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Embrace Of The Devil

Embrace Of The Devil

Author: Cutie_pie036



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But just then I felt an arm warped around my waist and a large hand goes over my mouth before I could even scream out for help. I am feeling helpless. Tears are running out my eyes uncontrollably. For the first time in my life, I am cursing myself for being born as a girl. I tried to get out of his hold but this only made him grip my waist more tightly. He then back hugged me while placing his head on my shoulder and said in his deep husky voice , " Your hide and seek game is over now, baby. I gave you a chance to run away from me but alas! you didn't succeed. Now you can't run away from me ever again in this lifetime of yours. And till the last breath of yours, you have to stay in the Embrace Of The Devil for FOREVER.
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Chapter 1

"Ahhhh!!!",I let out screamed and started shivering due to coldness as cold water which was thrown over me. Opening my eyelids,I saw the culprit who did this is none other than my one and only dear devil best friend, Riya Singh Agarwal.

What a great way to wake up someone!

I glared at her angrily and said, "Is this even a way to wake up someone? How cruel you are! Can't you wake me up like a normal person? " Hearing this she started laughing at me while saying "Is my cutie pie angry???OMG! I am feeling so scared right now. Someone please save me. She will kill me.I am feeling so scared. Please save me. Hehehe...Do you have any idea on how cute you are looking right now? If I were a boy I would have kissed the hell out of you, my dear bestie. With this glare of your no one will ever get scared. Instead of getting scared people will laugh at you like me for sure".

I then said while pouting, " Why did you so evil? What did I even do to get drenched with cold water early in the morning? I was watching such a good dream. But you ruined it."

"Oh hlw!! Miss dreamy girl, get out off your dreamland and see the damm clock", she said.

I then looked at the time and saw it's 9:30 am.

"It's just 9:30", I said with a blank face.

"Is this early in the morning?", she asked. In reply I shook my head negatively and said, "But today is sunday ".

"I didn't said it's monday", she replied sassily.

"Today is holiday means college is off. So why did you ruined my peaceful sleep huhhh? ", I asked.

"Did you forgot that today we are supposed to be buy those ugly looking textbooks of ours or tomorrow we will have to stand outside of the class? "She asked

Just then I know I screwed up. Without those books Gauri mam won't let us enter the classroom tomorrow. What I don't understand is why do we even needs to buy grammer book every single year? I mean we can still use the previous year's book right? The grammar rules written in every books are all same. So what's the point of buying a new one? But who will make my mam understand this? No one. Huhhh!

Looking at her sheepishly I then gave her my best puppy eyes look and said,"Sorry !!! Forgive me? ".

"Yah! Stop giving me those eyes", she said while trying to be look stern.

But I didn't stopped. After five seconds, " Ok, ok, I forgive you. Now get off from this damm bed. Or do you want to stay in that bed for forever? Go get fresh or you will get sick. ", she said while smiling at me softly. Hearing that I ran towards her and kissed her on her checks before running towards the washroom hurriedly.

I then heard her shouting, "Aish brat! Stop running or you will hurt, you clumsy brat.After getting done,come downstairs. I will wait for you there".

After getting freshened up I then got ready and went downstairs. There I saw both my parents are sitting in the living room along with my devil but best of the best friend. They are laughing on some joke she said. Well she is like a another daughter to them and a sister to me. I know her from my childhood as I went into the same kindergarten school as her. At first we were like enemies but then gradually became best friend's.

But we both can't remember from which day we started calling ourselves best friend, exchanged number and started sharing secrets. Nothing. We don't remember anything. It's really surprising. Anyways now we both are like soulmates.

Feeling my presence there, my momma asked me to have breakfast before going out but I am in no mood of having breakfast. So I said " Momma, I will do it later". As soon as these words left from me, my momma started glaring at me so hardly as if daring me to try to deny her once more. So feeling scared, I hurriedly sat down on the chair of dining table to have my breakfast like good girl which I am.

Seeing this, my devil bff started laughing at me mockingly. In return I just glared at her angrily and seeing this she started to laugh more at me along with my papa. So I just pouted.

After finishing my breakfast, I went out of the house with my best friend. After buying everything we needed , we decided to have some cupcake as I am craving for them. Just the moment we are about to enter the cafe,my phone started to ring. So, I asked her to go inside as it will take me few minutes .. It's my brother from Chennai. He works there in a bank. I then answered the call. Just the moment I answered, he started asking me so much question that I am felt like I am giving a interview.After I finished my long interview with him, I turned to go inside. But just the moment I was about to turn and then bumped.........