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Hanging Out With The Badboys

Hanging Out With The Badboys



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Anastasia Montez is an average teenagers, she's also the nerd of the school, her only friend are her books, she socially awkward and has no taste fashion, not to mention the Queen bee of the school bullies her everyday. During her first week of senior year, she bump into the bad boys of the school, Kyle, Jordan& Jacob who are twins, Justin, Luke and Carlos. They took an interest in her and turn her world around. She wouldn't be the nerd who gets bullied anymore. ______
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Chapter 1

"Watch where you walking nerd!" Someone pushes me aside and I crash to the floor, everyone around me just laughs.

My name is Anastasia Montez, I am 17 years old will be 18 next month, I am a school nerd as you have noticed.

My locker is next to the bitch who thinks she's all that, Stephanie Shears, blonde hair, hazel eyes, and fake boobs, not to mention captain of the cheerleader squad. She's currently dating the track team captain after Justin one of the bad boys of this school dump her during the summer.

How did I know that? Well....News spend like a virus here, I was lucky to hear the news last Monday.

I stroll to my locker and see Stephanie putting on makeup watching the mirror on her locker door. She is wearing a mini skirt, a crop top, and heels. I open my locker and a lot of garbage just starts falling out, Stephanie smirks at me and everyone starts to laugh.

The bell rings and everyone hurries to class, the janitor Joe comes and starts to clean up. He became my friend in freshmen year after every day I hid in the janitor's closet.

"Go ahead I'll clean up, that's my job", he says and I nod then run down the hall.

When I turn the corner, I bump into someone and fall on the floor.

"I am sorr-" when I look up iIsee Justin one of the bad boys smirking at me.

The next five guys all watch me with a smirk, I got up and walk down the hall then enter my chemistry class.

The teacher says, "welcome Anastasia, it's good to see you join us", I roll my eyes and I sit down next to my lab partner, Juliet.

The rest of the morning continues normally, I got push aside or slam and prank.

The bell rings and it is finally lunchtime. I walk into the cafeteria and join the line to get my lunch. I decide to eat my lunch in the janitor's closet as usual, so I make my way there. When I reach the door, I could hear noise coming from the inside.

I open it and gasp, "what the hell?!"

Stephanie and her boyfriend were having s**, I slam the door immediately. I just lost my appetite. I give someone whose money been stole and went to the library.


I am in P. E now wearing the uniform with my chestnut hair in a ponytail. We will be doing some running today, the cheerleaders were all excuses for practice which is almost all the girls had to go. I am with the very unlucky few, Justin and Luke are in this class also.

They keep watching me and smiling. I take off my glasses, I don't know why I do wear them though I don't need them at all. We all have to run around the field, I can run long distances because during freshman year the jocks used to run me straight into my yard which is fifteen minutes walk from here.

The whistle blows and we all start to make our laps. I pass back two boys, who watch me in surprise. One of them says, "you aren't an athlete nerd".

I reply, "well right now am in front the both of you", I start to jog faster passing another person who's a guy. I smirk at him and continuing running, I am beginning to breathe heavily.

Some of the guys are starting to slow down and some walking. The only ones who are still jogging are those on the running team and the two bad boys, I got to say I am doing fine for a girl.

I catch up to a jock, he frowns," I am not losing to a nerd, it would ruin my reputation."

I roll my eyes, reputation my as*.

After running I came in after the annoying jock.

Coach says, "Ana, you did good for a girl, all the guys who came in after Ana, give me twenty sit-ups and fifty push-ups".

The same guy who I passed back, shoots me a threatening look and I smirk. Someone whispers in my ear, "you're full of surprises nerd", I turn around to be facing Luke.

I rudely snap," and so what? Gonna do something about it?"

He just smiles at me and leaves with his friend. I walk into the locker room and hear talking.

"I can't believe Justin and Luke were staring at her and smiling."

"Luke was talking to her, I had to rub my eyes twice to be seeing right."

"She can't be good at running, look at her she can't even dress properly."

"She made my boyfriend late because he has to do extra work."

I walk straight in to see all the cheerleaders gasp and turn silent. I act like I didn't hear anything and take a shower.

I put on baggy sweatpants and a shirt, I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. I have a red SUV and a motorcycle, but I don't why I don't use them.

When I reach the school parking lot, I am pushed to the ground. A group of guys surrounds me, the guy from P. E watches me then lifts me by my collar.

He has brown eyes, he punches me in my face three times before throwing me on the ground. They all start to kick me up, tears start to come out of my eyes. I am so close to fainting when someone comes and fights the jocks. I feel someone picks me up and carries me to a vehicle, that's when I faint.
