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Elements: Four Seasons

Elements: Four Seasons

Author: iustinacio



Elements: Four Seasons PDF Free Download


There was always day and night, cold and warm ,light and dark ...and four seasons..till a war started and everything that we have known was no more. Four seasons, four nations, four elements. That was before war. A war that destroyed the lifes of thousands of people . A war that led to hate between the four nations. Brothers fought against brothers,sons against fathers and elements against elements. .................. The Fire King, Blaze Cyrus was now 27, with no Queen and no family, apart of his sister Enya. He was king for 17 years now. Merciless.Monster.Murderer. This is what people will call him. ......... King Kai Zale was the king of Water Land. Everyone will say he started the war 20 years ago when his wife ,Noelani died.. But it seems like his grief didn't lasted for long.. Who will win the war? What happened with the other two nations ? What will happen when the two kings will meet Evolet? The women who will change the course of the history..the women which possess no elements but will be able to turn the kings's lifes WARNING ⚠️ Mature and violence content
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Chapter 1

There was a time when people could enjoy all the Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Each Season represented an element: Spring for Air, Summer for Earth, Autumn for Fire and Winter for Water. And every person could control just one element. That's why there were four nations, four Kingdoms. In North was the Water Kingdom, East was Earth, South was Fire and West was Air. In the centre of the Kingdoms was The Four Seasons Market. Favourite place of most, signs of peace and prosperity, every day full of people from all over the lands.

Every year they will celebrate the element in the season that represents the respective element.

It was 1st day of Winter, so the Water Celebration will be held in The market for all the people of the four nations, kids and adults, maids, warriors and Queens and Kings will be here today to celebrate it.

    Water Kingdom

      Noelani pov:

As I get out of my bathroom I start getting ready for today event...It was very important for as..we celebrate our Kingdom's element. I start with my hair and then applied light makeup. My silver eyes were shining and the blue speckles in them were so prominent now. I refused my maid's help and it seems like I was doing pretty well on my own.

I don't know why, but in the last couple of weeks, I preferred to be alone, as I get irritated from small things quick. It's not my thing..but maybe because of the celebration, my emotions went high.

I put on my long dress and I realised that I can't do it on my own.

"Kai!Kai!Come give me a hand with my dress or else we'll be late for our celebration "!I yelled to my husband.

"Oh, my love! I told you to let the maids help you with the preparations. "He said, chuckling. Hugging me from behind and moving his hands slowly up and down on my swallowed belly. "I can't wait to meet him, our child, my love," said the king kissing my neck.

"What if it's 'her' "I said turning and searching for his eyes. He started laughing but didn't answer my question.

After my dress was zipped up I turn around and give him a peck on the cheek "Thank you, My King" I told him and went to put my shoes on.

"My Queen, "he said with a bow, mocking me" I'll go to my office, I have an important call to make before we leave for the celebration "and then I heard the door opening and closing behind him.

As I finished with my shoes I catch a glance of myself in the mirror. My dress was long, with see-through long sleeves, the part covering my chest was a baby blue so sparkling that looks like snow on a sunny day. From my waist different blue coloured chiffon falling to the floor, like the waves on the sea in a mild storm.

As I get out from my chamber, Mira hand me an envelope, with a small smile, bowing her head. "My Queen, the King asked me to give you this and also ask me to accompany you on your trip to The Market, "she said without looking me in the eyes.

    I open the enclosed with trembling hands and read: "My Queen, my love, my life. I'm sorry I left you behind, but an emergency meeting it's being held with the other  Kings, before the Celebration. I've to ask Mira and Egon to travel with you. Take care, my love! I'll be meeting you at The Market. Truly yours, King Kai! "

After I finish the letter i made my way to the car, where Egon and Mira are waiting for me. They bowing their heads and I acknowledge them with a nod and a small smile.

The 8 hours trip came to an end. I'm so relieved when the carriage came to a stop as I couldn't bear any minute in there. That kind of trips is not something I'll die for. My legs are aching and I'm so hungry.

Egon opens the doors from the large building for me and follows me inside with Mira witch is always next to me, but a step behind.

A hand grabbing my upper arm startled me and I turn around to see a smiling Aaron, Earth King and childhood friend of mine.

"Aaron! I didn't though I'll see you so soon! " I said with a large smile. We were like brothers.

"Noelani! I'm so glad to see you too! You look ready to explode "said the Earth King, hugging me and brushing my big swallowed belly.

After 30 minutes of chatting with my old friend, I excuse myself needing to use the bathroom."I'll go see if I can find some free seats for us before you'll come back. And maybe King Kai will be here soon to honour us with his presence "Aaron said as I turn around looking for the bathroom.

When I got there, I noticed all the cabins are occupied, so I quickly decided to sneak into the men's bathroom.

I opened the door and immediately heard someone moaning from the last cabin. Chuckling I tried to get in the first one without any noise, but my purse slipped from my hand making a noise so loud that made me jump and scream.

In an instant, the last cabin door opened and my eyes stayed glued on the hot women coming out of it." She seems so familiar" I thought.

"Ahh!Your Majesty! "She said mockingly, something evil in her eyes.

"Noelani?!" I heard my husband voice from the last cabin, and my heartfelt like someone was stabbing it repeatedly. His eyes held pain and confusion, love, anger and something else that I can't point. "Noelani is not what looks like, "he said while the tall women were scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Kai?! How could you? How could you do this to me? To our unborn child," I said as I grab my purse and start running back from where I came from.

Tears streaming down my face was blurring my vision, dizziness overcome me and the need to throw up was unbearable. How could he do this to me?Why?I give up everything for him.

"Noelani? Noelani, what's wrong? "I heard Aaron asking me. But I was too weak to answer. My legs buckled and all I could see was a shadow approach. Then a loud booming and fire were everywhere. People were screaming and running past me. My tummy starts aching so bad. I couldn't take this anymore. What have I done to deserve this? Another booming was heard and my skin felt so hot.

"Noelani! Nooo!" I hear Kai screaming before dark envelopes me. And I welcome it.