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His Wicked Wife

His Wicked Wife

Author: Starla K



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“Lola?" I called out to my house help, hoping for an explanation. She usually didn't leave the house in such a state, so I was curious as to what had taken place in my absence. "Lola, are you here?" I repeated, walking through the cluttered living room towards the kitchen where I was met with a sight that stopped me in my tracks. Trevor and the maid were locked in a kissing session but that was not all. She sat on the shelf and her legs open wide, one leg on my husband's shoulder as he fucked the hell out of her. She was moaning very loudly. "Ahaaa. Hmmm .. Aha…." Shock and disbelief coursed through me as I stood frozen in the doorway, unsure of how to react. My voice trembled as I managed to utter, "What's going on here?" Startled, Lola with a look of guilt on her face, tried to quickly pull away only for Trevor to tighten his hold over her face and crush his lips back on hers in a very rough manner, am sure I saw her lips start to bleed. That disgusting excuse of a human being continued to fuck my maid, have his way with her infront of my very own eyes. No wonder he insisted on choosing the maid who was to work in our home, he wanted a toy where he could get his release whenever he wanted. Big ass, big round boobs, since when are those qualifications for one to work as a maid in a home. I just couldn't take this kind of insult in my very own home. Without having any second thoughts in it, I grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be the toaster and smashed it on his head. I regretted that the moment the next thing happened, my husband fainted. "Trevor, Trevor," I tried to call him. Oops sorry, Lola actually did the calling and shaking his limp body, while I just stood there frozen like a statue afraid if the consequences of my actions. "I killed Trevor Noah..." "I killed my husband.."
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Chapter 1

Raven’s Pov

Oh Gosh!!! I screamed in the inside of my head as I slowly made my way to my father in law’s company, Amore Vestiare.

Yes! You had me right, am a daughter in law to the richest family in Seattle, the Vestiare.

Am not only that am also the vice Ceo of this fashion empire but am more of the acting chairman of board since the old man Coven is not feeling so well now days. He is in the kind of age which I like to call the age of resting. 65 is no age for running up and down in meetings, fashion runaways and all that. By the time I click 50, I sure would already be in my retirement, a nice island vacation, trip to Paris that doesn’t involve looking at cloth all day.

That’s what I want but being 22 now, there is a long way for me to go.

“Morning Mrs. Kinsley,” greet my assistant as he handed me a cup of coffee.

“Pitch black, just the way I like it,” I muttered smiling at him, only for him to award me with one of those shy smiles of his. He is such a goof which is also one of the reasons I chose him to be my personal assistant, he keeps me entertained.

Oops! Not that kind of entertainment where he takes off my undies using his teeth or something like that, though I sure wouldn’t mind that at all, considering how those green eyes had been in my dreams for such a long time.

I would have had him in bed already but you see am not that kind of woman, am a busy woman, work is my only joy in life. Plus I don’t do boys am older than though it’s only a two year difference, nothing big.

“What’s the days schedule?” I held out my hand patiently waiting for my cute assistant to hand me his notebook.

“Madam I…I..” he started to stutter, nervously running his hand over his neck, I’ve noticed that he always does that when he is nervous.

Too bad! He didn’t know that it was useless for him to get nervous because I already saw the amazing poetry he wrote about me.

I snatched the book away from him, opened to the back and started reading loudly, “Eyes like an angels so bright they light up the whole world, lips as ripe as a cheery, so small, so sweet so beautiful, I wish I could get a chance to k…” I stopped there not wanting to go more into his fantasies.

Poor Timothy, I liked the way he was blushing like a 14 year old that just had his first kiss given to him by the girl. So sweet, not to mention funny, this is what I mean by entertainment.

“Am so ..sorry.. ma’am”

I like it whenever he stutters because of me, it let’s me know how much power I do have over him.

“Oh sweetie,” I made a rhythmic pause before walking over to him and grabbed his tie, pulling him closer to myself.

“Ahhh,” he swallowed hard, started to blink his eyes and turned to look at the floor avoiding eye contact with me. He’s just so funny. He’s my little plaything.

“It’s okay darling, just make sure to tell me what you write about me next time,” I reached my hand to his neck and gently started to rub it, I felt him shiver at my touch and I almost burst into laughter.

“I don’t want people who keep secrets from me, most especially people I trust..” I watched as the lump in his throat rose and fell multiple times, the bulge was starting to get visible in his pants. I was thinking of shooing him off to work since I felt done with the entertainment, when the door to my office was burst open by Chanel, head of public and marketing relations call her “PM” more of pain in my ass.

Her eyes widened open because of the posture she found me and my assistant. That foolish girl, how many times have I asked her to knock before entering, next time I won’t warn her, I think a letter from me firing her from her job, would suit her better.

Stupid girl! I don’t know when her crazy fantasies of thinking she can ever replace me will ever die off in her head. Just because she sleeps with my man doesn’t mean she can take over my position at the company. I agree she has good looks that gives a good view of the workers in this company, the ass, big plastic boobs that draw attention of all those slimy men but being a social climber in that manner is not enough, I don’t know why no body warned her that a woman has to have some brains.

“What do you want?” I growled not bothering to hide my dislike of her. I slowly let go of Timothy’s tie, the boy was sweating like crazy, I bet he was about to even collapse.

“Bring the papers I gave you at 10,” I winked at him, sat back to watch him leave, more of stumble on his own shoes. Who the hell steps on their own shoes like that.

The moment he closed the door my eyes turned to Mrs social climber. Oh God! I hate the girl, the only reason she still has this job is because her dad is a friend of Mr. Coven but the moment I officially get to become CEO of this company I will drive away all trash like her from this company.

“What do you want?” I spat out my irritation visible to her.

“I wanted us to discuss issues about the new lingerie section you added. Currently we need a cover girl for it but am not sure any of the models we have will be able to bring up the Luxe brand.”

Luxe, that’s the name I gave to our new brand, though am not quite sure how we will be able to make it work. Trevor should be the one handling it since it was his stupid idea but the jerk barely ever shows up to work.

Speaking of jerks, my door was burst open again, okay now I was so losing it.

“How many times do I have to fuckin tell you all to knock??” I shouted so loud am sure the entire building heard me.

“Am sorry Mrs Vestiare, it’s just that this is urgent,” Timmy said in a shaky voice.

Seeing that it was actually him and not some other person made me cool down.

“Timothy, what can be so urgent for you to just burst into your boss’s office in that manner?” I inquired my eyes glued to chanel.

“Tell me Mr. Lancaster, do you think this is a restroom that you could just walk in and out the way you wish,” I was talking to Timmy but my brow was corked at Chanel, I hope she was smart enough to realize that my words were directed to her instead.

“Ma’am, your wheel have been removed.”

“What the fuck!” I almost fell out of my seat. “Who did it? That’s my favorite car!”

“Ma’am it’s your husband”

By the time he mentioned husband, I was actually out of the building into my parking spot already. Of course there was no one damn enough to do such a thing, there was only one person and that happened to be …

“Trevor Noahhh,” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I watched the asshole toss my car tires at the back of some ugly truck. The thing was so ugly, which made me wonder where he got it from.

“Give me back my tires,” I shouted making sure I was loud enough to be heard over the loud bustling jam on the Seattle streets.

“Am sorry to say this, wifey but am not giving them back!” He chuckled.

That fool, I was so going to wipe that smile off his face.

“You better give them back or else I will..”

“Will what?” He interjected my sentence. “We both know there is nothing you can do to me.”

And that is what hurt me the most, the fact that I got married to a pesky most annoying fool in the whole world and I had nothing to do about it, the moment I divorce him I will be left with nothing, not even this job that I love so much, I’ll probably end up on the streets.

If only I was given birth to by a sane man and not someone has useless as Charles Kinsley, maybe I wouldn’t be in this kind of mess. Before my father died he had lost all his property because of his gambling addiction, the only thing that was left was the dress making company he had given to my mom as a gift on their wedding but the company was also on the verge of collapsing since ever since mom died no one had taken care of it.

My dad and Mr. Vestiare were best friends so he decided to buy my mom’s “Amore” and he turned it into the best fashion company in Seattle, “Amore Vestiare”, at least he kept my mom’s initial name for the company.

He bought the company to save me since I was his god daughter but he did that on one condition which was for me to marry his stupid, damn excuse of a son. Now you finally see why am stuck in this marriage.

Not once in my life did I ever think I would ever get married to dad’s rich spoilt brat but now here I was stuck with him for life. A boy in a man’s skin for a husband. The only thing he knew in life was to party, buy expensive cars, go to expensive trips and fuck all the witches he wanted. He is officially Seattle’s number one playboy. Am so unlucky to have him for a husband.

“Give it you fool?” I folded my arms on my chest, trying to look as imposing as I could but instead the asshole burst into laughter, it hurts to say that with a smile like an angels there is nothing up there in his head.

“I won’t, he said copying my posture as well. This was getting so annoying.

Okay he was so making me lose it, without thinking I took off one of my heels and tossed it at him but he was quick to catch it before it made contact with his stupid handsome face. I was just about to take off the other shoe when Timothy came out of nowhere and grabbed my hand stopping me before I made my hit.

“Don’t try to stop me, let me finish him off today,” I said angrily trying to pull my hand out of his grip but God! I have to say he was strong. Okay now I was really starting to wonder how he would be like in bed.

“Why are you trying to stop me?”

“Because,” he turned me around making me come face to face with a very big crowd of people holding cameras and phones at me. Okay now this was so fucked up.

“We have to get away from them as soon as possible, this will be but publicity to the company.” I said.

He nodded, grabbing me by the waist. “My shoe,” I muttered trying to look for my second heel only to watch my stupid husband smirking mischievously as he carried it to his lips and kissed it.

“I love you so much wifey,” he shouted as his ugly truck drove away, I could hear him laugh hysterically at my situation before the car disappeared from my sight.

Now I had nothing to do but walk all the way back to my office in one shoe. Timothy took off his coat, covered it over my head hiding my face from the paparazzi as he lead us away from all the cameras. With all those people around there was no way my father in law wasn’t going to find out about what happened.

I was so done for!!