
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Blue_bird



Roommates PDF Free Download


Harley has always been one who has been by herself. With no sense to interacting with others she finds comfort in her personal space. When she's left with no choice but to get a roommate who would share her apartments, what happens when a silly misunderstanding on the rent-an-appart app gets her mistaken for a guy and her supposed Roommate Grey Wilson for a girl.
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Chapter 1


Flash back

“Harley!” the voice echoed down through the entire classroom, the red headed girl looked up from the journal she was scribbling in, tongue licking her dry lips. She watched as new pair of eyes from the front dart to look at her, seated alone in the back like she always does.

“HARLEY MARIA ANDERSON, THE PRICIPAL OFFICE NOW!!” rising to her feet abruptly, knocking her journal to the floor. She picks up her book fixing the peeking tinted pages which had been detached back inside the confines of the book. Satisfied, she keeps her hair down, heading towards Mrs. Coleman her English teacher, who was waiting at the door.

Many thoughts ran through Harley’s mind as she wonders what she must’ve have done this time, staring at her dirty chuck Taylors she blindly follows through until they reach the large oak doors.

Knocking on the door, a come in passing as a grunt sounds from inside the office. Pushing open the door, Harley’s eyes meet the woman seated inside, typing profusely on her keyboard, pausing half way her eyes lands on Harley’s own, a weak smile forming on her lips before facing the computer again.

Harley is certain that she didn’t do anything wrong but something wrong must’ve happened when she spots her next door neighbor, Mrs. Lane seating opposite her principal.

“Harley…” Mrs. lane trailed off, her groggy voice making her heart beat in her chest.

The next few words said to Harley puts her in a daze, her eleven-year-old self-trying to comprehend what was truly going on. Getting home in the back of Mrs. Lane Volvo, she watched as the apartment she used to love turned sour, the trees by the side, wilting as the winter wind comes by blowing her hair into her face and taking her back to where she was.

End of flashback.

“Miss. Anderson, MISS. ANDERSON!” Harley felt the nudge on her side, blinking rapidly, a small blush creeping up her neck as she watched the whole class staring at her.

“Miss Anderson, I know I said we’re supposed to be day dreamers, but not especially when a class is ongoing.” Mr. Sal said, earning a few snickers from the class. Harley couldn’t do anything but nod, her hair falling in her face trying not to die from humiliation.

“Now back to the board, come on.” The professor directed, drawing the rest of the class attention to the front.

“must’ve been something good.” A voice beside her whispers. 

If her eyes weren’t wide before they were now, she had always sat alone at the back of the class, never having trouble seeing the board or her lecturer. It was better for her. Safer actually. And now, she had company, a boy something she didn’t want.

“oh its fine if you don’t want to talk, you can just nod instead.” he said again. She ignored him, moving a seat away to distance herself from the new being.

“ouch.” His voice sounded hurt. 

“that would be all for today class, by next week, your project is meant to commence so get ready, good luck and have a great day.” She stood up from her seat as fast as she could, avoiding the gaze of the stranger beside her. Bursting into the semi empty hallway, it was only a matter of time before she the rest of her course mates would leave the lecture hall, and she wanted to hide and quickly. Three, two, one. The door bursts open and the sea of college students bursts out from every side, loud chattering, happy young adults floods everywhere.

“Red!” the familiar voice that had spoken to her earlier called out. She quickens her pace, not sure if he was talking to her but she needed to leave and fast.

“RED, WAIT UP!!” He yelled again, this time louder than before, Harley didn’t bother to look up or back.

Finally reaching the outside, she dashed towards the road, flagging a cab, she gets in and lets out a breath she had been holding.

“Hectic day?” the young man driving asked. She leans her head backwards and nods.

Walking up the stairs, due to the broken elevator, she huffed out frustrated on getting to her room. The almost empty space welcoming her, she had tried her best to fill out the space but being the type to always place things in order, there was nothing more to do than accept it.

Plopping down on her bed, her auburn hair sprawled out behind her, she watched the ceiling, the white light hanging from it flashing into her eyes. Not bothered a bit, she closed her eyes, falling back into the trance she was in twenty minutes ago.

Flash back

“what do you mean?” she asked her voice shakily. “does that mean dad would come back too since mum’s sick?"

“Harley…” her aunt tried to explain. Fell at words on what to tell the young girl as she watched her mother under the tubes.

“your dad isn’t going to come back. But it doesn’t matter since you have me and uncle Jared, and then Glen, Rose, and Mark. We’ll be with you.” Her aunt said.

Harley just stared, watching her mother, eyes closed, breathing almost unnoticeable but it was there. She watched as the only woman who loved her lay on the bed, at the mercy of tubes and machines.

End of flashback

The vibration of her phone brings her back to the present, snaking her arm around to find it. She turns groans when she doesn’t find it until she gets on her feet. She swipes on the screen.

“hey, auntie." Her monotonic voice answered.

“hey, Harley. How are you doing?” the chirpy voice from the other side answered. “I hope you’re settling down nicely.”

“I’m good. My class has been going great. My rooms are great, I don’t see why I should get a roommate though.” She said walking towards the window.

“Harley, it would be nice to have someone to keep you company.” Her aunt tried to explain.

“I have books to keep me company. I’ll be fine on my own.” She responded.

“Harley, remember you really can’t afford that room by yourself. Even if you do now sooner or later you might need someone who you can split the bills with.”

“I’ll think of something before then, don’t worry." Harley said

“think about it. Take good care of yourself, I love you."

“love you too.” She murmured ending the call.

Sooner or later she would have to agree that her aunty was right and starts searching for a roommate.