
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Jenny frizzy





What happens when you decide to avenge your twin sister's death? What is the pain of watching your twin sister die right in front of you? Meet Nicole Ross,sent to Paris for a scholarship, but suddenly comes when she heard the news that her twin was diagnosed with leukemia, but couldn't tell anyone because her life was in danger She made an heavy promise to her sister to make those people pay for what they did,but she was sure that she died of something else not cancer Then she made a promise that she will avenge her twin's death,but one name keep coming out of her twin's mouth "Jackson Stone* Meet Jackson Stone,a boy coming back from a vacation just to see his family,but eventually falls in love with the girl of his dreams What happens when Nicole eventually falls in love with the person she was planning to destroy Will she stick to her promise or follow her heart You don't wanna any of this So grab your popcorn and let the show begin
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Chapter 1

2 am...

Writer's POV

Nicole sat down looking pale at her twin sister who laid unconsciously on the hospital bed

She couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't believe that her twin sister is the one gasping for air

Her sister, the only person she cared about was almost lifeless, there was nothing she could do

She stared timidly at the body, she couldn't find the right words to just force out of her mouth, it's felt like she was in a deserted place

Everywhere was silent, the only sounds she was hearing was only the ticking of the clock

Nicole's hands shiver in fear, her heart beating faster, her words empty


She finally muttered

Her twin sister has been away from her for over two years, and now that they are together again, she discovered that her sister doesn't have any time left to live

"Evie, I'm so sorry"

She said trying her best to hold her tears

"This is all my fault, Evie, I'm so sorry"

Her voice became lower by the second

Slowly, she reached in for her twin sister's hand and kissed it a little

"Oh Evie, if only I hadn't left, none of these would have happened"

"I can't believe this, I can't believe this happened to you Evie, I was only gone for two years, I didn't know that two years of being away from you could cause this, Evie"

She paused for a while hoping that Evie would say something, but unfortunately, she didn't move

"Evie, please talk to me, please"

She sniffled between words

"Evie you made me a promise, you promised to be with me, please Evie don't let death separate us"

She sighed heavily letting her head drop

"Please wake up, think about Mum and Dad, think about your family, you came into this world for a purpose and you are not leaving until you fulfil it"

More tears welled down her eyes, she felt her throat closing up

Her words broke up and all she could say next were stuttering sounds.

More and more tears streamed down her face, she squeezed his eyelids shut in the hope his tears would stop but they didn't.

Her choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time, and she sat there unmoving

Suddenly, she felt a soft touch on her hand

Nicole rose her head immediately and shockingly she saw Evie slowly opening her eyes


She whimpered

"Nicole, you came back"

Evie mumbled but Nicole was smart to hear

Nicole noticed her voice changed

"Of course I came back, Mum called and told me everything, you didn't tell me you were having cancer, leukaemia is really bad, this is beyond bad"

"I'm so sorry Nicole, I'm sorry about everything"

She said her breath shortened

"I should be apologizing to you, I didn't know about all this, I was just focused on my school work and I completely forgot about you, my twin sister, my other half"

"No, Nicole, you were so busy, I...I...

"Evie, don't talk any longer, I'm getting the doctor, you don't sound good"

Nicole rose to her feet but Evie quickly dragged her to her seat

The shocking look on Nicole's face became clearer, someone who just woke up from a deep sleep should be feeling weak, her grip felt so strong

"No Nicole listen to me, I want you to do something for me"

She said hastening her words

"What is it?"

Nicole sat there listening to what Evie was trying to say but she was too weak to talk

"Evie I can't understand you"

Nicole moved closer to her hoping she would at least hear something but one statement came out of my mouth to Nicole's ear

"Avenge me"

Nicole moved away immediately, she couldn't believe her ears

"Avenge me Nicole, and make my soul rest in peace"

Evie said again but louder

"Evie, vengeance?"

"Yes, if you truly are my sister then don't let the evildoers go scot-free"

Nicole knew Evie was different, she is sweet, calm and caring, taking revenge is the last thing she would do

"Evie, I...

"Nicole Ross"

Evie held her dress tightly

"Promise me you will avenge my death"

"Death? Evie you won't die I promise you"

"No one knows the future Nicole"

"So do you, stop talking like this"

"Nicole, you will avenge my death no matter what"

"Evie you won't die"

"Even if I won't die, those who did this to me mustn't go scot-free"

"Evie, I won't let them go scot-free"

"Promise me"

"I promise you"

A smile came across Evie's lips

"Evie let's skip that... you didn't tell me you had cancer?"

"They didn't let me tell you"

"Who Evie?"

"Those I call friends"

She replied itching her arm

"At least you have a phone"

"Nicole, you...

"No, I have no idea what got into you"

She paused expecting an answer



Evie mumbled itching her hair

"Bullies did they did this to you"

Evie nodded in affirmation

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have taken that stupid scholarship to Paris, I'm so sorry"

Suddenly, she felt another painful grip on her hand from Evie

"If you are truly sorry, avenge me"


She quietly said

"Yes Nicole"

"Evie, why are you talking like this? This doesn't sound like you?"

"Exactly, I've been punished enough, now let them also be punished"

"Go to my school and destroy their lives"


Nicole whimpered again feeling the coldness of her sister's skin

"No!!! there is no time Nicole, I want you to avenge my death"

"Do not let me die like a coward, avenge me"

She whispered this time

Unexpectedly, the medical monitor made a long peep...

Nicole shivered in fear as she could hear her heartbeat, even worse, Evie was gasping for air

"Evie, please stay with me"

Nicole rubbed her sister's palm together but no slight changes

"Evie, Doctor! Doctor!! Mum!! Dad"

She panicked running out of the room

Seconds flew by...

Nicole's mum entered the room with numerous doctors

One of the doctors brought out his stethoscope and checked the rate of Evie's heartbeat

"Oh no, We are losing her"

The doctor yelled

They brought a machine called AEDS

Automated external defibrillator

and plugged it in

Nicole watched how doctors were handling her, she looked to both of her sides and realised that her parents weren't there

Instead of leaving, she stayed in the room while my parents were outside.

The machine was activated and placed on Evie's chest

"We are losing her"

one of the doctors said again

They kept hitting her with the machine again and again and again until they stopped suddenly

Again, the doctor checked Nicole's heartbeat rate and nodded negatively

"Doctor is my sister alright"

Nicole asked with tears in my eyes

"Where are your parents?"

"They are outside"

She replied

"Come with me"

She followed him outside and they both saw the parents pacing and looking worriedly

Immediately, they saw the doctor, they rushed to him hurriedly and ask numerous questions

"Doctor is she okay?"

"Can we see her?"

"Answer us, sir?"

The doctor kept quiet for a few seconds before removing his glasses

"We tried our best but I'm so sorry we lost her, she is dead now"

The doctor said and everyone froze

Those words "she is dead now" kept on ringing in Nicole's ear

"Evie, Evie, no she can't die"

" Doctor what are you saying,

she can't die"

Mrs Ross said crying profusely

"No she can't die, she just talked to me, she was trying to tell me something, mum she can die, the doctor is lying, right?"

Nicole said, her legs got weakened by the minute

"That's why I was surprised, she has been in a coma for a long time, and she was talking to you perfectly, and also I saw this paper on her bed"

The doctor said holding the paper

Without hesitation, Nicole collected the paper and read the content on it

"Jackson stone"

This was Evie's handwriting, Nicole knew that, but one thing she doesn't understand is how did she write this so perfectly and who is Jackson stone?

"Jackson stone?"

Nicole muttered

"Who is Jackson stone?"

She asked herself


