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New World's Online

New World's Online

Author: HQ teardRop



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New World's Online or NW if the name is abbreviated is an MMORPG game that is popular among teenagers . Although the game has only been launched for four months, the number of players has reached one hundred thousand. Of course this game is free to play and if you want to be a top player the player must sacrifice their time, energy and money . In the game players can create their own classes such as knights, archers, wizards, assassins, healers and tankers. Due to too many players the creators of New worlds Online announced they would create a new server so that all these games can accommodate more new players. In addition he also said that this game has made the new system for player called "work hard and get paid".They have created a special shop where players can sell their rare items and get paid with cash. Misaki who had just been fired finds a dead end in her life.Not only does she not have a job but she also has not paid her rent for two months. The landlord warned her that if she did not pay the rent in the next two weeks, she would be evicted from her home. When she watched news on television the next day, she saw about the announcement of New World Online company .
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Chapter 1

"Haarhh ... A tiring day is like usual .. Isn't there an easy job out there? i think maybe i should resign and find a less tiring job. Worked for twelve hours and sometimes had to spend the night in the office because of missing the last train. With wages that never go up and working overtime is very unfair .. "

"I am Misaki Yuri, 23 years old and working as an accountant at a construction company. At first I had no problem with this job but the longer the worse the job. Too much work I had to do alone and no one was willing to help. "

"Misaki! What are you doing ? Didn't I already say the budget for this construction has been set, how can this amount exceed the set limit? " . "But the director, this all includes land rent and employee salaries. Of course this is all the right amount " reply Misaki.

"Misaki .. do you know how much we lost this time? " . "But director .... " before Misaki could finish her words . "That's enough .. You can take your salary for this month before going back . I don't want to hear your excuses again and tomorrow you don't have to go to work again."

Misaki left his boss's office and headed straight to the finance office to pick up her paycheck. "Actually I intentionally made the data wrong this time. I have already put the budget in excess of the limit into my own bank account. Why ? did you say .. My salary for these seven months has been declining. Even though I worked hard, I had no idea that they were only using me for the benefit of the company. After listening to the director's conversation with an engineer ....

"Eta .. What about Misaki? Is she suitable to be the next victim? How long do you think she can last?". "Maybe two or three months? Let's see together" .. Misaki who was on her way to the office overheard the conversation today.

"Welcome home Misaki .. what about the rent? when can you make payment? It already two months you know? I can't help you any longer than this". It turned out that the landlord was waiting for her return in front of the house. "Forgive me landlord. But this month my salary is still declining" reply Misaki.

"I can't let landlord know that I'm get fired today or she will drive me out of here.'' whispered Misaki's little heart . "This is how it is, Misaki. I'll give you two more weeks. If you fail to pay I'll get you out of here okay?"

"I'll try my best landlord" reply Misaki and leaving landlord with smile. Arriving at the room misaki threw herself on the bed."Two weeks huh ?? I wonder how will I get the money .. The one I have right now I want to send it for my little sister that still study . She really need the money .. This really hard make I want to die .. "

"I wonder if there's something I can do .. If I didn't trick by those company I surely have happy life right now . I'm tired .... I'll just going to sleep then ." "Arhh too bright" .. the rays of sunlight illuminate her eyes . "It's already Morning? It's really has been a while since I have good sleep. I should make breakfast first and going take a bath .. Then I'll have breakfast after the bath ."

"This really refreshing .. What's time now? " The clock shows 10 o'clock in the morning. "Maybe I'll have breakfast while watching television. " Misaki turn on the television and search for news channels. "New World's Online or better known NW will launch a new server for all players .. Let's interview the creator of this game Mr. Sakuragawa." "Mr. sakuragawa, as we know New worlds online will open a new server, can you explain what is new feature for this game? "

"I'm glad you're asking about it .. I'll explain about new feature for the game .. For old players of course we invite you all to join the new server but the old server account will not be brought to the new server.That means you will start again from the bottom with new players. Of course the folder on this new server will be different from the old server folder so don't forget to read the guide. And this is the most interesting in the new server. " Said Mr. Sakuragawa with sinister smile ..

"New World's Online huh??? " said Misaki. "We have super special shop in this game to exchange items for money " . Misaki with widened eyes immediately focused her hearing on the news on television. "With this special shop, players can sell rare items in the game and we will pay with real money.We will bankin money to players who sell their items.The more rare items sold the more expensive and the more we pay you. So players out there!!! Let's explore New world online server together".

"This is what I'm waiting for. This is a golden opportunity to collect money easily and fun. New world Online may change my life .. I will try to collect items and sell them and saving the money. I can't waste this opportunity .. New World's Online I'm coming ..

~To Be Continue~