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Alpha Faye

Alpha Faye

Author: Midika



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"Caught between two lovers, but which one is real?" Alpha Faye is the only female Alpha to exist, and with that, comes problems. Problems such as secret assassins referred to as Silents that want her dead. To defend her, a Huntsman is hired, however, he can't protect her from a rogue Silent that breaks into her room one night to kill her. When he is caught, she finds herself lured in by the unnamed man, who is on trial for her attempted murder. Even if it means disrupting her relationship with the Huntsman. However, when things begin to change as the masks come off some of Faye's closest allies, she begins to doubt who she can trust. Who has the biggest secret. The Silent, or the Huntsman?
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Chapter 1



  My fingers dig under the window pane, sliding it up until the cool night air drifted through. It's not snowing tonight, but the air bites at my bare arms. There's no point in dressing up if I'm going to shift anyway. So instead, I sling my leg over the ledge, looking down at the ground below. Here's hoping the grass catches my fall.

  Taking a deep breath, I fall until my feet touch the ground, my ankles jarring in response. No one should be out this way tonight. As far as I'm aware, the Guards are working different rounds until midnight.

  The night buzzes around me. No one here agrees with me when the forest that backs my residence comes to life at night.

  It does, but in their opinion, in another way.

  My Pack, the Independence Pack has kept away from the rest of the twelve Packs; especially the Discipline Pack. Their disagreement with the way my Pack leads their lives - without any rules - has meant the Alpha, Kael, and I, do not get along. In fact, he's sent some of his entourage to kill me many times.

  It should worry me, but it doesn't. I live in a Pack where people are allowed to commit to their actions with little consequences. Of course, there are restrictions, but my people are independent. They live the life they want to, as long as they respect my wishes when it's deemed necessary.

  There are people, though, who's opinions like to overrule mine.

  My mother. After a near death experience a few years ago, I've invited her to live back in my residence, so I can look after her. This has proven, however, to be a right pain, as with each day, she has been testing the edges of my patience, piping at it with her suggestions. I flaunt the term suggestions mildly.

  I try listen. I try understand. But keeping me in at night when exploring the forest outdoors appeals to me more. I don't think so...

  So to keep the peace, I sneak around. Something a female Alpha who seeks respect from all Pack's should never be caught doing. When I find it in my heart to kick my mother out, then I won't have to. I won't have to worry about disappointing her.

  My bare feet crunch over fallen leaves, my left hand brushing the wall as I walk, ready to press myself into the shadows of it's deemed necessary.

  The forest is surrounded with a large dark fence. Because my Pack is situated at the top of a mountain, the forest is the only possible way to get in and out. That's how Alpha Kael's assassins get in, which is why it's suggested I don't go in there. I see it, and I understand, it's just hard to fight the natural urge.

  It doesn't take very long to find the gate that keeps people out. My eyes are trained, even to the darkness. This isn't the first time I've ventured out, and if I can keep inconspicuous, then it won't be the last either.

  Climbing over the gate is the hardest part of this. My hands clamp down on iron as I clamber up, my feet nearly slipping on the ice slick bars. The more I climb, the harder it gets. My hands freeze and cramp up, but I fight through it, swinging my arms over the top before I fall to the ground on the other side. Everything will be fine once I shift, then no one will find me, unless of course, they smell me. Then I'm done for. To avoid that, I wander further in the forest, letting its darkness consume me with every step.

  Just as I decided I felt comfortable enough to shift, I hear a strange sound. Rustling. And talking. Dammit.

  I press myself up against the base of a tree, concealing myself from the torches belong to Guards. I can hear their voices, picking out the ones I knew. There are only two of them, but I know both. Preston and James. Pricks.

  "Thought so," I hear Preston mutter, and a murmur of agreement comes out afterwards from James.

  "Come on out Faye," I hear James call. I cringe. Of course they would find me, they are the best Guards in the Pack Quarter. That's exactly why I had them hired to protect my place. Now I'm starting to regret that decision. "We know why you're out here, so you don't have to worry about explaining yourself to us."

  I know they are just saying that to get me to come out. They know I don't have to explain myself to them, as the Alpha. They also know that in saying that, I'll want to pop out to confirm.

  "I'm only agreeing to come back because I don't want to disappointed speech again," I mutter, stepping out from behind the tree and into the light of their torches. "If it will stop her from dropping dead from a heart attack then fine. I'm sure you'd be the types to go back and tell her.

  Preston and James exchange glances. They aren't my personal Guards. The ashen haired men patrol the area looking for people trying to get into the Pack.

  "You were going to shift," Preston excuses, looking me up and down. I'm not wearing much considering the chilled air. It's a simple outfit I don't mind losing if I couldn't get back to where I left them. Now, all my preparation is for nothing.

  "Aren't you going to take me back?" I question.

  I don't really want to create anymore talk with these two. Both gossip to my mother like she's the leader of her own little Pack, so the least I say to them, the better.

  They take me straight to my mother. Apparently it's not to tell her about what I was caught doing, but because she requested my company anyway. I hate walking into her room, though. It reminds me of how ill she is. The gauzy curtains, the smell in the air. She lies in bed all day and all night, one foot practically in the grave. The moment she sees me, there's disappointment.

  She looks up and down at what I'm wearing. "You're lucky we have something to discuss that doesn't include what you're wearing."

  Preston and James leave me by the door. Lucky.

  I'm a complete mess right now. My feet and ankles are caked in a thin layer of dirt. As is the hem of my dress. My hair's a mess, and I'm tired. How is mother even awake at this hour, that I calculated so I wouldn't get caught? Or at least I thought I did.

  "What is it mother?" I question, coming to stand over her in the bed. She lies there, frail is ever, her snow white hair that I inherited from her is now grey and scraggly. Her face is pale, as she stares at me with milky eyes. She can see and hear as well as I can, which is the frightening part. It means I can't get away with anything around her.

  "I've been worried about you. The Discipline Pack have been training a few more of their assassins. I need to make sure you're safe at all times, don't you agree?" She says.

  She adds the don't you agree since it should be my decision. She likes to act as if I don't know.

  "Which means?"

  "Your father had a Huntsman a few years ago, before he died. That boy kept him safe at all times, when he knew it, and when didn't. After your father got sick we sent the boy away, but I've asked him to come back and take care of you," she tells me, and my eyes widen.

  "Without consulting me?"

  My mother sighs. It's a raspy sound. "Some things have to be done for you. You can't always worry about being caught. With this Huntsman, you can go further out into the forest, if that's what you want..."

  I grit my teeth.

  "What's his name?"

  She sits up. "Cal."