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My Next Target

My Next Target

Author: Humble Smith



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Rex grew up an assassin deadly and ruthless, he kills without retrain, being well trained and best at the use of gun and combat, he carried out many mission to assassinate many politicians and Moguls, He can be called a killing machine loving the sight of blood and cry of pain, His heart is dark and has no taint of pity, Nothing about his past could he recall, he never thought of a normal life, it never occurred to him that one day he would have the cause to ever smile, He never thought of the word 'love' it was impossible for him! Not until one day, a lady saved his life, her eyes, her sexy body, her calm voice, her hot lips and enchanting smile affected him... It was so strange that he found himself getting afraid, this made him sneak off from her house the next day... He left her and pushed everything off his mind, he thought he has forgotten her, he thought she was nothing to him again, Not until, he found out she was his next target to be eliminated according to the list sent to him by his boss... All through his life, love was one of the word he hated, right here and now, he found out he couldn't kill her, the reason was unclear to him.. Even if she saved him, that isn't enough to draw out pity from him, Many event occurred till he found out deep in him, he was falling in love slowly, many chances to kill her was there but he overlooked it, he couldn't raise a finger on her... For the first time he asked his boss why he wanted her dead, he asked for her crime, she was a secret agent and a highly skilled computer operator, They both fell in love with each other before even knowing it, then it occurred to them that they can never be together.. Rex was an assassin and she is a trained agent to bring assassins down, her team was later assigned to join in hunting Rex... For them to be together, something almost impossible would happen.. Rex would change and stop being an assassin.. Would it ever happen? One of the greatest rule of the Nefary Clan.. NEVER FALL IN LOVE!
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Chapter 1

The room was dark except for the dim light coming from the computer system which was already shutting down, everywhere was dead silent like there was no creature there, when the fall of a pin can be heard as it was deep in the night..

Someone was sitting on a swivel chair in the room with his eyes closed as he took some moment of meditation to brace up himself for something which seem so serious to him..

The darkness and silence was his company, he had lived to love the dark and silent environment,

His name is Rex..

The name alone was able to send shrills down the spine of anyone who had ever came across him, Rex is a ruthless and deadly assassin who had been thoroughly trained in a way that he carries out any mission as easy like it was nothing, he had even learnt to tread in the dark with ease, the use of gun and tactics was his expertise..

Killing was his hobby and the sight of blood was one thing he enjoyed watching, any house he visited would really experience the wrath of a devil, he kills anyone without retrain,

His identity was his top secret, he comes like a shadow and disappears before being noticed, his face was still a mystery to every country he carries out a mission..

He is ranked the best in the Russian top assassin clan where he was trained,

Right now, he is in New York, a new country to experience this presence which comes with the announce of death,

He has been given the list of the top politician and Moguls to assassinate.

They are his target and he needs to kill them all as soon as possible so he would return back to the assassin clan he emerged from, it hasn't been long he arrived to the country, just two days ago and now he was all set to eliminate his first target..

Rex opened his eyes and puffed out the thick smoke from his cigarette he just inhaled in, he sat still waiting for the set time to embark on the journey of bloodshed and life destroying...

He glanced at the time again before letting those evil smirk, in his mind, the scene of the death of all these people was already filled In there, the list consist of five top politicians and rich men who were well known all through the country...

The reason why his boss wanted their death wasn't his business, he never asked and never cared to know, he has been sent to kill them and there is no going back, he would give the first target a surprising visit, a visit that he won't forget even in the land of the dead

Just then, the device he wore around his wrist made three beeping sound, he nodded and stood up dropping the remaining cigar,

The computer system had turned off making every where thick dark, he traced his black leather jacket and put it on, the two pistol on the table was also fixed into his trouser..

He added a silencer before dashing out not forgetting to pick up his face mask..

*********** Rex POV

I screeched my car to a halt as I finally reached the mansion, I glanced back to my iPod and nodded as I found out it was the same with the one I am seeing...

With a swift motion I hopped down, I took out three pistol and a pen knife from the bag at the back seat before heading in..

I had a mask and a dark glass on with my black jacket and trouser..I couldn't help smiling as I thought of the death that was looming for the inhabitant of this house..

I don't actually know who he is or what was his crime, all I know is that death awaits him, I was sent to waste him, well..I don't think it would be only him, I'd add his family to the list also even when I wasn't sent for them, just the sight of their blood is all I need to make myself happy..

I walked closer and closer fully aware of the cameras which was positioned to where I was, I smiled again as I stared straight into the cameras which wasn't working for that moment, I had hacked into their system and disabled it for 30 minute, that means I needs to execute this operation in less than 30 minutes...

I got to the gate and looked around, I could see it was locked with a very huge padlock and chain, it seemed like the owner of this house was having thoughts of attack, like the padlock is just too huge and metallic, if only he knew that I don't need to pass through gate to get in..

He should have increased the height of the walls around the house because the height now won't take me ten seconds to climb over..

I moved back a bit and took a little run before jumping over in a tactical way, the environment was dim and I could see shadows of some security men, I don't need to waste time here,

I quickly fixed a silencer on the tip of the pistols I was holding, I walked out and started walking over to the porch...

"Who is...." One of the security men tried asking as he saw me but couldn't complete his statement before a bullet from my gun went straight into his chest making him fall with a loud thud...

Three other who saw this tried coming closer but end up taking bullets into their head, I smirked as I saw the blood flowing over the floor, my eyes was already red and bloodshot, adrenalin was really rushing through my veins, I feels this great urge to kill more and more...

I scurried into the house bringing down every living creature in sight, the men guarding the house are just useless, no one was my match at all, before they could try attacking, I had brought them down.

Finally, I got to the room of the man, I stood at the door and added new bullets into my gun, I could hear prayers and that alone left me giggling, maybe they already knew it was their last prayer..

I knocked on the locked door,

"Who is there???!!" I heard a growl and kept quiet..

"I said who is that, how dare you knock on my door, would you say who you are before I shatter your head!!!!" He yelled and I chuckled before bringing out two metal needle like structure, I fixed it into the door lock and before few seconds, the door cracked open..

"What!!!....who????...." His voice hitched as he saw me walk in...

His wife and two little children was in great shock and was trembling as they saw me.

"Who are you?" He asked and I stared at him without saying a word as I pointed the gun to his head..

He quivered in terror pleading, his wife and children was all in tears as they cried pleading with fear.

"I'll give you all you want, just name the prize, please don't kill me...please...please!!" The foolish man kept begging..

I glanced at his wife and children..

"I came for your life but...I wouldn't kill you now till you watch your wife and children die that is your pay for making me stand at the door for long.." I chuckled before bringing out the pen knife from my pocket bag...

I rushed at the woman and stabbed her deeply..

"No oooo!!" He screamed and the children cried calling their mother who was now dead in the pool of her blood...

"Do you wanna follow mum??" I asked the children who cried the more..

"I swear you won't escape this!!!" He bawled and rushed to click a button on the wall, I guess he doesn't really know who I am...

Just two pace forward, three bullet had pierced into his back and leg leaving him falling heavily...

I checked my time and I just got a minute,


The children sulked as they pushed their mother begging her to wake...

I shrugged before sending bullets into their head.

"Why doing me..what did!!" He grunted with tears as he watched his whole children and wife dead...

"Dan sent me, next time don't tamper with the wrong person, maybe in your next life to come!" I chuckled before firing a shot into his d**k...

A loud scream escapes his lips as he watched blood ooze out,

"Thanks for making the room sound proof..." I laughed before sending two more bullet into his chest leaving him dead...

I looked around the room and a wide smile filed my face as I saw the room filled with those red thick liquid that entices me...

30 seconds remaining....

I quickly dashed out and flew over the fence through the dark before the guard alive could notice....

I got into my car and zoomed off...

Mission accomplished....

To be Continued..