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Step Up Your Wife-Chasing Game

Step Up Your Wife-Chasing Game



Step Up Your Wife-Chasing Game PDF Free Download


The renowned beauty, Shen Huan, is the prestigious loveliness of "Jing Circle". With her pale complexion, exquisite features, slim waist, and long legs, her beauty captures people's hearts. Swathes of elite young masters vie for her attention, yet she has a secret crush on her nemesis, Qi Bo Yan. After a bout of heavy drinking, she corners the well-known Qi, the film emperor, clinging onto him, kissing his collarbone, pinching his butt, with the video scandal erupting online. All her haters unleash their fury, and to clear the rumors, she hides out in a reality love show. Unexpectedly, her nemesis follows her into the show, openly flirting and subtly enticing her, winning over her soul. It was much later that she found out that this crush wasn't one-sided at all. She had been occupying a certain man's heart for many years, making him plot tirelessly to allure her. Before appearing on the reality love show, her haters demanded, "Get your hands off our brother!" After appearing on the reality love show, her haters sobbed, "Please, let it be real!"
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Chapter 1

"Shocking! Top-rated movie star's scandalous video leaks—"

A trending topic that blew up the Chin-Hua's entertainment industry.

Countless netizens flocked to social media to be entertained, countless fans went wild, the hot search was filled with controversy, with things getting crazy!

And one of the involved parties in this video, an obscure 18-line actor, Shen Huan, was sound asleep.

[My heart is pounding because our love is as fiery as a blaze~ The crazy one smiling, is me~]

His familiar cellphone ringtone sounded. Shen Huan was too drowsy to open his eyes, he reached out and groped around, finally locating his phone.

"Hello..." He replied, his tone soft and mellow as if suffering from a hangover.

"Holy crap! You're incredible, Huan! You actually slept with Qi Muyan, you're really bold!" An excited female voice bombarded his ears, almost making Shen Huan rocket to the skies.

He opened his sleepy eyes and held his phone away from him, "Zhong Yue, has your brain been acting silly?

He slept with Qi Muyan? What kind of joke was this?

He would run at the sight of Qi Muyan, so how could he possibly sleep with him?

"Aren't you still groggy? Did you forget your gallant feat last night?" Zhong Yue said, as she shared a link with him, "The scandal between you and Qi Muyan is known to everyone. Haven't you seen the trending topic?"

As Shen Huan's agent and best friend, Zhong Yue was always on the forefront of public opinion.

She provided very comprehensive information, which she quickly sent to Shen Huan through WeChat.

Shen Huan sat up and ruffled his messy hair, his eyes still filled with sleep.

She reluctantly powered on her phone, then clicked to open WeChat.

The flood of notifications that filled her screen immediately scared her into sitting up. "Oh my God!"

A barrage of top searched phrases - eight out of ten were about her and Qi Muyan.




#QiMuyanAndShenHuan, KissingInTheHotelCorridor


Beneath these trendings, attached a high-definition video clip.

Shen Huan’s fingers trembled a bit as she clicked to watch. She saw two figures intertwined in a hotel corridor.

After getting drunk, she was extraordinarily bold, directly pushing Qi Muyan against the wall.

She raised her hand to hook around his neck, her face flushed, eyes flirtatious.

The dim light made the atmosphere even more enticing. She looked like a seductive fairy tightly wrapped around the man she had cornered against the wall.

And it seemed that Qi Muyan was not entirely unresponsive.

In the video, the man's slender arm was tightly wrapped around her thin waist, his breath seemed to be restrained.

His peach blossom eyes, filled with affection, reflected her image. His slightly lifted eye corners were wickedly charming and enticing. The teardrop mole at the corner of his eye was as red as cinnabar, outlining his stunning visage.

He locked eyes with her, his gaze doting. He allowed her to embrace his neck and unfasten his collar.

Her "evil" hand also slipped into his collar, falling onto his collarbone, then to his Adam's apple, and finally teasingly pinched his chin.

Tiptoeing, she slowly approached him, inch by inch nearing his lips—

The scene abruptly halted.

Shen Huan had awakened completely.


How could this be?!

"This video is a composite, isn't it?" Shen Huan forced herself to remain calm.

Zhong Yue was still on the phone and said with a sigh, "Little Huan, I suggest you accept reality."

Shen Huan was nearly in tears, "…"

She seemed to recall that last night, Mrs. Zheng had arranged a blind date for her. She directly stood up her date and went to the bar instead, and accidentally became drunk.

Then she seemed to have run into Qi Muyan. As for what happened next... it was all a blank!


She buried her face in the pillow and wailed, "This is all because of getting drunk!"

Zhong Yue giggled and said, "Calm down, calm down. After all, you two are childhood sweethearts and have been on friendly terms for so many years. Have you reconciled now? The video didn't play it all. What happened next? Did you pin Qi Muyan against the wall and then took him into the room?"

Shen Huan: "..."

She buried her face into her pillow and muffled, "Zhong Yue, I advise you to be human!"

How embarrassed she was, yet Zhong Yue still made fun of her!

Everyone in the Beijing circle knows well that Miss Shen and Young Master Qi can't stand each other. They would start to quarrel as soon as they meet.

Shen Huan had a fiery personality, just like a Persian cat, ready to explode at the slightest provocation, while Qi Muyan, like a colorful peacock, always liked to display his tail feathers towards Shen Huan, going out of his way to provoke her.

And so, they were well-known enemies with deep grudges!

"Why on earth would he take me to a hotel?" Shen Huan was frantic, "He knows there would be paparazzi outside the hotel, was that peacock deliberately harming me?!"

Zhong Yue said leisurely: "Who knows? Maybe he has been planning this for years, hoping for a chance to go further?"

"What do you mean to go further? He clearly wants to ruin me!" Both embarrassed and annoyed, Shen Huan finally got up and said, "No, I have to confront him about this!"

After hanging up the phone, the irritated Persian cat got off the bed, fluffed up her fur, and headed straight for the villa next door.

"Qi Muyan! Hand over your life!"