This isn't the first time I've seen him like this but it's the first time I've even it a thought and standing here with him isn't comfortable anymore. Not like it ever did but this time it was different.

"There are some things that you just don't understand or just being too much of a child to care."

I didn't reply as we stare at each other longer than it's comfortable.

I have to leave and this situation is not one I want to stay in.

With that thought I looked diverted my eyet to the ground and blinked twice. Right now the ground is more safe to look at but I can't stay like this so I climbed up my horse and gave Queen Adhira one last look.

She was looking at me with anger in her eyes as she always have. She never saw me as a human being, not like I cared.

Everybody else were busy either leaving while gossiping or just standing there and gossiping about me as always.

'she has no respect for the king.'

'she should look decent for the royal family.'

'is this how she's repaying the king, her own father for his kindness'

'she should have been here for the final rites.'

'this is what she did in late Queen Pohti's funeral.'

'she should have respected our traditions and the king.'

This is not unusual and am used to it but today am quite emotional.

Risking another glance at Arnav, I saw him looking down but noticing my stare at him he looked up at me.

"Just remember this princess, you have no protector anymore so I advise you to watch your back and be conscious of your actions. This is an advise and not a threat."

Ok I've heard enough. Priya let's go.

I don't feel like going back to the palace so instead I went to my favorite place in the forest.

I sat down close to the river feeling the breeze of fresh air as it calmed me down. Fresh tears escaped my eyes as I remembered my father, he was the only kind person, he loved me like am his daughter and it just makes me love him more.

Arnav's warnings came back to me.

'you have no protector anymore.'

No matter how much I hate to Admit it, I have to, he was right and now how do I survive? I have no one to go to in India.

I thought as new tears escaped freely from my eyes like it was nothing.

There was a sudden movement behind me as I saw the bushes sway and am sure it wasn't the wind that's the culprit.