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He Is The Luna

He Is The Luna

Author: Luna Sage Whitewolf



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What would you do if you have first met your destined mate after he just had sex with a stranger? Would you accept him nonetheless, or would you reject him? This is how everything started with Craig Wright and Alyssa Mills. They first meet each other in a nightclub after he just had sex with a stranger. Extract: “After the quickie, I’m heading back to the DJ’s cabin. I have red lipstick marks on my lips, neck, and on the collar of my white T-shirt. My hair is also disheveled, my lips are reddish and swollen because I’ve kissed her like a wolf feasting on his prey, and I have that grin of satisfaction that all males have after having sex. And it is like THIS that I met HER, my fucking destined mate.” Instead of rejecting Craig, Alyssa just turned around and run away because she didn’t want to know who he is or to which pack he belongs to, as she must know these things to say the rejecting vow. Alyssa hoped to never see him again, but fate has other plans… Alyssa’s friend, Angela, has hired Craig’s events planner company to organize the Spring First Full Moon Festival at the Red Moon Pack, where Alyssa is the Alpha. To say that she’s surprising in seeing her destined mate again would be the understatement of the Century. What will happen after this? Will she give him a chance, or will she finally recite the rejecting vow? Join me in this fantastic adventure in the werewolf world to find out the answers! New chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.
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Chapter 1

{Craig’s P.O.V.}

Tonight, I’m at the fanciest and trendy nightclub downtown, working as a DJ for my friend and owner of this place, Julius. He’s a human and unaware that werewolves exist. Yeah, he has no idea that I’m a shifter.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Craig Wright, the youngest child of the former Alpha and Luna of the Blood Moon Pack. I have three older brothers and one sister too. I’m 23 years old, handsome – as all ranked wolves are, tall with 6”5’


, with jet black hair and ocean blue eyes that drive all the females crazy.

I don’t give a damn to Alphaship, as I will never be an Alpha because it doesn’t exist Alpha-Female first-borns. Always there will be an older brother to be the Alpha of her pack, and I have three brothers before me to inherit the Alpha title of the Blood Moon Pack as well.

Said so, I had followed my mother and sister everywhere since I was a pup, learning the duties of a Luna while tagging along with them, not that I intended to be a Luna, I’m not gay, but because I was with them and observing what they were doing.

As I’ve learned how to organize parties, among other things, I’m now the owner of an event organizer company, the Wright Events Co.. I also work as a DJ sometimes just for the fun of it and to sleep with some girls too. There isn’t any night that I ended up alone. I always have a girl, human or wolf, to fuck.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a jerk or a player, but I’m an unmated werewolf, and I have my biological urges. Being of an Alpha bloodline, my needs are stronger than in any unranked wolf, so, every week, I have a girl or two to satiate my hunger.

From where I am, in the DJ’s cabin, I can feel many hungry stares of beautiful young ladies at me. They’re basically eye-fucking me. I can’t blame them; I always wear an extremely skin-tight white T-shirt that displays all of my well-defined muscles, and when it gets wet with my sweat, it is almost as if I’m not wearing anything at all. This drives all ladies crazy. I can practically hear their panties dropping to the floor with a loud thud.

I’m choosing the songs to be played for the next 20 minutes as I plan to go to the hunt to get my prey for the night.

I’m with my big DJ’s headsets on, swaying my body at the rhythm of the music. I have my arms up in the air, swing my hips sensually; basically, I’m showing off for the hungry women on the dancefloor. I want them aroused, soaked, as I don’t choose the lay of the night by its beauty but her smell. The sweetest her arousal-scent, the better.

After I’m satisfied with the selection of songs, I remove my headsets and go downstairs, heading to the dancefloor. I go straight to the middle, and soon, I’m circled with many excited girls wanting a chance with the DJ, as it would bring them some status and something to brag about to their friends.

I dance here and there, swapping partners every two or three minutes until I decided on a petite human girl; she’ll be the flavor of the night. She has long platinum blond hair, her eyes are blue because she’s wearing blue contact lens, and her tiny black dress is easy to lift to a quickie in a dark corner of the club.

I hold the human girl’s hips tight against mine while we’re still dancing. Then, I lean forward and whisper in her ear with a hoarse and sensual tone of voice.

“I want you tonight.”

She has goosebumps and shivers in pleasure under my words. I can smell her arousal getting even stronger. It’s so sweet! It’s in the way I like it.

I nibble at her earlobe while asking her to follow me.

“Come with me. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it…”

I take one step back and stretch my hand to her. She grabs it without thinking twice and follows me to a dark corner next to the emergency exit door. I press her back against the wall while my hands are all over her body, and my mouth is kissing her on the lips, jaw, neck, shoulders…

I slide the thin dress straps and expose her beautiful, small, and rounded breasts. I kiss and nibble them as a hungry wolf would. My hands squeeze her butt tight, and I notice she isn’t wearing any underwear. It was clear what her intentions for the night were.

I get a condom from my jeans’ pocket, not afraid of STD, as we, werewolves, are immune to them, but not to get the prey pregnant. I don’t need this headache at the moment.

I unbuckle my belt, unzip and unbutton my jeans. Then, I open the package with my teeth, slide the condom through the length of my shaft, then lift her by her thighs. The petite human girl wraps her legs around my waistline, and I thrust into her wet core. Deep, hard, rough. Our moans are muffled by the loud music playing in the background.

After the quickie, I’m heading back to the DJ’s cabin. I have red lipstick marks on my lips, neck, and on the collar of my white T-shirt. My hair is also disheveled, my lips are reddish and swollen because I’ve kissed her like a wolf feasting on his prey, and I have that grin of satisfaction that all males have after having sex.

And it is like THIS that I met HER, my fucking destined mate.

Fuck! It couldn’t have existed any other bad timing.

My eyes widened in a mix of surprise and ‘Oh fuck! I’ve screwed up everything!’. I don’t know if I claim her as mine or if I apologize for being fucking a girl that I even don’t know the name just now.

Fuck! I didn’t know I would be meeting my other half tonight, the one especially made for me by the Moon Goddess. If I knew, I wouldn’t be whoring around for sure.

‘Shit! Shit! Shit! Is she going to reject me?’

I’m terrified.

I was never so afraid in my entire life as I’m right now. Not even when I was all alone, surrounded by five rogues in the woods, and almost died. And that moment was really traumatizing, leaving some nasty scars in my body and mind.




{Alyssa’s P.O.V.}

I don’t know how Angela has convinced me to go to a nightclub with her tonight. I’m not keen on loud music, alcohol, and sweat bodies swing on a dancefloor. Well, I’m not keen on horny males trying to hit on me either.

“Let’s go to this fancy and trendy nightclub downtown, Alyssa! It’ll be fun! You need some leisure time too. You’re getting too broody lately!” Angela argued.

“Broody? Angela, do you know how tiresome it is to lead a Pack? I’m not brooding; it’s called adulting! I have responsibilities to fulfill.” I reasoned with her.

“Come on, Ms. Alpha! Male Alphas always find time to have some fun! Why can’t you either?”

I let out a long tired sigh. I don’t think Angela can understand my burden in inheriting the Alphaship before being at the age of being an Alpha, that it’s 25 in our society.

“Okay, Angela. I’ll go with you this time. But don’t hope in dragging me to any nightclub again at anytime soon!” I gave in.

Angela squeaks happily and hugs me before leaving my office and running; only the Moon Goddess knows where. I shake my head from one side to another in reprove. My friend is really one of a kind.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alyssa Mills, the only child of the late Alpha of the Red Moon Pack. I’m 22 years old, and I’m the current Alpha of my Pack since I was 19 when my father was killed by a group of 15 rogues that have ambushed him in the woods.

I don’t have a mother either. She had passed away when I was just a pup, in a car accident, when she was coming back from a doctor's appointment to confirm that she was pregnant. I don’t need to say how this had devasted my father, losing his destined mate and unborn pup suddenly.

I’m tall for a she-wolf, standing on 5”10


, with long ash-blond hair and gray-blue eyes. I have many males licking the floor I walk by, but I know what all of them are behind: they want to be the Alpha of the Red Moon Pack, and I won’t allow it. I’m its Alpha, it’s my birthright, and I won’t let anyone steal it from me.

I refuse to be a Luna or being called Luna. I loathe Lunas and their irrelevant roles within a Pack. What’s the importance of organizing parties or visiting orphanages? No. I won’t be demoted to this job when I find my destined mate because I’ll reject him. I don’t need anyone by my side barking orders and waiting for submission from me. Not at all!


Some hours later, I finished all the Pack’s paperwork I was reading before being interrupted by Angela. I glued some post-its on the places that need revision or more information. Then, I closed the folders and put them in my desk drawer. After that, I leave my office and head to my room to shower and get dressed for the night.

I don’t have any dresses or skirts in my closet. I’m always wearing trousers or suits. I don’t need males ogling at my legs or thinking of ways of lifting my skirts up to get into my panties.

As I don’t trust males because I know that what they want is my Alphaship, I’m still a virgin. Don’t get me wrong, I have my biological urges, but I have self-control and self-restraint. As an Alpha, I have to be in control of the Pack and, especially, in control of myself and my desires.

I choose a black suit with black trousers, and I wear a white buttoned blouse. The classical black and white visual. Then, I wear my black and white stilettos, apply some simple makeup, and I’m ready to go. I hope not regretting it.

Because I don’t drink, I’m the driver of the night. Anyway, Angela is already a little bit tipsy from drinking some red wine before coming. I hope she doesn’t get too drunk and starts puking like the last time we had gone out to a nightclub. I heave a tired sigh in remembering that night two months back.

Angela has reserved a private room for us upstairs with a view of the dancefloor, as she knows I don’t like to be surrounded by so many people. What I’m thankful for as the place is jam-packed.

Although we have a dedicated waiter to attend our VIP room, Angela decides to go downstairs and orders from the bar there. She wants to flirt with the guys as she doesn’t need to worry about someone wanting to steal her position because she’s our Beta’s sister. The Beta role won’t belong to her anyway.

After an hour or two, I became bored of being alone and decided to go downstairs to search for Angela. I headed to the dancefloor, walking through an ocean of people, till I halt dead on my track.

‘No! It can’t be!’

I’m face-to-face to HIM, my destined mate.

‘Oh, damn it!’

As any ranked male wolf, yes, because I can feel his powerful aura, he is a jerk. He has red lipsticks marks everywhere, swollen reddish lips from kissing, and smells like sex. He was just fucking right now, undoubtedly.

I don’t need to say that I’m disappointed, but this will make things easier for me. This will make reject him a piece of cake.