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High School Lovers

High School Lovers

Author: Authoress hany



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Mostimes, I wonder why my mom and sister hate me so much. They hate me, yes! But they don't treat me badly. They just simply hate me for a reason I can't understand. But then, something ignited their hatred for me. Something made them hostile towards me. Dad transferred me to Westview, the school that Jessica(My sister) insisted on going even after dad enrolled us at Brimstone. And that was the beginning of everything. It got to the peak when Jessica's long time crush, Donald begins to develop feelings for me but there was something she didn't know. I never liked Donald. The person I really like is Rex.
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Chapter 1

  TEMISAN- Dad's decision.

  I've been trying all my life to find out the reason why my mom and my sister hate me so much but I can't come up with any logical reason.

  Sometimes, they treat me like a total outcast, like I'm not part of their family, like I'm an outsider.

  They never maltreat me though, I always get everything I want. I mean material things, but love, affection, I never get it from either of them.

  The only person that showers me with so much love and affection is my dad.

  Sometimes, I get jealous of Jessica. She is always showered with love and affection from both mom and dad. Moreover, she is beautiful. She has a slim body, natural red lips, curly black hair, full and well shaped eyebrows, sparkling brown eyes and she is dark-skinned. Beautiful can be an understatement for her.

  Most times, people call her black beauty. That kind of her nickname.

  It's not like I'm not beautiful, I am. I am light skinned unlike her and I have natural pink lips, Sparkling brown eyes like hers, long eyelashes, full and well shaped eyebrows just like hers and dimples on my cheeks. I have a slim body too and people usually call me Fair queen. That's my nickname or at least what people call me.

  We are twins, but we don't really look alike that much and sometimes I wonder, does mom hate me because I gave her a tough time during child birth? Maybe she gave birth to Jessica with ease and I gave her a tough time, but can that be the reason for her hatred towards me? I don't think so.

  I bet there's something more to it.

  You know, I kinda like my sister even though I hate her. She doesn't treat me like trash. She just doesn't like me, maybe because mom doesn't like me either or there's some other reason.

  I've learnt to live with their hatred and that's why most times, I'm very hostile towards people and I don't relate much with people outside my family.

  If my own mother can hate me, what more people outside my family?

  I tuck in my shirt into my brown and flare school uniform skirt, grab my bag and race downstairs for breakfast.

  "Temi, I've trasfered you Westview international school" Dad says while we are having breakfast and my sister, Jessica, chokes on her food.

  "What?" A look of shock and disapproval steals across her face.

  I wonder what dad is thinking. Why will he suddenly change my school? And again to Jessica's school? Just why?

  "No dad, you can't do that" Jessica disagrees, dropping her spoon on the table. Her eyes starts to water.

  Seeing her reaction, she is pretty not cool about the idea and here's my chance to get revenge. It's not the kind of revenge you're thinking.

  For some reason, I just want her to feel hurt. Maybe she'll be able to understand the pain I've gone through all these years.

  I don't know why she doesn't want me to attend the same school with her. She insisted on going to Westview international school even after dad enrolled us both in Brimstone international school.

  I don't know why, but I seem to be enjoying this.

  Since she doesn't want me to attend her school, that's exactly what I'll do.

  "When am I going to resume?" I ask as if i was expecting it.

  "Tommorrow. You may not go to school today, unless you wanna say good bye to your friends" He replies, taking a bite of his toast.

  "I have no friends to say good bye to so I guess I'll be staying at home" I say with an emotionless tone.

  Jessica shoots me an angry glare and I smirk. What's the big deal, she can just pretend she doesn't know me.

  Mom comes to the dinning, carrying cups of coffee in a tray.

  "Mom, dad transferred Temi to Westview" She whined like a child and tears were dripping down her eyelids.

  "Honey, you can't do that" She turns to give me a deadly look before turning back to face dad.

  "I've made my decision. Jessi, I'll be waiting for you in the car" He stands up, looking a bit upset.

  I gulp my remaining coffee and I stand up to my feet.

  No school today.... Sounds like fun.

  "You will not go to Westview. You will tell dad that you like Brimstone better" Jessica says. She stands up, wipes her tears and looks at me as if she is trying to intimidate and threaten me.

  "I'm not like you who goes against dad decisions. I'm very obedient so I'll do whatever he says"

  "Temi!" Mom yells. I'm used to her yelling my name like that.

  "Am I not right? When dad enrolled us at Brimstone, she insisted on going to Westview. She got want she wanted. Now, I'll do what I want. It's dad's decision and I'm ready abide by it" I sass and take the stairs.

  Yeah, they taught me how to be rude. But sometimes I wonder, I'm always rude to mom, but she does nothing about it.

  Getting to my room, I pull off my shirt and toss it to the bed. I yanked my skirt off and opening my closet, I pick a short and a purple T-shirt.

  Next, I walk to my window side. Pushing the window open, a fresh scent of a new day filled my nose.

  I inhaled deeply as the sun ray hit my skin. I only get to do this on weekends. I never even thought for once that I'll be standing by my window side, early on Monday morning, inhaling the fresh scent of a new day.

  It sounds impossible, but it's possible.

  With a smile curled on my lips, I grab my teddy bear and squeeze it into a tight hug.

  I'm glad I'm not going to school. I won't get to the the faces of my classmates, especially the girls. They hate me so much, I can't tell whose hate is greater. My mom and my sister or theirs?

  Anyways, I don't care. I just wanna enjoy today as much as I can. It's a rare opportunity for me and I can't wait to see how Jessica will react when I resume Tommorrow.

  She may probably start behaving like a bitch. You know, I've read a few books about sisters who hate each other and then one of them is usually the villain while the other is usually a weakling who ends up getting protected by the boy she like or something.

  Maybe Jessica will be the villain, but I'm not ready to be a weakling.

  A tooth for tooth, an eye for an eye.

  There's still one question bothering me though, why won't she want me to attend Westview? I'm so curious to find out.

  Is it because she hates me so much or is it something else?

  Laying on my bed, there is nothing I want to do except sleep.

  "I'm heading out Temi" I hear mom's voice. That simply means she wants me to lock the door.

  I groan as I stand up. Just when I was feeling very comfortable on my bed.

  I sluggishly descend the stairs, taking each step as if there is a heavy weight on my leg and I drag my feet to the front door. Locking the door, I can hear the engine of her car start.

  Mom owns a boutique not too far from where we live and Dad is the owner of KFC embassy. He's always busy with business so he comes home once in a while.

  Heading back to my room, my eyes catch the sight of a book lying on the dinning table.

  I can't remember leaving my book there. I stand still, uncertain if I should check it out or not and finally I decide to.

  As I pick up the note, I realize it is for Jessica. It is her dairy.

  I drop it and head to my room.

  Laying on by bed again, I remember the horror fiction I've always wanted to read. I'll go to the library later in the day to read it for sure.

  My eyelids starts to get heavy. Not my fault though, I had to stay up late last night to complete my assignment. Now, the assignment is kinda useless.

  I turn to the other side of my bed. The feeling of being abandoned and lonely suddenly engulfed me. I tighten my hold on my cover cloth as I think of the emotional pains I've gone through so far. If there's one thing I'm yearning for, it's the love of my mother but I don't think I can ever get it.

  Do you know how it feels to have someone you call your mother but that someone doesn't even have a pinch of love for you?

  Do you know how it feels to be treated like an outcast in your own family? Do you know how it feels to be discriminated against when it comes to love and affection?!

  I bet you don't.

  All this pains, I bury them deep down in my heart. Deep down in me, I feel hurt every single day when I call mom and the look in her eyes doesn't show any hint of love or affection or even concern for me.

  But as much as I feel hurt, I never want anyone to see me as a weak person. My though character, hostile behavior and sometimes my rude attitude, all these acts are just a disguise for my pain. To the outside world, I'm a happy and tough kinda girl, but deep down, I'm as unhappy as hell. I feel as if I'm dying every single day.

  I'm so pathetic.