
Let’s Read The World

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Author: MissNerdyGirl20





"Of all Equations that I answered, you're the one who's difficult to answer Hydra. I can't propose a proper conclusion and data. Love does break me into pieces." Haru Kanae Del Valle, a 3rd year college student. He's a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in Seaton University. He came from the family of business man & CEOs, his grandfather wanted him to take business in college but he declined him.His grandfather had high hopes on him as the heir but he had his dreams on his own that’s why he didn’t listen to him.He had his dreams on his own at he never wanted to take part of it due to his personal feelings against him. He's very intelligent, he can solve everything when it comes to experiments, and even conclude them.But one day, his world turned upside down boyish girl from Kendo Club and the freshmen from Music Major in Intellect High Point University , Hydra Celine Flores came to him and confessed her feelings to him. Their unfateful meeting started on a drunken kiss, and the whole media made a fuss of it. Knowing that their family is quite known in the field of business, Hydra who’s a daughter of the CEO Their business owns a lot of studio, furnitures, house properties and some groceries in Bulacan, Paris & London. Haru knew that he cannot escape from this anymore. That's why he proposed Hydra to became his fake girlfriend until the issue between their family business won't taint.Can they really keep this fake relationship without even falling in love towards one another? Will Hydra suffer from this love? What if she got hurt again? What if she got hurt again and reminded her how hurt that she can be when her dad left her and the pain that she experience during her first heartbreak? Will she have a doubt on falling in love? Stay tuned.
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Chapter 1

"Abi, move away. I should be in there." Hydra mentioned and Abigail noticed her friend who wanted her position badly because she wanted to be in front so that she could see that 3rd year BS CHEM student badly. Abigail clearly know that it was all because of the sake of her crush.

 It was Science Club Celebration today. And right now, Haru is about to do rubik's cube. He was clearly intelligent anyways so there's no doubt that he can do it. Hydra only knew him unexpectedly. When he is broken hearted when she saw him outside and when he is suffering and ever since that day she can't get him off her mind.

Hydra's eyes lit up and she looked incredibly happy once she saw Haru managed to the rubik's cube in just few seconds. Her other friend, Cali is sitting beside her and she couldn't help but to shook her head while looking at her, "You really have a crush on that chemistry student aren't you?" She asked and Hydra just gave her a glare. Even though she knew nothing in science, Hydra would never missed a chance to attend the science club's celebration. Crazy, isn't she? 

WHEN  the event is done, Hydra was s invited into a party, their family is invited. Of course, she doesn't like that idea. Even though her dad is known as a businessman dahil sa pag handle ng Flores Inc. Their business owns a lot of studio, furnitures, house properties and some groceries in Bulacan, Paris & London. Her father wanted her to be in Business and her father wanted to take the business but she never took it. She had her own dreams on her own and she never wanted to be part of it because of how much she hated her father.

Their father left her when Hydra is 13 years old, First year high school pa lang siya. She was so hurt and she tried to stop him but he only pushed her away. And after that happened, her brother is the only one who took care of her and acted like a real father, he is the only one who protected her and their mom unlike their father who threw them away. That is why her brother is doing everything that he can for the two of them. They only got each other now.

She was wearing her blue off shoulder dress. It was above the knee. She's wearing her long beaded earrings and she had her own ponytail that suits her blonde hair. Hydra is not the type of person who likes party. And she hated to breathe together with her father. Since mostly when she talk with her father's business partners he did expected something from her and he does hope for her not to fail him but Hydra is not the type of person that will meet up their expectations, because she knew to herself what she really wanted to be.

She will be a violinist and that is final. Hydra already had a lot of shots of tequila, until her brother Knell snatch it from her, "Hey, could you stop that? I know you hated dad but seriously you need to fix yourself. There’s a lot of media here." Knell reminded her and she just rolled her eyes, "Really Knell? You're sounding like him. I can take care of myself. I'd rather have fun drinking here outside rather than to breathe in the same air as him.Don't worry though, I'm not gonna taint our name.if that's what he is concerned about,Tch." 

And a few more seconds, Haru went out a bit to have some fresh air but for some odd reasons the media is pestering him though he keeps his usual calm and composed look and trying not to be bothered by them. He obviously hated it. He's a chemistry student for goodness sake and he had no time for this. He is really suffocating himself in this hotel. There were some other girls who are following him and he hates them. They were only randomly picked by his grand father due to their business and he had no intentions to be part of it. He wanted to work in a laboratory as a chemist to create perfumes and understanding about meds that is why he is taking BS CHEM in college.His attention went on his side when he noticed Hydra. He already meet her before when he was once heart broken by someone.Until now. He is still hopeless.

That's why he never had a girlfriend. Plus, his mom is quite strict when it terms to girls because she feared that he might be hurting other girls like his dad before in his younger days. But he isn't like that. He's not the person who could hurt someone's feelings. He knew that she has a crush on him but he hasn't responded on her yet since he doesn't want a girlfriend and it's not his priority. 

Hydra was already tipsy and she almost fall down so Haru got closer to her and he grabbed her waist."Are you crazy?"He asked her seriously and he was a bit surprised when Hydra stood up a bit so that she would reach his height and then she kissed him, "Mwaaaah!!!"She giggled at him and she looked a bit flushed and she just stared at his face and literally admiring him. That doesn't stop her though. She put her arms around him and she kissed him even more. The other people in the party and the media got out of control when they saw that drunken kiss. So the media got closer and tried to asked him, "Mr. Del Valle, is she your girlfriend?"

This is why Haru hated a party like this. Your actions should be acted beffitingly to them. And if you made a wrong move, everyone will make a fuss of it. Especially if your family is known. "Tch. You crazy woman, this is your fault." He whispered on her and he quickly took off his coat and he hide her with it. He did make sure that she won't be seen. He quickly took her hand and he decided to escape with her but the media just won't stop on pestering and they would still follow them. Haru can't afford to do any mistakes because he knew that something terrible will happened if he didn't escape from this especially if ever did something that can embarrassed his own grandfather. And even if he hated this situation, he had no choice but to take the girl with him.

Hydra suffered in a broken heart, once. If she'd fall in love with someone or have a crush she would ended up getting hurt. She was always left alone. And since her father left her she never wanted to experience this game of love again. She had some doubts with it. But what if she knew that she's the only one who's sacrificing in this love and experienced a one-sided love?Will she take a risk? What if the pain that she went through her father and to the men who played her feelings came back to her? Will she have a doubt on falling in love? Stay tuned.