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His Smile Worth Billions [Book Two]

His Smile Worth Billions [Book Two]

Author: Angelic Emman



His Smile Worth Billions [Book Two] PDF Free Download


Story of a broken poor girl who wants to end herself but gives a broken rich boy a reason to live. Emaya Mullen's life has always been so dreadful yet she never let it affect her bright, charming personality. She finds joy in making others smile. But, there's a darkest secret behind her brightest smile, she must hide. Ashton Wilson came from a wealthy family but prefers to live in a small town, hiding his real identity. His childhood trauma turned him into a cold person that no one dares to approach. Except for Emaya, who came into his dark world to bring him along in lights, leaving behind the abyss. Yet soon, everything turned upside down when Emaya's darkest secret, which she has always been hiding, gets suddenly revealed. What's her darkest secret? Would it ruin their relationship or make it even stronger? What would happen if Emaya discovers that Ash was actually a Billionaire? Can a girl living in the abyss herself, bring a heartbroken boy back to life? Nonetheless, A smile that forms after overcoming a billion adversities, is worth billions. His smile worth billions.
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Chapter 1

As the another school day gets under way, once again students arrive through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors, gathering in their classrooms.

Friends were greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch. The classroom filled with the ceaseless buzzing and the unlimited amount of energy the students contained.

Apart from these fervent students, a broken, quiet girl was sitting with her lively friends, trying to fit in with them by hiding her devastation behind her beautiful smile.

No one noticed the dejection she was hiding inside her heart, no one knows what is going on inside her mind.

Ash has always been rude to her, saying harsh words yet Emaya never felt displeased or took his words to heart, She rather found herself falling deeper for him.

But after how he shoved her hand, she was reaching out to pull him out of his abyss, away, saying he doesn’t need her, coldly.

Emaya couldn’t help but feel dejected, her heart sank, she felt helpless, not knowing what to do.

Ash’s words echoing in her head was making it extremely hard to fake her smile and to appear cheerful in front of her classmates.

She sat there with a lump in her throat, blankly staring outside the classroom door.

All students came in, except for the one, Emaya was waiting for.

Emaya snapped out of her daze as she saw Diana entering the classroom with an arrogant expression and sank down on her desk alone, her minions no longer around her.

Everyone was giving her resentful looks yet, there wasn’t a single hint of embarrassment on her face.

“I can’t understand why she is so stubborn,” Ryan said, shaking his head.

“She really got no shame,” Sunny added.

“Let her be,” Emaya sighed, she was already done with everything.

The teachers came and went, Emaya couldn’t focus on any of her lessons.

Emaya was tired of pretending to appear contented like others and passed her day, resting her head down on her desk, convincing her friends by saying she’s just having a headache, little did they know her mind was actually in turmoil.

The school day came to an end and everyone started to leave the building, Emaya walked home with Freyah while Diana rushed towards Daven’s car.

“Hurry, start the car!” Diana said gruffly, slamming the door close, fastening her seatbelt roughly.

“Slow down,” Daven said calmly, watching her not-so calm cousin.

“Hurry up, I don’t wanna stay here any longer or I swear I’ll rip their eyeballs out from their sockets,” Diana huffed in anger.

“Serves you right,” Daven said nonchalantly as he started the car and unhurriedly drove forward.

Diana grumbled as her irritation flared.

“Emaya, That bitch! Who the hell does she think she is? Gathering everyone around herself with her honey sweet words. Such a fake-”

“Apologize to her,” Daven solemnly blurted out his words.

Diana was stunned for a good minute before she snapped, “What did you say?”

Daven turned his gaze towards her, repeating his words with cold and serious expressions, “Apologize to her.”

“Are you kidding me? You want me to kneel and apologize to that bitch?”

Daven suddenly stopped the car, looking directly into her eyes, saying, “I need to tell you something. You are the only one who can help me.”



“But- what is it? Why are you suddenly being so serious?” Diana blinked in bewilderment.

“I’ll tell you everything later but first you have to say sorry and get as close to her as possible.”

Diana furrowed her brows.

“Can you do it for me?”

“But... ”

“For me?”

“I... But why Emaya? I mean.. Why not Freyah. Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for Emaya and now you want me to help you by asking her out. If so, I would never-”

“Come closer,” Daven sighed.


“Listen to me,” Daven leaned closer.

Diana frowned but also leaned closer as he whispered in her ear.

Even though they were the only two in the car, Daven was keeping his voice extremely low.

Daven leaned back on his seat, looking at Diana’s stunned face.

“Holy shi-”

“Can you do it now?”

Diana’s tone changed within a second as she exclaimed in surprise, “She... It was Emaya? Are you sure?”

“I’m Goddamn sure.”

“Woah! Well... Okay then, don’t worry, leave it on me.”

“Good,” Daven’s lips curled up into a smirk, as she twisted the car keys and drove home.

After a busy and tiring day at school and work, Emaya dragged her lazy steps towards her house.

As usual, Emaya prepared dinner and served his dad, eating not more than a few bites herself before she rushed upstairs.

Emaya threw her jacket on the side and sat by the window, sighing.

Her words still didn’t leave her head, Emaya felt herself sinking in her thoughts, gazing outside the window, her eyes fixed on the spot where Ash once stood.

Emaya rested her head down on the window ledge, mumbling under her breath.

“I don’t need you? Sigh I think we both need each other.”

Emaya always tries her best to make others smile. She can light up everyone’s mood. She can make everyone feel better, except for the one she loves the most.

If I couldn’t even help the one I love and care about the most... Then what’s the point?

Why is it so hard to open up to someone?

Emaya was desperate to know what’s eating him from the inside. The only thing she knew about him was his name.

And that he has lost his mother.

No wonder why he is like this but... She sighed.

I don’t have a mother either.

The thought of her mother made her feel exasperated yet downhearted.

“It’s better not having a mother rather than having one like her,” Emaya’s face turned woeful as she slowly got up and walked lazily towards her bed, not wanting to think about it anymore.

She laid down, covering herself in a warm blanket, closing her eyes, hoping to rest for a few hours before school.

Due to mentally and physical exhaustion, it didn’t take her much time as she gradually fell deeply asleep.

While on the other hand, Ash was restless, tossing and turning on his bed, struggling to fall asleep for so long.

Ash finally gave up and grabbed his hoodie, as he stepped out of his house in the middle of the cold night.

He strolled down the empty streets alone, the dim street lamps illuminating his handsome face.

He walked towards the darker and abandoned area, not too far from his house, soon he reached in front of a crooked fence.

He stepped in and there was a little pond. He sat himself on the grass beside the pond. He reached out his hand to grab a small bag placed on the side.

He took out a handful of tiny wafer crumbs from the bag and threw it in the water.

In a blink of an eye, a small bunch of little fishes came on the surface, looking extremely pleasing and relaxing to the eyes.

The faint echoing sound of the splashing of water was pleasing to the ear.

Whenever Ash feels alone, or restless, he always makes his way towards this dark and abandoned place, to calm his mind and to relax himself.

Ash let out a sigh and leaned back against the crooked fence, as the thoughts filled in his head.

He absently stared at the distant for a while before suddenly, Emaya’s beautiful and bright face came before his eyes. He could see her standing right in front of him, offering him a genuine smile. Reaching out her hand to pull him out of the darkness and take him along with her in the brightness.

He was so lost in thoughts that he unconsciously extended his hand, only to realize there was no one here except for himself.

All he could see in front of him was darkness. There wasn’t anyone offering him a bright smile or reaching out their hand for him.

Ash couldn’t help but think about Emaya. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t brush off his thoughts about the girl. Emaya was stuck in his head.

Just... Who is she? Why isn’t she ready to leave me alone? I don’t need her.

Ash closed his eyes and stayed unmoved for a while before speaking to himself.

Or... Do i?

He couldn’t trust people, he didn’t want to attach himself to anyone. He doesn’t want to be close to anyone nor anyone wants to be close with him.

Ash lost in the thoughts again, he realized she is the only one who wants to know him. Who looked genuinely concerned for him.

No one had ever reached out their hands to him, whenever they did, they asked for money. No one could be trusted.

Just then Emaya’s words ringed through his head, “Not everyone is the same.”

Not everyone is the same? But what if you’re also one of them.

Ash wasn’t sure, what if he let her in and she ended up leaving him with a broken heart? He doesn’t want to take any risks, he feels like he is fine the way he is, he doesn’t want anyone to break his heart in pieces again.

He doesn’t want to trust anyone. It hurts when someone trustworthy breaks your trust.

Ash was confused. He wanted to believe in Emaya’s genuine words however at the same time, he didn’t.

He was so done with the world that he doesn’t want anyone anymore, but deep down in his heart, he also wanted to change himself, he wanted to be carefree and wanted to enjoy living his life.

He also wanted to see himself smile.

His being was already sunk deep in the abyss, but he couldn’t possibly live in the abyss forever.

Ash knew he would be stuck in his hell forever If he refused the hand that’s willing to pull him out of his hell.

Do I really need her? Can Emaya really pull me out of it? Can she do that? She doesn’t even know me, she doesn’t know my real identity.

She isn’t aware I’m the only Son of a Billionaire. She isn’t after my money like others. Maybe she really is concerned about me.

Ash remembered there wasn’t any doubt in Emaya’s tone, her voice was filled with sincerity and solemnity. Her eyes held a genuine and concerned look.

The way she acted seeing him cry was different, no one ever acted like that.

Can she really bring back my happiness? Can she find my smile that’s lost somewhere? Would she be able to bring back the me that’s long gone. Would she... Would she stay with me forever...

Or would she leave me the way everyone did?

Insecurities hits him again. Or would she make me smile only to make me depressed again? Leaving me alone at the end of the day.

The positive and negative thoughts mixed up in his mind, leaving him feeling dizzy.

He finally had enough and quickly brushed off his thoughts, getting up to leave for home.

No matter what he thinks about her, the only thing he knows about her is that she is somewhat different from others.

Even if she fakes her smile or hides her scars from others, the kindness she shows to others is real. He couldn’t help but admire the way she stood up for her friend. How almost everyone in the class love and respect her, while he is the complete opposite. Everyone is scared to even approach him, he appears aloof and arrogant and is rude to everyone.

He decided he won’t be rude anymore, not with Emaya. He will let her in a bit. He won’t shove her away roughly again.

I don’t care about anyone else but she... She doesn’t deserve to be treated rudely.