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His Enchanting Lady

His Enchanting Lady



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She is a married woman, and he is a single father. They were as parallel lines that should never cross, yet due to a child, they became entwined like vines around a tree, growing tighter with each passing day. She wanted to draw a clear line between them, but he wrapped his arm around her with a mischievous smile, "The child can even go buy soy sauce now, do you really think we can separate?"
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Chapter 1

Outside the suite of a hotel, Hua Rong, hands on her hips, scolded the hotel staff holding the room card:

"If you don't open the door immediately, I'll kick it down."

The waiter looked troubled, "Miss Hua, I'm afraid that's against the rules..."

"My man is cheating on me with another woman inside this room, and I'm about to catch him in the act. Will you open the door or not?"

Song Huanyan, witnessing her best friend's fury, decisively snatched the room card from the waiter's hand.

With a beep, the hotel room door unlatched.

Inside, Song Huanyan saw a man and a woman entangled together. To her shock, the man was her husband Ye Zhen.

She froze on the spot, unable to move.

Without sparing them a glance, Hua Rong charged in and grabbed the kettle from the table, pouring it directly onto the man's bare back.

While pouring, she yanked the woman's hair: "Slut, how dare you seduce..."

She stopped halfway, stunned!

It was Song Huanyan's husband!

Even though clearly burnt, but the man clenched his teeth, turning around and putting on his shirt.

Hua Rong turned and glared at the waiter:

"What's going on? Where is Pei Muzhi?"

"I apologize Miss Hua, there seems to be a...misunderstanding. Mr. Pei is in the room next door."

Filled with fury, Hua Rong stormily stepped out of the hotel room.

Leaving behind only Song Huanyan and the evidence of the affair that now belonged to her.

"Ye Zhen, give me a three-minute explanation."

Ye Zhen patted the thigh of the little sprite.

"You can wait outside for me."

Song Huanyan was seething with anger, three years of marriage, it was now that she truly saw Ye Zhen's true colors.

Song Huanyan walked two steps, raising her arm and slapping with all her strength, but was caught by Ye Zhen.

Song Huanyan raised her other hand and gave him a hefty slap.

"Ye Zhen, are you even human?"

Tear drops the size of beans fell directly from her eyes.

Ye Zhen casually lit a cigarette, there was a lipstick mark on the collar of his white shirt.

"Ye Zhen, let's get a divorce."

Upon hearing these words, Ye Zhen who had been quiet and sitting on the bed jumped up like a lion.

With a single hand, he forcefully pinned Song Huanyan's wrist beneath him, his eyes burning with anger:

"Divorce? You've finally spilled the words! After we get divorced, are you planning to run to that other man you've been seeing?"

"How many times do I have to tell you! There's nobody else, there has never been anyone else!"

"Then you explain this! Why were you a virgin before you left, but returning after two years, you're not?"

Ye Zhen's fingers were gripping Song Huanyan's wrist tightly:

"Tell me, where's that purity you once had?"

Every word that came out of Ye Zhen's mouth was like a dagger, stabbing deep into Song Huanyan's heart.

"Why aren’t you saying anything? Have I hit the mark?"

"What should I say when you don’t even trust me?"

With hatred shimmering in his glance, Ye Zhen bent over her, his hand slithered under her blouse:

"The one who took your virginity, did he ever...kiss you like this, did he ever touch you like this?"

When the man she had once loved most uttered these words, Song Huanyan's heart ached with sharp convulsions:

"You're absolutely despicable!"

"Am I despicable? Then we are a perfect match, aren’t we? I'm despicable, and you're a harlot."

"Come on, wifey, tell me how much you sold your virginity for?"

Back in high school, when Ye Zhenzhen occasionally called her "wife," she would blush and become flustered.

But now, all she felt was sarcasm.

"No! Let me go, I am not a prostitute!"

The sudden kiss filled Song Huanyan with waves of nausea.

Suddenly, the weight on her vanished.

"Touching you makes me feel dirty, disgustingly dirty."

Song Huanyan roughly grabbed the scattered purse on the bed and tossed it towards the door:

"Ye Zhenzhen! Are you clean?! What gives you the right to call me dirty?! You have no right..."

However, the doorway was already empty...

At that moment, a woman's sharp scream echoed through the corridor.

Wiping tears off her cheek, Song Huanyan quickly jumped off the bed and ran out.

At first glance, she saw Hua Rong pulling a woman's hair.

Two women fighting over a man, and this man...

He was casually leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette, observing the spectacle.

His tall silhouette, only dressed in a deep purple shirt, with distinctly boned fingers holding the cigarette.

Is this man, Pei Muzhi, the one that makes Hua Rong go crazy?

At this moment, the man turned his head to glance at her.

For a moment, both of them were stunned.

Song Huanyan was startled because this man was simply too handsome!

The latter, his eyes filled with brilliant light, flashed a hint of astonishment, gradually burning brighter.

Song Huanyan couldn't help but turn her face away, bending down to pull Hua Rong.

Finally, the two women were separated.

Hua Rong held a handful of broken hair in her hand, her face marked with two bright red scratches.

The other girl revealed a charming face, it was the currently rising star model, Zhang Menglin.

Zhang Menglin calmly dialed her agent's number, leaving a sentence for Hua Rong before she left-

"You just wait!"

"Sure, I'll wait! Let's see whether you kill me first or I kill you!"

Hua Rong had lost count of the times she had caught Pei Muzhi cheating, she had passionately pursued Pei Muzhi for three years.

However, Pei Muzhi has always treated her like a sister.

Song Huanyan comforted her, "You have scratches on your face, do you want to go to the hospital first?"

"Damn, I really regret not shutting that bitch up! Ah, where's Pei Muzhi?"

Only the glaring lights remained in the corridor, with no trace of anyone.

"Right, how are you and Ye Zhenzhen getting along?"

"I'm thinking of getting a divorce."

"You've considered thoroughly?"

Song Huanyan mumbled lowly and got onto the elevator with Hua Rong.

Beside the elevator, in the emergency stairway hidden in the darkness, a faint smirk appeared on the face of the obscured Pei Muzhi.

It's been five years, such a long time since we last met.

He took out his phone and made a call:

"Look up someone for me. A friend of Hua Rong, named Song Huanyan."

"Boss, which Song Huanyan? Oh, her husband is Ye Zhenzhen, isn't he your grandnephew... Hello, hello?"

Only the busy tone was left in the receiver.


By the time Song Huanyan returned to the Ye residence, it was already past eleven.

Upon seeing Song Huanyan return, Mother-in-law Pei Yuling, who was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face, suddenly brightened up into smiles.

"Huanyan, you're back, quick, have a drink of this."

As soon as Song Huanyan smelled the strong medicinal scent of the fertility soup, she ran to the bathroom covering her mouth to throw up.

Pei Yuling intercepted her:

"Are you pregnant?"

"I just had my period two days ago."

"Come, take the medicine first. You've been married for three years, yet there's no sign of a baby."

Song Huanyan pinched her nose and tilting her head back, swallowed the dark Chinese medicine.

Not to mention three years of marriage, even if it was thirty, how could she get pregnant without Ye Zhenzhen touching her?

Suddenly, Sister Liu shouted:

"Something's going wrong!"

Pei Yuling frowned, "Why the fuss, what happened?!"

"Madam," Sister Liu stuttered a bit.

"A woman outside insists she's carrying the young master's child…"

On hearing these words, Song Huanyan's face turned ghostly white.

Upon hearing about the child, Pei Yuling's heart fluttered, but soon after, she frowned:

"Who knows whose seed that is, and you dare to simply believe the words of some unknown woman? Get out!"

However, within only two minutes, Sister Liu returned, holding an identification report,

"The woman said, said this is..."

"This is the report from my amniotic fluid test, the baby in my womb is Zhen Sheng's!"

Hearing this voice, Song Huanyan's glass in her hand suddenly dropped to the ground and shattered.

A petite woman burst in, yelling at Song Huanyan:

"Sister, I'm pregnant with a baby, it's Brother-in-law's!"

Pei Yuling frowned, asked: "Who are you?"

"I'm Song Huanyan's sister, Xu Linlang."

The woman showed a delicate face, but not at all similar to Song Huanyan's.

"I'm willing to bear a child for brother-in-law, I don't need any status, I just beg sister not to drive me away, I truly like brother-in-law."

Xu Linlang was almost in tears, tugging at Song Huanyan's sleeve:

"Don't blame brother-in-law, he just didn't want to upset you..."

"You say you want to bear my husband's child?"

"For brother-in-law, I'm willing to do anything!"

"So, you're okay with giving birth to my husband's child and having that child call me 'mom'?"

"Absolutely not! What gives you the right to ask this?"

However, expressing herself this way would be like slapping her own face in front of Pei Yuling.

Thus, she could only stammer out, "I agree."

Song Huanyan burst into a cold, uncontrolled laugh, "You truly are selfless, aren't you?"

She stood half a head taller than Xu Linlang, with the added height from her heels. Looking down on Linlang from her position, Linlang was evidently at a disadvantage.

Pei Yuling frowned, "Miss, please go home. It's late. We can discuss this tomorrow."

"I... took a secret trip here... My family lives out of town... I have nowhere to stay..."

Pei Yuling's eyelid twitched, "What do you mean?"

Song Huanyan grabbed Xu Linlang and forcefully tried to push her out.

Xu Linlang let out a spontaneous, ear-splitting scream.

"What are you trying to do? Kill my baby? Let me go!"

During their struggle, they have reached the doorstep.

​Song Huanyan stared at Xu Linlang's panicked face, warning:

"One more movement, and I'll push you down the stairs! Do you think I dare?"

Xu Linlang froze on the spot.

She couldn't forget that night five years ago when Song Huanyan went mad, her eyes bloody red, wielding a fruit knife irresponsibly, her hands all covered in blood.