Update more!! Already love the story... make sure you keep the dark flow on... I Love it😘😘
2022-09-03 12:41:56
Update more!! Already love the story... make sure you keep the dark flow on... I Love it😘😘
2022-09-03 12:41:56"Buddy! Come here boy!"
"I can't believe he did this, it is so unlike him." I put my hands to my head and sit down against the park bench. Pandora sits next to me and rubs my back softly.
"He was wonderful dog, I wonder what got into him. It's getting late though, maybe he will find his way home in the morning."
"Yeah...he probably just got a little distracted, I hope someone checks his tag and returns him. We should head home." We both started walking away from the park. It was 11 and tomorrow would be the start of the last week of summer.
Pandora was a nice person, she and I have known each other since we were children. My parents and her parents naturally became friends. She was shorter than me, I was 5'10 and she was a mere 5 foot even. Her skin was appealing, it was light enough so that her emotions could clearly be expressed. But it also wasn't pale if that makes sense. She was more muscular than me, I had a more skeletal build. Pandora was a multi sport girl while I preferred keeping at home. I admired the fact she was my neighbor, our town disapproved of people like us. Being Muslim here was NOT the go for these white-washed people.
"Yes?" Pandora hugs me and I sigh as she wishes me a goodnight and jogs off. I hadn't even noticed my house was right in front of me.
I trudge up the steps to my forbidden fortress. Cursing myself for the wealth my family has didn't do any better. We lived in the suburbs during school time but my parents chose to move to the 'summer house' during the two month time span. We owned beach houses but they were rarely in use since we spent summer at the mansion in Oregon.
"Ahh I don't wanna go to fucking school." I slam my head against the front door when I shut it. The white door had been witness to plenty of my self harming actions.
"Where the hell is- oh yeah." On my way up the stairs, I remember how I ended up looking for Buddy anyways.
Tears soaked my face as I cried over the now deceased body of my dog. The golden retriever stood no chance against my bow and arrow. I shot him seven times in total; at first it was an accident, but the cries of pain after three more satisfied my voices. The last few were to make sure he wasn't suffering. He was a good dog.
A glade trash bag and an amazon box seemed like a good makeshift casket. I made sure to mark the box with his death date; Today was August Pandora would probably be the first suspect if he was found. Me and her shared an interest in archery, therefore our parents bought us matching ones. If I planted her with the murder weapons then it would be an easy cover-up. My arrows were stained with the scarlet blood, so when I grab them I made sure to not touch anything directly. Even after I still wiped everything down with chemical wipes. Cleaning the house tomorrow would be a great thing though, just to check for more evidence.
"Aamon, you know damn well Ms. Wilkerson is just being a pain. Drop it."
"I will...drop it of a ten story building. Replace 'it' with her name though." Pandora sighs and looks away from me. It was only lunch time and I couldn't finish this day of school, not with this teacher being my last class. "I hate school."
"Same fucking thing." We had been dismissed for lunch and the thought of lunch didn't really cross my mind. My hunger was subsided by Ms. Wilkerson's utter disrespect.
"Look, it is disrespectful but dropping it will do you more good. And not referring to 'it' as Ms. Wilkerson.
"Ok I will..." I was lying.
"I said I will." 2nd lie. Screw Ms. Wilkerson she had no right doing what she did. The only person holding me from getting to her was Pandora.
"You better, now eat Aamon."
"I said eat you nimrod."
"I said no." This earned a slap to the back of my head and a fork shoved in my mouth full of spaghetti. After swallowing, I almost throw it back up. "Even the food is white-washed.
"Hey! I wasn't sure what seasonings to use. Stop being mean."
"Stop shoving forks in my mouth." She sighs and grab a napkin to wipe tomato sauce off of her brown shirt. Today she wore a black hijab which highlighted her pretty ash grey eyes.
"I swear you are so childish sometimes."
"Whatever you say. This year will only be hell if she makes it hell."
"I was talking about the food, leave that teacher alone."
"I will..."
"Not when she is dead Aamon!"
"Hm ok."