
Let’s Read The World

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The Mission

The Mission

Author: Isla



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In a faraway kingdom, Acrada where the only creatures who reigned were the humans. Long ago, different creatures existed, the dwarves, the elves, the centaurs, the fauns, the minotaur, the harpies, the goblin, the gorgons, the gnomes, the vampires, the werewolves, the bigfoot, the merfolk, the trolls, the yeti, the pixies, the faeries, the phoenix and all kinds of mythical, supernatural, mystical, magical and ethereal creatures. The humans were the weakest amongst them, considering they had no supernatural powers and strength. They all lived in unity, with no king or ruler until one human’s decision changed everything. But the humans made a mistake of keeping the only phoenix that just buried its parent in the Sun Temple alive, chained in their deepest and darkest dungeon. Before the phoenix was chained, he saved a young vampire and a young werewolf, who together so-so years gave birth to a hybrid. This hybrid came back to Acrada with only one mission, to avenge the death of her ancestors and the creatures whose generation was cut short unfairly. A human and a hybrid crosses path, unknown feelings ignites between them and a mission became very difficult to undertake.
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Chapter 1

  Athens stood on the hill in his goatskin cloth, thumping his large hand on his naked chest violently to emphasize his point to his fellow humans gathered down the valley to listen to him. “Humans are weak and that is what they will use against us when civilisation comes. We must destroy them before they become more powerful over the years to end the human race. We must do this for our future generations. This land of gold and vegetation must be ruled and inhabited by humans only” he shifted his gaze from one elder to the other, to find them slowly nodding their hands to his suggestion. He hid a smile and kept the stone face of a warrior on. “We must kill all the other creatures” he finally said the words.

  There was a moment of silence as the humans digested the words of their fellow human. Kill the other creatures? They were powerful and stronger so how was this possible?

  Athens looked at their confused and frightened faces and shook his head in disappointment. He knew what they were all thinking. Cowards, he thought to himself. “Listen” he bellowed. “You don’t have to worry about how we’ll destroy them. Leave that for the elders and I to think about, that is, if you agree to this”

  They all stared at him, indecisive. “What about the Phoenix?” an old man with ridiculously very white long beard asked.

  “I mean every creature must be killed” Athens replied, feeling impatient already.

  “No” an elder yelled immediately. “The Phoenix is of help to us in so many ways and we can’t kill him. Remember, he’s just a bird and can’t be compared to we humans. We can chain him and use him for our own benefits and that of our future generations. It can live for five hundred years and over and produces on their own without the help of any other creature. Let’s see it as a gift to we humans to make our world easier to survive in”

  “I take that for a yes, elder” Athens’ brows shot up, daring the elder to take back his words. “I accept that we keep the Phoenix and that only means you accept my offer”

  The elder looked at his fellow elders and the other humans. They all gave him small nods as a sign of their agreement. The elder turned to face Athens again and gave him a curt nod. “On one condition, son of Indusa”

  “You already have a condition but name it anyway, old one”

  “You’ll lead us to the battle”

  Athens chuckled under his breath. This was the lamest suggestion ever. “You don’t think I made this offer just to see my own people perish away slowly from the anger of the creatures while I sit down, chilling over drinks and meat?”


  “No, elder. I wasn’t going to leave you alone in this battle. In fact, I’m more than ready to lead my fellow humans to fight for their freedom. So…?” he knew their answer already but wanted to hear it from them.

  “We agree, son of Indusa”

  The young Phoenix was going back to Acrada from the Sun Temple where it buried its parents and saw some creatures gathered down the Valley of Untamed Spirits. It smelled something suspicious as that valley was forbidden to all the other creatures except the humans. It flapped its wings and dived downwards until it was behind the peak of a mountain where it was sure no one could see it.

  His great eyes dilated in disbelief at what the humans were planning to do. It flapped its wings again and flew to the village. It must get there and warn the other creatures before the humans come back, before they put their plans into work.

  Has the young Phoenix gone mad? His parent wouldn’t have thought and say these words. The other creatures of Acrada said to themselves, not believing a word the young Phoenix was saying. One after the other, they left the little gathering and went back to their and homes.

  Such nonsense! What a waste of time. One merman thought to himself as he swam back to his house.

  The young phoenix didn’t know what to do. He can’t force the other creatures to leave their homes and the only village they’ve known to somewhere faraway. They don’t even belief him! It’s already night time too! The humans can strike any moment from now since they are not powerful and can only defeat the other creatures when they weren’t watching and have let their guards down. They can do that at night only. The creatures were the only family he was born to and cannot watch as they get destroyed. He must do something but what? They’ve all left except…one young girl. She looked pale and had very dark eyes. Was she a vampire? As if she heard the Phoenix, she opened her mouth to reveal her sharp fangs and closed them. One thing about the Vampires of Acrada is that they don’t feed on human blood but rather, wild animals like the lions and the hyenas. They go hunting every night and if she was there, it meant one thing – her parents left her behind. That was odd because the vampires even took their babies to hunting and this girl was about five. He can’t save all of them at once even if it was against their wish. That left him with one choice – to snatch young children who were outside their homes away to a safer place. He can take only two at a time.

  Not thinking otherwise, he snatched the young vampire and another being who looked human but knew better where the humans where at now and soared high into the sky, not once looking back. The screams of the children were carried away by the wind and vanished into nothingness.

  Back at Acrada, the humans were ready to strike that same night. They waited till the creatures entered their various homes before they came out of their hiding places and set fire into their homes. No creature was able to escape – not even the vampires who unfortunately didn’t go hunting this night.

  About three forests away, the Phoenix turned his head back to find the village of Acrada burning. He gasped, almost letting the other being slip away from his grasp. The deed has been done! He must find a safe place for these young beings before he goes back to save the ones he can. They were five forests away now and he looked down for a save place, maybe another village. Somewhere in the fifth forest, there was a clearing with a lake and a hut. He dived down and settled on the land beside the lake.

  The young beings got down from the dorsal part of the Phoenix and followed it into the hut. It looked dusty, old and abandoned. The Phoenix turned to the children, acknowledging their presence with him for the first time.

  He looked at the other being, he was a boy. He steadied his features carefully, coming to a conclusion. “You’re a werewolf”

  It wasn’t a question, but the boy nodded anyway.

  The Phoenix looked around one last time to be sure whether the place felt safe as it looked. “Listen” he turned to look at them. “Your fellow creatures are being burnt alive now, I must go and save those I can before they are get destroyed. This place looks safe. If I don’t return, make sure you don’t die out of hunger. You are young, but I believe you can survive in this place. Alone”

  “Who set the fire?” the boy asked.

  The Phoenix stopped halfway to the door and looked at the boy at the corners of his eyes. “The humans” he paused. “If I don’t return, make sure to avenge the death of your families and the other creatures. I’ll be waiting for that day” and with that, the Phoenix opened the door and flew away.

  The children stared at each other for a while in silence after the Phoenix left. The boy cleared his throat and stretched out his hand. “I’m Zuriel. What’s yours?”

  The girl looked at his tiny hands and put hers in his slowly. “Thora”

  The Phoenix managed to get back to the village but it was too late. The huts were now in ashes. He looked around for a survivor but didn’t find any. I might as well return to the forest before the humans find me here. He thought to himself. He flapped his wings, ready to fly but stopped when he felt ropes around his body, tying him to the ground.

  He closed his eyes in anguish as he fell back to the ground. I’m no more a free being, he thought.