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Beneath The Billionaire Brat

Beneath The Billionaire Brat

Author: Brownie



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She's a gorgeous strong-willed high society princess who burns with a fire that can't be reckoned with. He's smart with intense dominating power. He would do anything to have her at his feet. When they collide, one of them has to give up but their ego is that massive. Wilhelm Grey and the owners of the Blackmore corporation have not only been on each other's throats but Wilhelm has always wanted a way to conquer her husband and shut his sexy yet smart mouth wife. He hates her guts that he's willing to see her beg at his feet even if that means working under her. So when the gorgeous wife of the CEO kissed him out of the blue and appointed him CEO to replace her husband that instant, he saw it as an opportunity. A great opportunity to finally have them where he wants them to be. Destiny Blackmore didn't mean her words or gave a second thought to her actions but she has already fallen into Wilhelm's trap. That however will not make her allow him to win but when Wilhelm employed her ex-husband back as his assistant at her company and had to convince Destiny to play lovey-dovey with him, their clash takes off on a twisted bumpy curve. Not only did his dangerous game lead to one thing and another, but it also diminished the line drawn between hate and love to blur and binds them up at a gripping gunpoint that one of them has to drop the ego or be damned.
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Chapter 1

"Wow!" Destiny's crystalline eyes twinkled, utterly mesmerized by the precious ornament before her.

Lifting the diamond sets, she could see that it's no ordinary. It's a five-carat piece and her husband must have got it for her. Well, it has to be hers. Not to be conceited but Destiny knows that she deserves it. She beams at the cheesy love note accompanied to it, cringing at some lines.

'What a hopeless romantic I have got for a husband?' She thought out loud.


She turned to the gentle voice of her grandfather.

"Hi, what are you doing here?"

"I should rather ask what you're doing at your husband's home desk. Are you spying on him, Destiny?"

"What! No grandpa. I just—" She placed the sets back in its box. "I was cleaning and found these." She showed him the jewelry box.

"What's in there?"

Destiny opens the box to reveal what's inside to her grandfather.

"Wow. Those are Diamonds."

"They are." She concurred, feeling happy that her husband got something so precious for her.

Richard must've gotten it to surprise you. Tomorrow is your birthday isn't it?"

"It is."

"Richard has got good taste. Now put it back otherwise you'd spoil the surprise."

Destiny chuckled. It's no longer a surprise. She followed her grandfather to the game room to watch the golf game. Her grandfather loved it but even more when Destiny is by him.

Mr. Blackmore had gotten Destiny married to Richard Davidson, a promising handsome bachelor from a good family when she finished university. He chose Richard because he knows that he'd be able to take care of the family's business, his Darling Destiny, and also the CEO position which he had made Destiny give up to him so that he could have her at home all the time like he's doing now.

Destiny was against giving up her position to Richard but when it's something that concerns her grandfather, she'd do anything for him.

"It's your first birthday since you got married." Mr. Blackmore started. "I'm going to kick Richard in the ass if he doesn't make it memorable."

Destiny looked at her grandfather lovingly then placed her head on his shoulder. "I bet you would."

Destiny only noticed her husband's arrival when she woke up in the middle of the night to have some water. She stares at his angelic face before falling back beside him.

It's a few hours before her birthday. She can't wait to see how the day would unfold.

She waited for morning and when it finally did come, she was still in bed when she heard the water running. Looking at her side, Richard wasn't there.

Richard came out of the bathroom and rushed to put his clothes on. Destiny watched him quietly until he was done. Finishing up his look in the mirror, he turned to leave when he saw that Destiny was awake.

"Hi." He walked over to kiss her on the cheeks. "Good morning sweetie." His fresh breath fanned her face.

"Is this a goodbye?" Destiny quizzed, taking in his appearance.

Richard straightened up. "I'm sorry, I need to be at a meeting right now."

"So early?" Her face turned sour.

"Yes, but I'll be back before you know it. Bye." Richard didn't wait to hear her response before storming out with fast strides.

Destiny shot up from the bed and began to pace angrily. He told him about her birthday just a week ago so why would he act as if he has no idea of it?

But he got you a present. Her subconscious reminded.

She took deep breaths to calm her nerves. "Richard probably wants to surprise me later." She assured herself.

Destiny walked to his home office to check the diamond sets once again but to her surprise, they were gone. She did a thorough check but still couldn't find it.

Convinced that it's in her husband's possession, Destiny patiently waited for his call. But she decided to surprise Richard instead when her patience had all run-out and he hadn't called.

"Is it an early date?" Her grandfather cleared his throat behind her as she was dressing up to leave.

He looked so happy for her to break to him that there's a chance Richard is forgetting his darling granddaughter's birthday.

"You're right." She faked him a big smile. "You're up early."

"Yeah. I made you breakfast just like.."

"any other birthday of yours. I can never stop." Destiny finished his sentence.

This was how her grandfather always greeted her every morning on her birthday; breakfast and the same lines.

She has heard him say the same lines for twenty years and still counting.

"Happy birthday my very own Destiny."

Destiny turned around and hugged him. Her grandfather was the apple of her eyes and him, her.

After a wonderful breakfast with her grandfather, Destiny got driven to Blackmore corporation to see her husband.

Workers bowed to her as she walked elegantly through the entrance of the gigantic glass-story building to her husband's office.

She enters the elevator and after a few seconds, she's faced with Richard's solid office door. The smartly dressed copper-haired lady at the table greeted her and got up to open the door for her.

She stopped her and turned the knob herself and entered.

Richard looked up with a bright smile but the smile slowly began to fade into a surprised face when his eyes beheld his wife.

"Destiny?" He scrambled out of his chair to his feet.

"Why do you look shocked? Who were you expecting with that gorgeous smile?" Destiny raised a brow but her smile was teasing.

"Of course I am shocked. I didn't expect you to be here."

"Why? Can't I see my husband whenever and wherever?"

"Of course you can honey—" Richard paused and lifted his emerald eyes at her. "I just didn't think—"

He seemed to be nervously lost for words.

"Yeah, I know. You're shocked but I'm more shocked that my very own husband forgot to wish me a happy birthday. What kind of a husband does that make you? You forgot my birthday." Destiny complained with a strained voice. She placed her bag on the large wooden desk and stood at akimbo, his brows shot up at Richard angrily as she assessed him.

"Damn! I'm so sorry honey. I'm ashamed to say it skipped me." Richard's voice was dramatic.

"Sorry for yourself. I can't believe it.."

"Hey hey! I'm lying okay." Richard laughed. "How can I forget my wife's birthday? Come on." He cut her off and walked to take her into his arms.

Destiny stepped back before he could gather her in his arms. "You didn't forget?"

"Of course not." He tried to convince her. "See, I wanted to give you this." He goes for a gift card that just happened to be on his desk to give her.

Destiny is shocked to receive a mere gift card when she has been dreaming of diamonds. Diamonds that she saw with her eyes.

Still consumed with the confusion of what she received, a lady walked into the office. It's not any other lady. It was Richard's assistant.

She has come to drop coffee for Richard but Destiny couldn't help taking in her appearance when her fragrance hit her nose. She looked up from the gift card at Rebecca.

"Hi ma'am, you're welcome." She smiled at Destiny.

Destiny returned her smile with a nod. She has worked with Rebecca when she was the CEO.

The beautiful brunette wore a skirt that hung to her curves like a second skin and revealed a great deal of her fair lap. Her deep v top was sleeveless and revealed too much of her cleavage. Her hair flowed on her delicate shoulders just like Richard had always wanted hers to be.

Then Destiny's eyes hit her neck then her ears. Around her neck was the sparkling expensive diamond necklace and in her ear were the lovely earrings. The same sets he has seen on her husband's home desk.

This couldn't have been any coincidence. She saw the smile on Richard's face when she entered and it disappeared when he saw her. It looked like he was expecting somebody else and since she has entered, it's his assistant who came in. She put two and together and completed the puzzle.

Everything was clear to her. Without hesitation, she walked to Richard, gave him an icy stare, and slapped him right across the cheeks. Hard. Rebecca flinched and almost jumped to Richards side to check on him.

"What the hell?" Richard brought his hand to the cheek his wife had slapped.

"What's wrong with you?" He boomed.

"What's wrong with me?" Destiny chuckled humorlessly. "Why don't you tell me who you gave the diamond jewelry you bought to."

Richard's eyes widened and he glanced at his assistant. That gave it away for Destiny.

She did not only feel betrayed by him but heartbroken that Richard didn't think she is worth diamonds.

She marched to Rebecca, his slutty assistant, and flipped the coffee tray in her hands, splattering the hot liquid on her. Next, she gave it hard to Rebecca across the face.

Rebecca groaned in pain but Destiny wasn't done with her yet, with him yet.

"Destiny, it's not what you think. I.."

"Shut the fuck up Mr. Richard Davidson!" She warned on top of her voice. "Now you'd listen to me and obey when I'm done."

"Let's talk about this..."

"From this day onwards, you're no longer my husband and I assure you that not a penny will you get from my fortune. You can go and continue your affair when you're out of my life. And you..." She turned to Richard's P.A. "Before you leave my company jobless, hand me the diamonds now before I rip you apart!" Destiny demanded. Richard has acquired them with her money after all so even though they weren't meant to be hers, it was bought with her money.

Rebecca was hesitant at first but the murderous look Destiny's eyes held made her do her bidding in a heartbeat.

All pleadings of Richard fell on deaf ears as Destiny stormed out of the office in a rage.

Blinded with anger, she bumped into a man who was about to enter Richard's office and when she looked up at him, she thought he was handsome but her next action was because she wanted to prove a point.

Destiny stares at him for a second and as if in a trance, she tiptoes and crashes her lips against the man in a passionate kiss. He won't open up and kiss her back but after a few seconds, he begins to ravage her lips back in a way Destiny hasn't felt before. Alarmed, she pulled away with flushed cheeks only to turn and see the shock and annoyed face of Richard.

"What the hell have you done, Destiny?"

"I kissed him. What's your problem?" She answered stubbornly, her breath uncontrolled.

"He's Wilhelm Grey, you shouldn't have."

Wilhelm Grey? Destiny has heard that name before.

Destiny slowly turned to look at the man she just kissed. Dark hair and striking green-blue eyes which was rather rare. He's way taller than her even though she's in high heels. He can be even a few inches taller than Richard. His expression was stoic as if he wasn't kissing her just a few seconds ago.

She's heard so much about Wilhelm Grey from Richard mostly, it was about how crude he is and his predilection to outsmart and steal deals. And she hated him without knowing him when Richard complained of the company losing millions because Wilhelm sent in his spy to Blackmore corporation.

Right now, his dark unfriendly look gave it away that he can be that ruthless.

She has heard his bad sides but she wasn't told how sinfully good he looked.

"Why should I care?" Destiny finally spoke, looking unperturbed that she just kissed another man in front of her lawfully wedded husband.

"Well, I don't care that you kissed him either. I know it was out of rage. I would plead that we talk about this. Give me a chance to set this straight." Richard begged.

Destiny smirked devilishly and though Richard dreads that look, he didn't expect what came out of his wife's lips next.

"Mr. Davidson, the Blackmore corporation will no longer need your services. A potential worker has already been appointed to replace you."

"What? When? And who the hell is that?!"

Destiny gestures towards Wilhelm. "Mr. Grey is Blackmore's next CEO. This means you. are. FIRED." Destiny emphasized the latter word.

Richard couldn't believe his eyes nor his ears. " Are you kidding me?"

"Because the owner of Blackmore corporation likes to joke, isn't it?" Destiny asked back sarcastically yet smugly but her eyes spit fire.

