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Rescuing Pokémon (An Unofficial Pokémon Journal)

Rescuing Pokémon (An Unofficial Pokémon Journal)

Author: Wolfsong



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A young kid goes out into the world to collect badges to get into the pokémon league....on the way she helps out injured and lost pokemon with her best friends Eevee and Ponyta...She meets up with a young gym leader and his best friend, Vulpix.
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Chapter 1

  My family and I went to the park to have a picnic. It was such a gorgeous day. Mom, Dad and my brother, Isaiah let their pokemon out of their pokémon out of their pokéballs so they could play in the grass. They even had practice matches to see who had the stronger pokémon. Of course I was too young to have one. The rule states that one has to be eleven years of age. I'm only ten. I can't wait to have one of my own though.

  Isaiah wants me to have a Bulbasaur because of the flying whip and razor leaf abilities it has. Dad wants me to get a water type, like a Squirtle, since he calls me his "little mermaid" because I love the water. Mom always had to remind them that I still have two months to think about it and it's whatever pokémon Grandad has available. Grandad is the local professor, he's known throughout the village as Professor Dallas Hart.

  While everyone was playing with Pikachu, Bulbasaur, and Charizard, the dragon pokémon; I went down to the lake that laid peacefully in the middle of the park, to feed the ducks. As I walked along the bank, I heard something in the bushes. Thinking nothing of it, I kept walking. As I walked closer to the trees and the bushes, I heard the wrestling sound again; this time with an Eevee crying, "Eevee, vee, eee,

help me, I'm stuck, I can't breath

," it cried. I went to investigate to see what was going on. There in the middle of the clearing was an Eevee with a snare around its neck. I took out my phone and text...Dad come quick, bring your leatherman tool. An Eevee stuck with snare around its neck.

  I waved to him as he ran towards me so he could find me easily. He cut the wire that was around Eevee's neck. We rushed to our carriage that was being pulled by Ponyta. By the time we got there, the wind picked up and it started to rain. Thunder rolled in the distance.

  Mom and Isaiah rushed to clean up the picnic and collected all the pokémon to put them back into their pokeballs.

  Dad took the reins and gallped Ponyta as fast as she could to the pokemon center Mom owned.

  By the time we got there it started to rain harder. Mom and I got out and walked inside. Dad went home before it poured down since Ponyta is a fire pokemon, water could kill her and he had to hurry home to light the lighthouse.

  Mom took Eevee into the back room to be examined it. I had to stay in the lobby and watched the rain come down in buckets. The lightning flashed and the thunder rolled. Mom came out and handed Eevee back to me. "Be careful of her neck. It's very tender, but she will heal in time. Luckily that snare didn't do any real damage. She must have just gotten stuck in that snare moments before you got there," she said.


  "Yes, Eevee has a creamed color heart shaped tail. The male Eevees have a cream color star shaped tail."

  "Are all pokémon this easy to identify?" She smiled at me.

  "No, most of them need a DNA test to find out what their sex is. But most doctors, nurses, and even professors don't have the technology to do it. I only know Grandad and Isaiah who do that kind of testing. It's part of their research to figure out if there are any markings on certain pokémon that could tell the difference. With Ponyta, Rapidash and Tauro, for example, all you have to do is to look underneath them, if you could get close enough to do so."

  She showed me a poster that shows the difference from a male and a female Eevee.

  Isaiah finally showed up in the car. "Time to go. Isaiah's waiting for us," she said, closing up.

  We didn't say much on the way home. The lightning llit up the sky and the thunder crashed. "We're going to have a wild few days. This storm is suppose to get worse," he said, pulling into the garage. "We have flashlights and candles, right?" Mom asked. "Yes, but I'm not sure if we have extra batteries or not," he said. She nodded.

  When we walked through the garage door that lead into the laundry room, Grandad was making some teriyaki chicken, sweet and sour chicken, some sushi and some other yummy stuff; including my favorite, moon cakes filled with assorted fruits, creams, jellies and even chocolate with hidden messages inside them as well for dessert.

  I was about to sneak upstairs when Isaiah happened to stop me when I got to the forth step. "Go show Grandad Eevee," he suggested. I really didn't want to. I was worried that Grandad would take her away from me, even though my parents would probably force me to take her back when she's fully healed anyway. "Angelika, go show Grandad what you found today" she said, when she walked in. I was standing on the sixth step when I got stopped again. "Funny, that's what I suggested," Isaiah said. "Go on, show Eevee to Grandad!" She demanded, this time. I walked and stood on the first step. "Mom, he'll take her away from me...I'm too young for a pokémon remember," I whined. "Honey, if you're responsible enough and she loves you, she just might stay. Your too young for the traveling and the pokémon matches. Not for pokémon," she said. I nodded and walked into the kitchen.

  Grandad was making the finishing touches on dinner. "Grandad, I found this Eevee in the park today," I said, quietly. He stopped what he was doing, got down on his knees and started examining her. "How very beautiful. She's young too," he said, "she's healthy, shiny brown and cream coat. She's soft as well." Before anyone could say anything, he examined her neck. She snapped at him with evil looking eyes. He looked at me confused. "Her neck is very tender. I founder her in a snare. Mom and I took her home to heal," I said. "Well why don't you help me make some very special pokémon food for her...I'm sure she's hungry," he said. Isaiah also jumped into this opportunity make his own recipe on pokémon food as well. I helped them make the poffins and at the same time I wrote down their recipes as they went.

  Finally the poffins were finished and so was our dinner. I put the bowl of poffins down aginst the wall next to the bowl of water. Eevee cautiously walked over to it. She sniffed it, then she licked a small piece. She took a small bite tasting the morsel to make sure she would like it. She finally chowed down on her food.

  In the middle of dinner there was a bright flash of light and a loud clap of thunder that shook the house that caused the lights to go out. Eevee freaked out and jumped in my arms, I held onto her to comfort her. "I"ll get the candles," Mom said. "I'll get the flashlights," Dad said. She put the candles in the middle of the table so we can finish eating.

  After dinner, Isaiah stood some flashlights up on their ends so there was some light to wash the dishes without blinding him; I helped him. Then we all went into the living room. Dad used Charizard to light the fireplace for heat and light.

  No one knows this...only this journal...I really don't care for Charizard because it's very stubborn and will not fight back. Dad lost some matches and battles because of that stupid pokémon.

  In the middle of our UNO game, I started to get drowsy and so was Eevee. I hugged everyone and said my goodnights and everyone told me their goodnights and sweet dreams as well. Then Eevee and I headed upstairs. I took out my favorite crib blanket from when I was a baby out of the linen closet. I made a "nest" with it at the foot of the bed for her. She curled up in a ball and fell asleep. I changed into my pajamas and got into bed as well.

  The wind started to "whip" and the thunder kept rolling and crashing all night that caused us both to wake up. I looked at my clock; it read 2:30 AM. Eevee decided to curl up next to me. I put my arm around her. We finally got back to sleep.