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World In Frustrated Eyes

World In Frustrated Eyes

Author: BlackFrost


Realistic Urban

World In Frustrated Eyes PDF Free Download


Stored bullets and in-spoken words doesn't hit its place.. Zero have unlimited moments which are un-spoken and frustration which he carries in his otherwise of life are lightened by Moon whom Zero melts in sight, draws out his world into blissful spring... "Kiri!! What do you think about Zero?" "meowrrr" Both laugh at Kiri and look towards blue deep sky.. . Let's see a new world in Zero's eyes drawn by Moon with our naughty cat Kiri.
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Chapter 1


[ In middle of battlefield, somewhere in Brazil rainforest]

A young man was running towards nearby burnt vehicle and hides to have clear view of building in front.

In walkie a middle-aged man informs that young man.

"Zero, to your left! "

The name of the young man running is Zero.

Zero replies, "Yes, roger that "

Another soldier shouts, "Medic! please do it fast, there is too much blood loss. "

Zero was again informed by previous middle-aged man for mission progress,

"Zero, this is last checkpoint. Do not fail."

Zero replies, "Roger that, Commander Chao "

Middle-aged man commanding Zero was his Commander, " Commander Chao ".

Chao frowns, " Do not call by name, this is a secret mission. "

Zero replies with expressionless face, "Roger that."

Everywhere firing and bomb explosion sound rang and after a while a van with iron

plating drove through with all remaining survivors and secret mission crew inside van.

[ South Korea, somewhere in middle of forest]

Everyone was silent as van crossed bridge to the area near Headquarters and all of them moved to the base.

Commander Chao left saying he will meet the General and asked Zero to report in all the details about mission in top secret

information department.

Zero to the receptionist, " All the details are in this file. Please transfer mission success report and file to Code Blue section."

[Codes are given to all missions from its difficulty and how the mission was succeeded from White, Green, Orange, Blue, Red, and Black]

Receptionist replies, "Congratulations! for mission success."

Zero smiled and replied, "Thanks but it was due to Commander Chao and his skills."

Receptionist knew commander was nothing great but all success was due to Zero. she thought but didn't said and replied,

" Well, mission success is what matters, right?"

Zero mumbled, "Yes, of' course! "

[ In the Meeting Room in 5th floor]

Commander Chao saluted old man around his sixties who was sitting in chair at the end of the conference table.

"Commander Chao reporting sir! "

That old man asked, " What is the situation?"

Commander Chao replied," Code Blue, mission successful, Sir!"

" How was Zero's performance?" old man asked.

" Stubborn as always but mission finished early due to his recklessness." Commander Chao replied.

old man smirked and asked, " How is preparation of next mission going?"

Commander Chao replied with unsatisfied expression on his face, " Very smoothly, Sir!"

" Proceed within a month if situation is already stabilized and remember this should not include other Alpha team but Zero alone for utmost security, privacy and success rate." said old man.

[ teams in this headquarters are divided into Alpha, Eagle, and Mole in descending authority and abilities]

old man not including Alpha team is not common. Commander Chao was thinking about and left room saying,

" Yes, General Mao!", after saluting again.

old man's identity was General Mao.

Commander Chao and General Mao were colleagues apart from work who shared various things during their own training time during their youth period.

And they were working on a mission which could be Code Black and above in some extent so they were preparing Zero for this un-seemingly impossible looking

mission. General Mao was certain that Zero could finish this mission without a hitch but that was not the case for Commander Chao.


[ In room of Zero]

Zero was looking at himself in the mirror and was remembering moments left in the scar of gunshots, knife fight and other wounds not physical but emotional.

He was best but journey was not easy so he was always pushing himself to the limits.

he was thinking of certain someone and suddenly he heard someone at his room's door.

He was Commander Chao. Zero opened door and let him in. Commander Chao threw his next mission file onto the bed and

said," Well prepare yourself. There is next mission you need to go on."

Zero asked," When?"

"In two weeks..." Commander Chao replied.

"How many members will board on mission?" Zero asked.

"All the details are in file. And best of luck!" Commander Chao said and left the room. Something was disturbing Commander Chao and that was very clear in his face. but Zero couldn't ask.

" Zero you must succeed!!" Commander Chao thought in mind.

Zero approached the file.

Looking into details Zero clearly understood why Commander chao was disturbed.

[On Departure day at Airport]

"Zero, is everything ready?" Commander Chao asked with very worried voice.

"Everything is fine, Sir! " replied Zero with confidence.

Zero boarded airplane and was looking outside from airplane window.

Everything in his eyes grew small as airplane flew and soared sky.

[45 minutes until airplane lands, Passengers please stay in caution and ready for Turbulence.]

with this safety warning airplane prepares for nearing airport.

Zero's heartbeat was increasing as his next mission was solo mission and Code Black at that.

Zero moves outside with luggage after airplane landed and called for taxi.

taxi stops near him in highway with loud screech sound and asks, " Where to...?"

Zero replied, "University of Alberta, Camrose...!"

After loading his luggage onto the taxi, Zero opened his coat and wore simple jacket.

Accidently his ID Card was revealed as taxi driver saw it and their conversation started.

Taxi driver with doubtful eyes introduced himself, " I'm Jamie, and you? "

" I'm Jin..." Zero replied.

Jin was his undercover name in this new mission.


Taxi driver groaned and asked,

"Are you a Businessman?"

"No, I'm transfer Professor from South Korean University here at University of Alberta. It's my first time and I am not familiar to this new place. So, could you please help with general

information." with nonchalant smile Zero answered.

Taxi driver was looking at him as if somebody would really come from South Korea to Canada for transfer program. But it was not his business so he drove his taxi to the university.

At the gate of University of Alberta, Zero paid taxi fare and entered University ground.

There was someone coming towards him in glossy blue coat and red scarf over her waist.

"Welcome to University, Professor Jin. How was your journey here?" that person asked and welcomed Jin.

She was receptionist of University as well as she was dorm in charge of Professors and staffs'.

"It was nice and Canada is very welcoming with its chilly cold and warming Ice Wine, miss Ava " Zero replied with charming smile.

// Ice wine is drink with extra sweet and gold liquid being high in natural sugars and acidity. Ice wine is typically set aside for desserts. //

Ava was beautiful girl, slim and fit body and intoxicating eyes.

she was looking at Jin


with passionate eyes because Zero's appearance was no less charming and handsome.

Zero's body from daily exercises and icy eyes and red hair were equally intoxicating to miss Ava. She was stuck at his behavior even though it her first time meeting him.

"Here are the documents which were needed but i brought them late." said Zero and

handed file to miss Ava.

"Oh, umm, by the way, you will be staying at dormitory, will there be any problem, Professor Jin?" Ava asked with concern that he might feel uncomfortable

in new place. as adjusting might take a while.

"It won't be problem, miss Ava." replied Jin knowing miss Ava was concerned. his words eased Ava and she took him towards reception desk

to register remaining formalities and guided him to his room in dormitory. He was going to stay with is dorm-mate, Leo.

"If there is anything, please call to reception desk or nearby staff, okay...?" suggested miss Ava.

"Oh, sure, I will." replied Zero.

Zero unloaded his luggage in his cabinet, and then washed up.

His dorm-mate was outside and will be coming late at night so he took a tour by himself around University.

After a while moving from classes to classes and looking cafeteria, labs, staff room and other facilities he was about to return to his room,

suddenly someone came behind him and tried to attack with sharp rusty metal piece.

Zero dodges his attack and distanced himself so he can look who was the person attacked him but he was nowhere to be seen as he was hiding and came to

attack Zero from his left side but Zero dodged and quickly grabbed his wrist with left hand and punched in his face with right hand.

Attackers' face was covered by mask but appearance was visibly average. and most surprisingly he came from nowhere.


Attackers' mask was torn off revealing who he was,

"You...!" exclaimed Zero

"Ugh, kuak..." groaned attacker

"You were taxi driver from before. your name was Jamie right...?" asked Zero

"You bastard..." Jamie tried to escape and attack but couldn't as Zero kicked in his stomach again before Jamie could do anything.

"Why are you attacking me? I don't even know you..." said Zero

but Jamie wasn't speaking as he was in great pain from broken wrist and nose.

and Zero asked again with intimidating and cold voice, " Why attack me...?

Suddenly something crossed Zero's mind and he changed his question and asked,

"Who sent you?".

at this question Jamie's eyes trembled and tried to bite his lips but Zero knew and punched his stomach.

But to no avail Jamie could withstand the pain. As he was dying he uttered something which Zero could only understand it's few initial letter

" Me...., Me.....cough....Me... ugh ...!"

and Jamie was killed on the spot. Zero was best in torture and killing in spite being a whole-time sniper in his training and battle career.

Jamie couldn't stand his beating but his last words made Zero furious as he couldn't get information he wanted from his attacker.

[ Far from University, at hotel on top floor someone was looking all this through binoculars and sighed as this attempt was a failure.]

The man on top of hotel turned back and called someone on phone. From sound on phone it sounded as of middle-aged person.

"Retreat now, but next time it must be success..." man from call warned the man who was on rooftop of hotel.

"Yes, certainly..." man on rooftop replied.