
Let’s Read The World

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For You

For You

Author: Jollibee



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She is unable to see through him, but he is able to see right through her. She desires him completely, both personally and sexually. But she has no idea that once she enters his world, she may not be able to leave alive. I'm after him. I yearn for him. I'm stumped when it comes to him. Being a student in his class is insufficient for me. His intelligence is calling out to me, igniting a fire within me.
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Chapter 1

One of the students...I would teach him something alright, and it would have nothing to do with history, let me tell you. I'm getting horny, I need to calm myself down. Give me a second.

Okay, I'm back. I just thought of the adjunct that covered the class and I cooled down right away. Anyway, where was I again? Oh yeah, teaching him. Such a great dream, but the probability of that happening was so low I could cry. He was the most mysterious man I've ever met. My other teachers loved talking about their lives. From their spouses to their kids and even friends. He didn't. The only thing he talked about was history and he taught that with a passion that could melt ice cream. What a comparison, I know, it was the first thing that came to my mind. But nothing else. We got nothing else from him, and no one asked him any personal questions either. Was I the only one that was curious? There was no ring on his finger, so I would assume that he wasn't married. I wouldn't even know if he had a girlfriend or not because he literally talks about nothing personal, now I'm getting upset about it. I want to know things about him.

Like, what made him get the black dragon tattoo that circled his forearm and disappeared into his sleeve, wrapping around a strong bicep. Would he ever cut the obsidian curls that reached his shoulders, that was always falling in his face that he had to pull it back with a rubber band? How was he able to afford his black, sleek, Audi R8? Certainly not on a teachers salary he couldn't. Did he have another job? What was he passionate about? Does he fuck students? Okay, maybe not that last question because that's too forward. I like to play cat and mouse games. Let me lay some traps and have the man chase me. I love a good chase. It can even be the other way around. Lay some traps out for me, and I promise you if I'm interested, I will chase you. I love solving puzzles.

You would think because I student teach for him that I would have some personal time with him and be able to have conversations that don't have to do with history or writing, but no. He keeps to himself and sometimes even leaves me all alone. I really need to step up my game. What could I do that would catch his attention? Put me on his radar permanently? What makes him tick? I did notice that he doesn't like to be corrected. He's always right. Always. At least, in his mind. Maybe I could challenge him in class one day, make him look like a fool in front of everyone. That would definitely grab his attention. Since I student teach for him, it would be easy for him to bring it up, especially if he's upset. And if he doesn't bring it up, then I could just bring it up myself, apologize for making him look like a fool.

I'm getting so excited just thinking about this plan. I think this would actually work. I just need to know when he's coming back so that I could prepare an outfit. I'm thinking of going with innocent vibes this time instead of slutty. Make it seem like I didn't mean to make him look like an idiot. Maybe he's into that. I'm literally smiling right now thinking of this plan and how it's going to go, I can taste success already. When I'm on his radar, I would take it slow. Make him want me, make him crave me so much he has no choice but to come to me, beg me, plead with me. That's such a dream, I'm laughing at myself right now. He doesn't seem like the type to beg and plead, especially not over a woman. I-

"Scarlett, I need the room."

I put my pen down from writing in my journal and sighed heavily as my roommate spoke to me. Without turning, I answered her. "Dilan, find another place to fuck your boyfriend. I'm not moving." I turned back to my journal and I heard her huff, muttering to herself.

"Come on Matt." She said to her thir- second? Boyfriend of the week. I could never keep up with the numbers. She was a whore, but she was cool. She kept to herself for the most part and only spoke to me when she needed something, like space to fuck one of her boyfriends. Once I heard our dorm room door close, I turned back to my journal.

Sorry, my slutty roommate interrupted because she wanted to fuck one of her boyfriends. Usually I wouldn't mind and would give her the room, but right now I'm plotting and I can't be interrupted. I'm in a groove right now. What was I saying again? My memory sucks. Oh yes, he definitely wouldn't beg and plead over a woman, BUT, I have been told that I'm irresistible. So maybe I can tap into his weak manly part.

Ugh, no! He's an intellectual. He would see right through me and probably find another student teacher to replace me. I didn't want him to know I wanted him. I just wanted to be on his radar. Then, when the attraction is mutual and we're both feeling those vibes, I swoop in. Yeah I want to fuck him, but I also want to get to know him. I want to dive into his brain, his mind, and him the same to me.

Okay, I've said so much and my thoughts are so jumbled. Let me simplify everything. First, I will find the perfect innocent outfit. Then, I will embarrass him in front of the class, putting myself on his radar. Then, when I'm student teaching, if he doesn't bring up the incident, I will. I will let him know that I am sorry if I embarrassed him and that wasn't my intention. Unless he wants to talk to me about it that same day, I am definitely not opposed to that. After we talk it out and I let him know that he was indeed wrong, I think we'll probably have a little back and forth because he seems like the type to get his ego bruised easily. Then I will definitely be on his radar. After that, we'll let things happen naturally. Does that seem like a good plan to you? It seems like a pretty decent one to me if I do say so myself.

I will prepare my outfit tonight. Then I'll email him asking when he'll be back so that I can execute my plan at the perfect moment. I'm so giddy right now and actually pretty nervous. It's been a while since I've interacted with a beautiful intellectual. He's definitely going to test my knowledge and I loved conversing with people smarter than me. Anyway, I went on an entire tangent when I was supposed to be talking about why today was boring. I always do that, it's hard for me to stay on one topic sometimes. My brain hates me. I'm thinking, trying to figure out if I'm leaving anything out. I don't think so. Whoever recommended writers to write everything in a journal is a genius. I needed somewhere to just mindlessly dump information, and this is perfect. I can say what I want without anyone judging me since I'm the only one reading it and I can leave more space in my brain for more important things.

So, yeah. I think this is it. I'm going to email him and start prepping myself for this plan. He's not going to know what hit him. Don't worry, I'll be the best thing that's ever happened to him. To make it even more simple for whoever is reading this, here it is.

I want him. I crave him. He's a mystery I can't solve. Being a student in his class isn't enough for me. His intelligence is calling out to me, stirring up a fire burning with so much passion, I was going to burst. But he doesn't know I exist. I'm his student teacher, yet the only conversation we had was a short yes, no, thank you, goodbye. I was going to change that.

I'm coming for you Killian Arnault.


Scarlett Edwards