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We Could Happen

We Could Happen

Author: Hippocrates


General Romance

We Could Happen PDF Free Download


Amanda Izzayana has dreamed of becoming the wife of Jazzril Olice, a man who has been acknowledged by many because of his outstanding looks. He does not know of Amanda's existence, and she does not make it obvious that she has always been lurking around him. How can these two people meet when no one dares to make a move? Will fate be the one to initiate their love story— will their love actually happen?
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Chapter 1


  Ever since I was a child, I have already dreamed of being the wife of Jazzril Olice, he was one of the guys who used to cheer me up back then. Knowing that we are working under the same company sent thrills down to my spine! "Damn, I wish time would fly by so fast, I want to see him right away," I mumbled in between my own mouth which formed a small smirk. It was kind of inevitable for me to have Jazzrill out of my mind, especially now that I can regularly see him every time that I work.

  Sipping a bit of coffee which was placed above my office desk, I got up and fixed my attire before opening the door which led me the way to our main lobby. "Hey Amanda, have you already finished rejecting all of those persistent stock holders?" Reeve asked, someone who ranks higher than me.

  "Yeah," I shortly responded as I made my way through the other side of the lobby where Jazzril was having his share of coffee. "Aiyoo, what's up, Jace?" I called him without honorifics and only by his nickname which I used back then.

  Jazzril looked at me with such disgust in his eyes, it was as if he was irritated to see me and even hear my voice calling out to him. "Who the hell are you and why do you know my nickname?" he asked, his eyes were full of confusion. It was really not too much of a shock for me to know that he does not even remember me and what my role is with his life.

  "I'm just a stranger," I plainly said, being cautious since I would not dare get on his nerves. "So, what's up? You seem to be out of the mood lately, did you get dumped by some woman?" I tried to reach out for his cheeks but before I could have done so, he already pushed my hands away.

  Jazzril hissed, I kind of like the way that he gets irritated with me. I believe in the saying that the more that a person hates me, the more that he would end up loving me instead. "Get lost!" He yelled at me and there was no other choice that I could have done.

  "I got it, I got it. Chill dude," I uttered with both of my hands raised in the air, I dropped it as soon as I turned away from him.

  I headed towards the exit of the lobby and all that I received was the sweet, freshened air which slapped through my skin. I stared at the bright sky, covering my field of vision for a little bit so that it would not be directed in my eyes. "When would I have the courage to talk to Jace like how I used to before? Damn it, I miss having late night talks and strolls with him, why did he have to forget all about me and the times that we had spent together?" I questioned myself, trying to get a grip.

  "Amanda? Why are you all alone by yourself outside?" Yuna asked as she walked beside me without eradicating her smile. "Oh good, I thought that I've called the wrong person," she laughed for a short while, her shoulders rose every time she did.

  "What's the matter? Did something come up at our office?"

  "Not that I can say, I just wanted to have some free time for myself and then I stumbled across you and I figured that you might need someone to accompany you," Yuna responded with her angelic voice that always get me high, I envy how pretty she is and how talented she is in every aspect. "By the way, I did not know that Jace was the nickname of our boss," she added which almost made me throw up all of the coffee that I drank earlier when I heard what she said.

  "B-B-Boss?" I stuttered, not believing what Yuna was saying. "That's impossible, Yuna. There's no way that Jazzril can become someone with such a high ranking," I shrugged away the thought that she might be telling me the truth.

  It's not possible, right? For a man who is always strict and bad mouthed, for someone like him to be promoted to such a title... I can't believe this!

  "Yes, you can actually go back inside and confirm it for yourself if you are having doubts with me," she mumbled and pointed back at the company's entrance as she marched ahead, not even letting me walk right by her side.

  I did as Yuna told me and placed all of my strength left to my feet. It did not even take a minute or two, here I was again, standing in front of the man of my life... who does not consider me as the woman of his life.

  "Seriously lady, what the hell is your problem? Why do you keep on pestering me around? Jazzril's disgusted look changed into an angry one, his eyebrows furrowed the moment that he clicked his tongue.

  "Jace... You're my... You're our boss?!" I exclaimed.