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I‘m Only His Book 2-Nenerh1

I‘m Only His Book 2-Nenerh1



I‘m Only His Book 2-Nenerh1 PDF Free Download


I stood there with my back away from him. I couldn't look at him not after he hurt me. How was I supposed to believe anything that came out of his mouth?"Helena. I'- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." taking a step closer. The heat of his muscular body penetrated my cold skin."Leave, just - leave me alone. I can't take it anymore. You broke me. Don't you get that?" whispering the last part."I did. Please...""Don't, your words don't mean anything. You don't mean anything." I wanted him to hurt as badly as he hurt me. "That's not true. I know you don't mean that. You want me as much as I want you." his breath lingering in my ear."Don't flatter yourself. I hate you. I.Don't.Want.You." hissing as I turned around to face him. He pursed his lips and I knew my words cut deep. I wasn't going to be nice anymore. Kane made sure that part of me was gone.Silence filled the room. It was suffocating me just like he was and right when I was going to turn around he grabbed me slamming me to his hard chest.
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Chapter 1

Helena's P.O.V.

I stand there with my back away from him. I cannot look at him not after he hurt me. How am I supposed to believe anything that comes out of his mouth?

"Helena. I— I am sorry. It was never my intention." hearing him take a step closer. The heat of his muscular body penetrates my cold skin.

"Leave, just —— leave me alone. I cannot take it anymore. You broke me. Do you not get that?" whispering the last part.

"I did. Please..."

"Don't, your words do not mean anything. You do not mean anything." I want him to hurt as badly as he hurt me.

"That is not true. I know you do not mean that. You want me as much as I want you." his breath lingers in my ear.

"Do not flatter yourself. I hate you. I.Do.Not.Want.You." hissing I turn around to face him.

He purses his lips knowing my words cut deep. I am not going to be nice anymore. Kane made sure that part of me is gone.

Silence fills the room. It is suffocating me just like he is and right when I was going to turn around, he grabs me slamming me to his hard chest. "Too bad, because I want you." smashing his lips on mine he kisses me hungrily as if his life depends on it.

I try pushing him away, but I could not or simply I just did not want to. Do I want him after what he has done?

Lifting me up he walks us to the bed laying me down slowly. Pulling away he takes his shirt off then kisses me again. "I want you. There is no one else I want more than you. Let me be your first and last."

I really do not know what I was thinking or if I was at that moment, but I want him. I cannot deny it.

"Take me. I want you to make love to me." letting the words come out causes him to smile.

Without another word he kisses me softly. "I have been waiting for you to say that to me for a while. I will make love to you until the sun comes up baby." He then takes my shirt off with everything else.

His body presses against mine. "I love you Helena and I always will." as he enters me taking my virginity just like he always planned to.

Looking around my room I see that almost everything is how I left it, except my laundry had been washed and folded neatly on my bed.

Setting my bags down I walk over to my vanity table and sit down. I stare at myself for a while. I do not recognize the girl looking back. This reflection is of a girl who was assaulted, used, abused and left broken. To think it had only been two weeks of hell to bring me to where I am.

I used to be a quiet girl. I never talked back, respected everyone no matter how they treated me and hardly stood up for myself. I stayed to myself and kept a small circle of friends —— it was less drama that way. I was happy and smiled because I had Ethan by my side to do so. Now, I do not even know who I am anymore.

The more I continue to stare at the sad, weak, pathetic girl that is in front of the mirror, the more I become upset. The more upset I am, the madder I become and the madder I become the more pissed off I end up being. How could I have let this happen to me? What did I do to deserve all this pain and anguish that was bestowed upon me with no explanation? How did one night that I was against set forth the course of my destruction? How the hell did Satan himself find me and got it through his mind that I am going to be his and only his?

The girl in front of me is not the happy, sweet, optimist, passive girl she once was. The 'see the best in everyone'. No, that girl was ripped apart and was replaced by the girl staring back in the mirror.

"UGHHHHHH!" I scream punching the mirror in front of me. The shards fell on top of the table, and a few were on my knuckles. Picking it up I threw it on the floor with all my force. All the anger and rage that I have been holding in is let out at that second. I have been crying away my pain for the past few weeks and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am done with it all.

Going over to the table I swept everything on it with my arm landing on the floor next to the shattered mirror. They say that if you break a mirror, you will get seven years of bad luck. What is seven more added to my life sentence of being Kane 'The Ripper' Cruz's victim?

If I kill myself, I know he will go after my loved ones. He does not break his threats and I do not doubt that the bastard would kill himself just so he can follow and torture me for all eternity.

Standing over the glass and items that I had strewn all over the floor I stare at the floor blankly. The adrenaline surges throughout my body feeling somewhat stronger... calmer.

"Helena! Oh my God Helena! Are you alright? Mija, what happened?" hearing my mom's frantic voice in front of me.

Without a response I stand stoic, with no emotion. Like the mindless zombie I have been acting for the past few weeks. I am emotionless, numb.

"Your hand is bleeding Helena." grabbing my hand in hers then putting it down I feel her leaving. A few seconds later she comes back with a towel wrapping it around my bloody hand.

"Here, put pressure on it. Vamonos, I am taking you to the ER." she says pulling me gently over the mess underneath our feet.

I follow quietly because I am out of words, feelings and most of all tears. Not only did Kane take my faith in humanity, but he shattered the innocence that I had and wanted to keep for a while longer.

We make it to my mom's car, and I still have not said a word. "Helena, I know what you are going through. Believe me, I completely understand since I went through it with your father. The shame of being so naive and gullible. The shock of falling for someone who mistreats you. And worst of all, the anger you feel for letting your guard down and not being able to speak up for yourself sooner."

"It is alright to feel all of those things mija. But please, do not let it change who you are Helena. Be strong and find yourself."

Listening to her words I let them sink in. Everything she said is true and I know she had felt the same while she was first dating my dad. So, in a way I am thankful that she understands what I am going through and the fallout after.

"You are right mami. I feel everything that you just said." Agreeing with her in a monotone voice.

I will though change who I am. I am not going to be the innocent and sweet Helena that can be taken advantage off. That Helena is broken, dead and buried. From now on I will be the Helena Kane has taught me to be. The Helena who will not only fight for her life until the end, but the Helena that will take Kane 'The Ripper' Cruz down with her.