
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Immortals



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Dawn adopted 4 children hybrids or as they were known the abominations Irina was a witch and a vampire , Lincoln was a werewolf and a vampire , Alexander was a werewolf a vampire and a warlock, Aurora was a werewolf and a witch who was turned into a vampire by her sister lrina for falling in love with Lincoln this caused a war for 2000years
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Chapter 1

Dawn pov.

Am Dawn Larson daughter of Lar granddaughter of Richard great great granddaughter of Neptune got of the seven seas my dad was a werewolf and vampire my mom was a witch and a werewolf plus my grandmother was a demigod so was my grand father I was 4 years old when my mother killed me and my brother or rather she merged us cause we were part of the Gemini coven he won l died me and my dad left her with my younger brother Darian Larson over the years l forgot about them till my father died I was 589 years old and was 1015BC I went for the funeral in Greece then left for good my uncles tried to stop me this is how that conversation went

"Your leave right after your father's funeral " uncle Kai said with an angry face "am leaving and there is nothing you can do to stop me from leaving" I said with a staight face my uncle Kale my mother's elder brother said " let her go Kale every Demigod has to find there way " with that said I left and settled in a place now called Scotland in Britain but back then it was called Northumbria lands of the Scotts I lived there they excepted me in their community and loved me as family should I had an estate but no one know of what I was exept one a Logan Greene a vampire I help from hunters it was just us two in my estate till I adopted four children or as people know them in history as the four Larson pack which betrayed each other this is not my story it is a story of my children , their fight for balance , equality and love and their legacy so shall we start our journey in the kingdom of Wessex where I found not one but two children with spectacular abilities one a werewolf and a vampire another a witch and a vampire so I called them they told me that they were orphans so I took them in and took them to Northumbria in my Estate .I later moved to the kingdom of Wales where I found a young man who enchanted me with his gifts he was a werewolf,a warlock and a vampire a true hybrid I took him to my house in Northumbria but out reunion there was rather short for I got a tip that Danes were being sold as slaves in East Anglia and one of them was Elizabeth Robinson remember that name for it shall be useful in time I bought her for she was a witch ,a werewolf and had ties to the Michealsons for she was their cousin after buying her I asked what she wanted to do before we left for Northumbria " I want to go see my mother one last time " she said do we went their I stood outside the house but even then I could hear them arguing " why did I you sell me to slavers how could you do this to it own daughter " Elizabeth said in pain " you are not my daughter you are a monster forged by your father and his brother you are a Robinson and all they do is to kill what they touch " her mother said she walked out of the house and burnt the house to ashes with her mother and brother inside. "Neptune have mercy" I wipered under my my breath for all these children possessed great powers but all were controlled by emotions