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My Beloved Omega

My Beloved Omega



My Beloved Omega PDF Free Download


Alexa Clarkson is a 17 years old human girl, who was adopted into a werewolf family. She has always wanted to have and find a soulmate of her own. Nicholas Rivers is a 22 years old abused omega who runs away from home in hopes of ending up in a better place. Read as Alexa and Nicholas venture though their journey of love after Alexa and her family find an unconscious Nicholas at the side of the road.
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Chapter 1

Alexa's POV

Hey there, my name is Alexa Lucy Clarkson, I have African blood in me so I'm guessing that either my mom or dad was half African or something like that and this landed me with brown skin short, curly, shoulder length dark brown hair and light brown eyes. I am also short standing at 5'2 and I have curves in all the right places or so I've been told.

I am the adopted daughter of Cora and Pierre Clarkson who have two biological children, Olivia my older sister by 2 years and my younger brother by 2 years Isaac. My adopted family is a family of werewolves, but they don't treat me any differently than from any other werewolf.

This is how I got adopted by the Clarkson family. Olivia and I used to go to the same primary school when I was 7 years old and she was 9. I lived in an orphanage but I happened to attend in the same school as her, so Olivia used to see me constantly sitting alone and without food so she approached me and offered me hers. She eventually found out that I was an orphan and told her family about me and the next thing I know, I'm being adopted by the Clarkson family.

My father Pierre is one of the warrior wolves and my mom did some medical studies and practically patches Dad up whenever he is injured unless the injury is too complex, which only happened once. Olivia is now 19 years old and has a mate, Connor Harrison and she lives with him. Isaac is 14 turning 15 this year, and just like me still lives at home.

So the one thing that I envy about my family is that werewolves have soulmates and most of them are lucky enough to find their soulmates. I have hope that I will find my soulmate as well though and if I do I promised myself that I will love them no matter what, it doesn't matter whether it is a human or a werewolf as long as I am one of the lucky ones to find their soulmates I will be happy. I am a hopeless romantic, I love romance and I just hope that I'll be able to find the love of my life one day.

Anyway enough about my love life, last night my sister Olivia and her mate Connor surprised us with a visit and of course I was happy. I missed my big sister, so we decided that today we would go out on a shopping spree just Mom, Olivia and I. We would also go eat somewhere and just enjoy a day out, since it was Saturday we would have the whole day to ourselves, so we were now about to leave.

"How do I look?" Mom asked giving a little twirl while flashing us with a smile showing her pearly white and straight teeth.

"You look great, Mom." Olivia and I said in unison before looking at each other and bursting out in laughter.

"You two will never change." Mom said with amusement swirling in her gorgeous hazel eyes.

"But seriously you look amazing." I said flashing her with a reasurring smile. Mom was dressed in a beautiful white flowy, knee length sundress with pink flower designs at the bottom. Her jet black long mid back hair was straightened and she had

on a brown sunhat, brown sandals, her diamond earrings and sunglasses in her left hand.

"You two also look great. My babies have grown up so quickly, one even has a mate." She said with a big smile while wiping off an imaginary tear from her right eye.

"Mom." We whined together, Olivia was wearing black knee length shorts with heeled white Snickers, a white turtleneck top and her necklace with the name Connor in cursive writing. Her dirty blond almost brown hair was also straightened and she her sunglasses were on the top of her head. I was dressed in high waist blue, mid thigh long jean shorts with a white off the shoulder top tucked into my shorts, with my sunglasses in my hair and brown sandals with my teardrop shaped diamond earrings.

"What? I'm just telling you the truth you two grew up too fast for me." She said with a little pout. "Anyway let's get going." She said with excitement coming off of her in waves.

"Yep, plus I have a little surprise for the two of you." Olivia said almost bouncing on her feet.

"You guys leaving already?" Dad asked entering the kitchen with Connor and Isaac in tow.

"Yep, we were just finishing up with our breakfast." Olivia said with a nod and a beaming smile.

"Okay then, you girls have a great time. We boys will have our own boys only day." Dad said with a playful pout.

"Awe don't be like that, my love." Mom said before throwing her arms around Dad's neck and pulling him down for a kiss.

"Oh well." Olivia said with a shrug not wanting to be left behind she also went to Connor and gave him a peck, telling him that she would miss him.

"You also want a kiss?" I teased Isaac.

"No thanks." He said waving me away. I just pulled him close and kissed his cheek.

"Seriously Lexi." He whined with a little frown he wiped his cheek as if it would make a difference.

"Okay ladies let's go." Olivia shouted as she made her way to the door.

"Bye." We girls all shouted in unison to the boys.

We got into the car then pumped the radio in Mom's Jeep to full volume, singing along to every song that we knew.

We first went to the Spa for a full body massage and then had a manicure and pedicure which was all on Connor and Olivia, apparently it was a gift from both of them. We ate chocolate coated strawberries and since I couldn't drink, we had non— alcoholic beverages. By the time we were done at the Spa we were tired and so relaxed but because we were girls on a mission we went to the Mall and went all but


"This will look great on you." Mom and I complimented Olivia with the lingerie that she had tried on.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a blushed up face. "You think that Connor will like it?" She said sounding nervous.

"Yep, he'll love it." I said smiling reassuringly at her. "He would even like you in a garbage bag to be honest,so you have no reason to worry or be nervous, that boy loves you." Mom continued.

After that we carried on shopping for practically everything and anything ranging from underwear and lingerie to clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery. All three of us had about 4 bags by the time that we were done shopping. We went to get food at nearby restaurant because we were all famished and couldn't have been able to shop some more even if we wanted to.

"I'm so tired." I said with a small but satisfied smile on my face as I sank into my seat and closed my eyes.

"Same here, but it was an amazing day, now I just wanna eat." Olivia said just as her stomach began to rumble, causing both Mom and I to laugh, Olivia has always been a foodie but I guess being a werewolf comes with that package especially for her.

When the waitress got to our table I ordered a rib burger with fries with a can of soda. Mom and Olivia ordered lamb chops and ribs with fries. When we finished eating we all agreed that it was time to go home not only because we were but also because it was 18:47.

On our way home as we were passing the forest we saw a body at the side of the road.

"Stop the car." Mom told Olivia.

We all climbed out and saw a boy, he looked a little underweight and beaten up with bruises and cuts. His clothes were also torn up but we could all see that he was still alive and I oddly enough felt a pull to this boy.

"What should we do with him?" I asked my mom trying to understand this pull that I felt to this anonymous boy.

"Let's take him home with us, he looks injured." Mom said the motherly instincts seeming to kick in.

We picked up the boy each grabbing a limp and placed the boy into the car before we also got in and made our way home.