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Mother Of TheRed Moons

Mother Of TheRed Moons

Author: Ghoulwriter



Mother Of TheRed Moons PDF Free Download


A space assassin named Shade is helping a space warrior only going by his code name Ravenclaw redeem his past memory's. Ravenclaw is a demon huntsman, who had a night in counter with a female demon and the two must solve the peaces of his past inorder to stop the summoning of the Red Moon Mother.
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Chapter 1

“One two daddy buckle my shoes, thee four walk me out the door, five six watch out for that stick seven eight fall right on your face nine ten daddy now your DEAD!!! Help me daddy!!!,”


‘”wake up daddy… it’s time to play…”

A thick aroma of decaying flesh with the sight of maggots crawling in a bloody red mess. Dizzy confused having no reclamation of the haze floating in his vision. The heavily armed knight struggles to scratch a dent in a corner of a wall for this confession of this massacre. Making no sense for his actions, he struggles to redefine his missing identity.

Screams of horror with moans of the unknown that were about didn’t help his situation. It was dark and his onboard systems were offline. Crawling in which seemed to be a sewer on his knees and forearms, he hit a stench so potent the slayer puked in his helmet leaving his flesh seamlessly covered in his inner fluids.

For some reason he only could reflect on a image of a woman’s name from a fragile past.

“My beloved Maray, what have I done? My heart is empty with a heavy burden and my soul, what have I done?”

His vision shattered in one and hazy in the other the torn soul tries to concentrate in order to stand, but with no prevail. He comes to his senses just enough to realize the chunk of bloody flesh dangling from his armor a sliver from his inners being swung from his titan steel suit. Portions of his spine were numb. It was hard to virtually none existent to be able to stand up.

Pain shoots instantly to all corners of his body. He cries to his gods to bring back his missing memories so he may redeem whatever wrong was committed.

“Ravenclaw can you hear me sir, your life force is in danger of expiring soon. You have to return to the transport ship. Everyone in your squad is dying. Save yourself.

“Who the hell are you? Where are you?”

“Sir I’m Igor your assistant, your squad, where are they. I am seeing no life coming from there monitors.”

“I’m rebooting your onboard computer, you should have everything running in no time.”

“I am seeing signs of your pulse fading fast, your raspatory system is also having a hard time, one second sir, ill reboot asap hang in there sir.

“I’m rebooting your onboard computer, you should have everything running in no time.”

“system back online in five seconds.” The suit announced.

Instantly a force of fresh air stormed the suit, the over whelming sensation of being able to inhale fresh air almost made the slayer pass out. After he gathered himself he started to ask questions.

“Where am I, what ship? Where’s Maray”

“Sir, I do not have any record on anyone in the squad named Maray. I scanned all of the ancient catacombs in the known universe. You need to…”

“Dammit where is my wife! “

“Sir! We have a major problem. The Nanitemancers are approaching fast and they will have a field day in here hunting you down. You must survive. We will discuus your thoughts when we are safe!”

“He is right about them having a field day in the catacombs. Reanimating death is all they do. Time to abort this acquired mission son, you’re in no shape for a fight of that caliber.” A soothing sent of lavender and jasmine a fallowed by a gentle whisper from a female voice, spoke in his mind softy.

“Maray? Who are you where are you.”

No response for the mysterious echo in his head. But he has enough since not to be bull headed and keep on rambling on about an illusion when there is clearly a dangerous force coming his way.

Making his way back to the transport carrier, the Sacred Slayer was working the jigsaw puzzle but it only got in his way of running to the ship. Every time a flash in of the past accord he would reinjure himself on his open wound.

“I can help you by opening the archives of your past. You will remember who you are your holiness as soon as you get to the ship and we get off this planet. You will need to download the missions as well and report to the section temple commander, it won’t take long…” the eager floating head announced.

The Sacred Slayer began to hear hellish laughter now, he was ready to defend the light at all cost by decapitating some corrupted death. But alas he needed to escape to report to the commander.

His injuries were growing bigger, every step he takes widens the flesh wound. Bleeding is worse then ever and he is getting dizzy. The scared slayer jumps out of his battle suit.

The Slayer takes a shot of a pain nulling gelation in the open wound, and quickly stitches himself up. He then jumps back in his armor, grabs his Silver flamed battle axe along with his four barreled mini assault plasma cannon and straps it to his arm. Pain free, he is able to run to the destination exit off this planet.

Even though he stitched himself the slayer was bleeding profusely as the numbing gel was also a blood thinner.

He was close to death and he knew he wouldn’t make it to the transport alive, so he did what he need to report to the commander back at the temple.

“Inform the medics I’m about to board the ship…”

A blaze form the Nanitemancers pulsar pistols flowed by the moans of the reanimated corpses were closing in fast.

“Dammit, almost there. Send the snatcher bots!” the assistant shrewdly announced.

At the end of the hall daylight was breaching the shadows disintegrating the dark sallowest. Four sentry bots were rushing towards the mayhem along with a defense cradler bot that is meant to wrap its shell around the Sacred Slayer for protection.

A mesh of body parts suddenly formed in to one gigantic flesh golem as the cradler wraps its shell around him. The Cradlers teleport back to the ship and the slayer was safe for now.

As the ship took off the swarm of the robotic undead spewed outward of the catacombs, giving it all they had to bring down the slayer. As the ship was taking off, the flesh golem was able to hurl a shell of decaying corpses filled with corroding acid at the hull of the ship. Shifting the weight and slinging the now breached vessel back to the ground.

The ship instantly spun to a noise dive back to the surface. A voice was heard out side of the haul announcing who they were.

“this is the Fallen Hive division of the Nanitemancers, colonization is at hand. Resistance will not be tolerated.”

“Shit! Patch me up as quick as you can Igor, we need to find this Fallen Hive’s leader to end the assault on us.”

“Sir you have one bar of health, you will surly die if you go out there now.”

“maybe a battle carrier will be in our area, do we have a stress beacon ability.” The Slayer was juicing himself with enough pain meds and what ever else to keep him stable if he needed to fight.

“Yes, we do have the ability still sir…that was fast. We just picked up a signal form a frigate ship. Its relaying our message to the nearest battle carrier for us. Estimating time will be about two hours before the ship arrives sir.”

“Shields are going online nine seconds and barrage cannons are online in two minutes, Ill send the thrashing drones to serve you sir also we have one juggernaut mech if you wish, we can set it on autopilot to make some spare room so you have an easy entrance. It will take three minutes to start the final count down.

“if worse comes to us, set the thermal melt down of the fusion’s reactors at one hour fifty-five minutes. “

“Agreed Wield the strength of the gods Slayer, May death come to you!” Igor saluting the slayer with his robotic tentacles and a cocked eyed wink.

“Time for retribution, open the bay doors Igor.”

“Sir there’s signs of life back in the catacombs it must be our team they may have been in a dead zone where we couldn't find them before. We need to go rescue them Sir you know, that’s right?”

There’s no emotional sign on ravenclaws face. He’s just standing there at the Bay doors waiting for them to open to start the cleansing. The juggernaut was functional in up and running and on standby. The thrashing Drones still in the front of the line.

“sir did you…”

Ravenclaw cocked his plasma shatter cannon and took one step forward as the bay door reached its destination

“I’m on it, get the medical drones and craddler's on standby I’ll save as many as I can.”

“Set the EMP’S for every two minutes for my armed defense, I know it’s pushing the life support systems to maximum capacity but if we don’t I won’t be able to make it to the survivors.”

“yes sir, it was already celebrated. May the gods beside you Lord.”

Ravenclaw's systems were synced with the supercomputer to the transport ship. On his visor he had it set to seventy-five degrees or lower for the tracking system to the missile barrage turrets on both his shoulders. Each turret held one-hundred mini missiles and can’t reload the missiles when they hit their target explode, causing area affect damage for twenty yards from the target.

Smash, the swarm has reached the shield to the ship, the defense barrage cannons could be heard going off and the monitor was showing twelve flesh golems shooting their corps acid spheroids.

Before the bay doors were fully down, Ravenclaw ran up the ramp, jumped off and rolled in to battle. While he was in the air he fired twelve barrage missiles to clear the area for his landing. By the time he had placed his feet on the ground causing a three hundred yards of open space.

This wasn’t good for when he landed Ravenclaw had a memory relapse or was it a vision? At the end of the incident, what ever it may be, he saw a woman standing in the back of the line of the nanites army. She wasn’t being harmed, but the thing is she was smiling and looking directly at him. It caught him off guard, almost causing him to be intercepted.

But like in his dreams and shuddered memories her face was scrambled only her eyes could be recognized. And just like that she walked away with out any damage to her.

“who is she? Maray?”

Confused and unstable for a bit, he heard Igor yelling on the head set. He shucked his head and the Juggernaut was already doing his roll to make a hole to the catacombs. Thrashing drones were surrounding Ravenclaw, doing their role in the battle.

Ravenclaw set of the EMP, thousands of first level zombie meat shields dropped instantly carving a path for the Juggernaut. The ships barrage cannons were pulverizing the enemy with no mercy. The Thrashing drones playing guardians would spin their blades in a continuous action. Only leaving their designated assigned posts when the enemy became a little ambitious.

With the meat shields disabled he wasn’t out of the frying pan yet. The evolved zombies were now assembling with new fire arms along with new creations of zombies were starting to come out of the Catacombs.

The Nano technology the Nanonitemancers are quickly evolving to adapt to their surroundings. And accommodating for the loss of the meat shields. Low level meat shields that weren’t sapped by the EMP blast gained a protection form them and had enquired first level laser pistils. Basically, they can only stun you while the cleavers having a blade on each arm they replaced their hands.

But the Nanoitemancers zombies aren’t the only ones that up graded. The thrashers are equipped with two plasma rifles on each side along with their blades spinning. A mob of the assembled cleavers were able to ambush one of the thrashers, although the thrasher was badly Marred, it was able to for fill its duties and protected the slayer.

With one thrasher out for the moment it could reboot to join the squad in five minutes. It won’t be to its full potential though. Mean while the Juggernaut was having its own battle with four flesh golems. Although it had a resident to the acid its only a coding of protection. It was quickly wearing of the mech.

On top of the entrance of the catacombs were two nanoitemancers. Each one had four acid shooting drones around them. Having their sights set on the juggernaut. The scared slayer new he had to hurry to the entrance before they took out his body guard and he had to hurry before they set their sights on him.

A trapper zombie ambushed the sacred slayer from springing from the ground in addition to slicing his wound wide open his blade was accompanied by poison dripping from the edge. Ravenclaw quickly fell to his knee fallowed by his ability to discern the theater of war, all hopes seemed to dashed away for desperation of survival was admitted priority number one.

He knew the end was fluttering near, but the concern for his brothers in his band of combatants came first, then death must wait.

In his biotech suit he stood ten feet six inches tall and his weight was fifteen-hundred pounds. But to address his lacerations he would need to exit the suit and execute emergency contemporary treatment on his gash.

Taking an attempt to stay versatile as long as possible, Ravenclaw made a executed decision. He verbally commanded the suit to open while there was a fire arms scrummage going on around him to address the matter at hand.

Slowly with vaper seeping from the suit with a hiss indicated his exit. Being only six feet tall, All decaying eyes turned to him on the battle front. He quickly turned on his medical compartment in the suit and applied a antibiotic and two shots of whisky to numb the pain. Fallow by fill his gash with enough instant counselling quick handlining synthetic flesh along with some steroids to give him that extra kick starter to close the deal.

“Oh, yah!! that’s the stuff.” With his pupils overly dilated and with enough energy to run a small town now, he hoped back in his suit and just in time the drones were being over whelmed so he used both arms with the Gatling guns to give a hand to his body guards, but it was to late.

“As you wish sir… go down the hall twenty feet turn right and directly from there go down the ramp to the second floor. From there make He ended up loosing three drones and the juggernaut was over compensated, but there was a opening to the catacombs now have all the loses that was a sure plus. So, he took his only body guard with never turning back to help his guards, he made it to the entrance.

“I’m in now, where is the first life sign, pin point it on my map.”

“sir, that battle took you thirty-five minutes to reach the entrance, you only have….”