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Elite Romance Book1: First Love till the end

Elite Romance Book1: First Love till the end

Author: Mago.027



Elite Romance Book1: First Love till the end PDF Free Download


im...CRYSTELLE ANNE PREDSTINE... 24 years old.. singaporean girl.. did you experienced being inlove at the age of 16?? do you think its puppy love? well for me i did fell inlove and its not puppy love but he is my first Love.. But everything change because we found a terrible truth and that hurt us so much..we love each other so much. .we separated..for good after 5 years we met again but it hurts becuase he seems not like the man i love the most..then something happened..our parents was killed by their own friend and thats the start of our fight..we went to the philippines to be ready for his next attack but still nothing changed.. i still love him.... so much.. ive been loving him secretly..and carefully hide it..i dont want him to find out... the day comes for our revenge..after finishing our goal.. Suddenly after that incident everything changed was like the first time we met..he... He wants me back,, feels like im dreaming...did he forget were cousins? i fell inlove with him more..and we suffered much pain.. Ive been thinking over and over again...... the time comes for us?? .. Should i give us another chance to be happy..??? YVES MATSUNAGA.. my lover... and -----MY COUSIN.....
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Chapter 1

  im.CRYSTELLE ANNE PREDSTINE,a singaporean girl..

  Fell inlove at the age of 16. yet everything change because they found out a terrible truth that

  hurts them so much and change their life..They love each other so much..they tried hard to avoid each other until they decided... For the peace of both families they separated..peacefully..

  After 5 years of separation they met again but it hurts her becuase his not like the man she fell in love with the most..and the man she used to know.. They become what their parents wants.. That is to become total cousin relation.

  One day, something happened..their parents were killed by their own friend and thats the start of their fight and jouney together... They went to the philippines to prepare for his next attack but still nothing changed for how many years.....she still love him so much..and she's been loving him secretly. Time passes by the day comes for their revenge..after the incident everything changed was like the first time we met..he wants me back! What should i do?? Besides our identity i think theirs no other reason for us to be together!



  "BOSS she escaped! she's alive! Archie cant stop her! she's strong even our best guard cant defeat her!" Jeremy answered to their boss

  "what the hell are you all doing?! only one girl and you cant even kill ? and she escape from all of you! So worthless!!"

  "boss she's really strong and its so hard to stop her!"

  "check all the airport and find her! if you need to search all around singapore, do it! just to find her!"

  "yes sir..boss whats your plan to that her?"

  "let her live, when time comes we will take our revenge for now what's more important is to know where she is."

  "yes boss!" then he leave..

  [syiete hide and hide..i could still find you..if i did kill your father..i can kill you too..i will kill you and get what's mine!.i dont need a trash like you in my plans] said by their boss in his thoughts..


  "i need to find bobby for now"she told to Micheal her cousin

  "when are you going to philippines?"

  "i dont know..the important our papers must be finish in no time"

  "our? did i hear it right?"

  "Micheal i cant leave you scared that they might try to kill you while im not around"

  "im fine here dont worry im strong.."

  "urgh! wether you like it or not your coming with me!"

  "but im really fine here.."

  "you dont know how cruel Edward is ,Micheal!.."

  "i know hi--"

  "shut up Micheal! dont know him! dont know anything about him! ..and he can kill you right here right now! i dont want to lost you.!.so wether you like it or not your coming with me!"