
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Emmanuella chimezie





Tomika is a teenage who has lived all her life in a country with people she believes to be her family. Then one fateful day everything changed.she finds out that she has a brother, a dad who was a scientist but died due to unnatural occurrence.she also has to face all the temptations of being a teenager. She also finds out that her dad's killer is still alive. The most shocking news about her new situation is that she finds out that she has super powers that came as a result of a childhood laboratory accident. Read on and find out more about Tomika Paige
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Chapter 1

  Do you believe in time travel? Well I certainly do but if someone had asked me this same question a day ago my answer would have been negative.

  Well, I'm Tomika Jayden, I'm sixteen years old and I'm a senior secondary school student or should I say I was,because presently I know nothing about myself.

  I used to be a regular teenager, living in Nigeria with my dad that has anger issues and my over bearing mother together with my five siblings that I love so much but everything changed suddenly when I slept one night on the bed I shared with my siblings and woke up to find myself in an attic.

  "Wakey Wakey" a voice said. I opened my eyes slowly and I saw a short,bald man; his accent was so funny that if I wasn't in my present condition I would have laughed my ass out

that was just an expression I can't possibly laugh my ass out anyway


  But what surprised me most was that he wasn't black like I am, instead he is white just like those people I normally see on TV and magazines. Then I noticed that he wasn't alone there was about four people with him, three were male while one was a female but what gave me goosebumps was the face of the second man.It was scary it seemed like he wanted to kill or hurt me there and then,but also it looked vaguely familiar like I have seen him somewhere before and I have known him personally.

  "Wh...where am I?" I finally asked the question that has been on my mind since I woke up.

  "The question should be who are you?,how did you get here? And who sent you?" The second guy said.let me describe him a little, he is dark haired,muscular and had a great height...omg! He was intimidating.He should be about thirty-eight or fourty years old,not that I'm good at estimating people's age but I know for a fact that he isn't up to fifty.

  I couldn't find my was like I had lost my voice.I looked around the room,it was neat and boxes were stacked every where; I don't mean to judge but it looked like nothing valuable was down here.I turned and looked back at them and noticed that the remaining three were kids.Well I won't exactly call them kids because they were approximately of the same age with me or probably older than me with a year or two and indeed it made me relax a bit.At last I found my voice.

  "I'm really sorry but I don't know how I got here. Isn't this Nigeria?" I asked confusion written on my face.

  I caught one of the guys staring at my dress intently so I looked down and found out that I'm still wearing my nightwear. I blushed and try to keep my hands crossed.

  "Shut up! Don't play dumb with me, you're an imposter" he declared, i could see the fury radiating from him but I was confused on what to do. He should at least explain things to me.

  "No, she isn't" the guy that has been staring at me said.He is such a sight to behold,he is obviously blond and his haircut is magnificent.he is also white and his thin like lips has a pinkish glow to it,i could hardly take my eyes off him.

  "What do you mean Blake?"the man asked frowning.

  " Blake is his name.omg! What a lovely name" I thought but kept mute and my face blank to avoid more suspicion for the dude.

  "What I meant is that there is no way a spy would appear dressed in a nightwear as if she is about to sleep and besides Marshal she looks genuine" He said looking at me and I managed to flash a small smile; at least someone believe me.

  " I agree with Blake,she does seem genuine and we should at least hear what she has to say"the girl said.Then I focused my eyes on her and to be honest she is pretty,she is black and that surprised me and her accent is superb just like the rest of them.My thoughts wander and I began to think if she and Blake was dating or she wants them to date thats why she agreed with him and sided me but I quickly discarded the thought,i should be thinking about my present condition rather than unnecessary stuff.

  "I think we should give her a chance to express herself,after that we can do what we want with her".The last guy said and I flinched.

  "Fine...get up. And yate bring her upstairs" the second guy said. I stood up and followed them while yate the bald man stayed behind me,probably to ensure i don't carry out any stunt.

  We got to a different room altogether,as a matter of fact this doesn't look like a room at all rather it looks like a layer of some sort and believe me when I say the view was absolutely stunning.It has so many utilities,at a corner of the very large room there was a center table,a roller chair and when you look above there are several screens and in one of the screens I saw the attic where u just came from.At a different angle there is a machine for snacks and I have this strange feeling that there might be a door behind the snack-machine but I didn't ask or say anything I just continued moping around.At a different corner there is a door shaped like an octopus and at the last angle there is an elevator which made me wonder just how high this building is and which part of the world will this place exist.

  "Hey! I know this place is a blast but you can't keep staring around like a moron all day,we have stuffs to do". the second man that Blake called Marshal said.

  "Kk.." I said and sat on the couch that was in the middle of the room.

  "Now since I agreed to give you the benefit of doubt you have to put on this bracelet" He said. I looked at him as if he has gone nuts because he wasn't even holding a bracelet.

  "What bracelet?" I asked gaining little of my self confidence that I used ages to build.

  "Yate show her the bracelet you made" he instructed while the bald man brought out a bracelet for a wasn't pretty at all, it just looked like a shiny piece of metal.Nothing more.Nothing less.

  "Why and what does it do?" I asked suspiciously.

  "It is a lie detector bracelet.Tell one tiny bit of lie and it shocks the hell out of you"He replied smirking

  "I got no problem with that" I said proudly because honestly there nothing to lie for.

  "So start from the top,how you got here and all the rest" he said.

  I looked at their eager faces, I just need to clear this rubbish and go home.As I thought about it,home sounded too far in my ears.

  "Like I asked earlier, ain't I in Nigeria?"I asked still looking at their faces.

  "I'm a Nigerian, I'm 16 years,a secondary school student and my life is very very boring and sincerely I don't know how or why I got here" I said. I felt lighter already, at least that part is off my chest.

  Marshal clearly expected me to get shocked any minute but he is definitely in for a surprise.After a few minutes he spoke up.

  "Obviously that's the truth but can you tell what happened last before you found yourself here?" He asked,gone were the cold,hard voice he used in addressing me earlie and it was replaced with a more polite tone.

  I knew he had every right to be mad at me, just imagine when someone just appear in your room out of nowhere.Gosh! If I were to be in his shoes I will freak out or run I decided to play along nicely.

  "I remember when SARS a government agency assigned to carry out justice on citizens who flaunt the law but instead they become corrupt and began to abduct innocent youths all in the name of being a suspect and the parents of the youths had to pay huge amount of money to bail their kids or wards as the case my be,so citizens got fed up with their corrupt practices and decided to do a protest and it resulted in a huge conflict.That night I ate and talked with my family after which I laid on the bed and slept off only to awaken the sound of someone screaming "wakey! Wakey!" In my ears" I narrated and sent a look at yate who grinned in return.

  "'s now obvious that she isn't lying but what are we gonna do,we can't just toss her outside the streets of Dallas" The girl said looking at Marshal.

  "What! Dallas? You gotta be kidding me.Where exactly am I?" I asked shocked.

  "You're in Dallas,Texas" she replied

  I shook my head vigorously.

  "No...this can't be.I must be in some sort of dream land!" I exclaimed. I pinched myself hoping that I will wake up from this bozzaro dream,but nothing happened that's when the seriousness of my situation dawn on me.


I don't get

What will I possibly be doing in Texas when I lived in Nigeria all my life and i don't remember boarding a plane to get here,so if this is some kind of joke please stop it" I said trying to act tough but beneath I was quaking in fear.