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Is He Mine?

Is He Mine?

Author: Gina Stanley



Is He Mine? PDF Free Download


Lilac is your average young woman until a trip to the club alongside her best friend Anton changes that. She ends up following a stranger home which she blames on the alcohol and has the best night of her life. Overwhelmed with shame, she flees but that is not the end of it for the stranger is about to become a part of her life in way she can't be rid of.
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Chapter 1

Lilac Smith looked around and wondered what the hell she was doing in a club that had more teenagers than she had seen all her life. She knew she was exaggerating, one had to be at least eighteen to get in and there were also tons of people her age around but she could not shake off the feeling that she was too old to be here. Same thing she had said to him but Anton had insisted. Speaking of the maniac she had absolutely no idea where he was. He had asked to be excused for three minutes that he would be right back, it was over twenty and there was still no sign of him.

She sighed loudly as she took a sip of her martini, as sad as the club was at least they still served great ass drinks. This was her third glass and she was not regretting it. She closed her eyes as she ruminated the aftertaste of the drink, rolling her tongue around her mouth when she heard someone take the seat beside her. She immediately opened her eyes and mouth.

"Sorry, this seat is whaaaa…" Lilac couldn't finish, she was too stunned too. She found herself staring in the bluest eyes ever. It vaguely made her think of oceans.

"I'm sorry what?" He said a little too loudly, no thanks to the music. As he spoke, he eyed her fiercely. Lilac suddenly felt very hot.

"Nothing, I'm Lilac." She said stretching her hand, she still kept her eyes glued to his own. What was she doing? Nobody introduces themselves to strangers who just wanted a drink at the bar.

He raised a brow, "The flower?" He took her hand.

She shrugged, forcing her eyes away as she took in the rest of his face. He was ruggedly handsome, with hair that looked like a trip to the barber wouldn't be bad and beards in pretty much the same state but still, his slight unkemptness didn't hide his good looks. "Yeah, my mother was a huge fan."

"Was?" At his question, she returned her attention to his eyes. He looked genuinely interested.

"She died a couple of years back." It was a tiny detail, she could tell a stranger her mum was dead without feeling like she was giving too much information besides what were the odds she would meet him again and this wasn't a secret.

"I'm sorry," he blinked. Lilac didn't think it was proper for a man to have that amount of lashes. He still held her hand and it was burning a hole through her palm. Thank goodness she had settled for a sleeveless gown, she felt very hot.

"Nah it's not your fault besides it was a long time ago. You didn't say your name." She quickly changed the subject, she would prefer to get into his pants than have this depressing conversation.

He looked a bit surprised then composed himself, "Sorry, the name's…" His eyes darted around before he continued. "Aiden." He withdrew his palm from her grasp and signaled to the bartender. "On the rocks."

"Nice name." She picked her glass and made to take another sip of her Martini, she didn't like the fact that her palm ached for his touch again.

"Thanks," he smirked and Lilac felt her sex go warm. What the hell? She didn't think just a smile was enough to get one turned on. She gulped the rest of her Martini before she said something crazy.

"Thanks," he repeated but this time to the bartender. She signaled that she wanted another drink. This around the bartender didn't bother asking but made another Martini for her.

While the bartender got busy making her drink, Lilac returned her attention to the hunk of sunshine that sat next to her. His short-sleeve shirt had a firm grip on his body especially around the sleeve and Lilac didn't need a soothsayer to tell her he works out. His body said it all, she wondered if he had abs but with arms like that she knew he would.

She turned her attention to his face, the lashes she so loved were sitting comfortably atop his cheeks as he closed his eyes to savor his drink. She moved her eyes to the glass and felt instantly jealous. What she would give to be the glass?

Lilac shook her thoughts away, this was unlike her. She blamed the Martini, it was beginning to take effect. She shouldn't have taken that last glass. She flickered her eyes back only to find him staring back at her. 

She jerked, it took her everything to not gasp. She quickly turned her eyes away. Luckily for her at the same time, the Bartender was done with her drink. This time she didn't savor it but drank the whole glass clean.

The Martini gave her a little courage and turned to look at him once again. His glass was down but his gaze was still on her and they were burning a hole through her dress. She swallowed and he smiled.

A few seconds passed and he leaned in towards her ear. Lilac found that she couldn't move, didn't want to move either. "Come with me." His warm breath on her ear and the side of her face melted every protest. He placed a couple of dollars on the table, it was more than enough for both their drinks. She stood up like some spell had been cast on her and she followed behind him.

He stretched out his hand as they got closer to the crowd of people as if he didn't want to lose her, Lilac felt a little warm in her tummy. She followed as carefully as she could. She couldn't deny that she didn't know where he was leading her to and the sexy diva in her wholly approved.

She tried to come up with reasons why this was a terrible idea but she couldn't come up with one, the Martini must be really clouding her thoughts. She brightened up as she found a place to put her blame whatever happens she would blame it on the drinks. Nothing exciting ever happened in her life and for some reason, she didn't want this one to pass her by.

He pushed open the door and led her out. They didn't stop walking until he got to his car. Anton she suddenly remembered, she had to at least let him know she was leaving he would be worried sick. She opened her mouth to mention it when Aiden closed it with his own. She heard her mind say "Fuck Anton," as she melted into the best kiss ever.