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Halloween Night Adventure

Halloween Night Adventure

Author: Effendus



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A Fictional story of a young teen called Thomas. Every full moon night, some black cults visit from nowhere him and force him to follow them to their world. He makes several destructions while trying to run away from them and no one believes him. Everyone says he's mentally ill. He later followed them in a night which happened to be an Halloween night.
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Chapter 1

    The lengthy conversation I had with my school nurse on Tuesday is as follow, "has any of my name, Thomas or Destiny been cursed?"

I am the only one that bears that name in my school, and High school is worse than a near-death experience. I can confidently tell you that I nearly died five times in one night; I face my fears, I conquered my demons but they left no evidence. For the past two years nobody believed me, some would say I made it up, and most people say that I'm mentally disorder.

I told everybody that 'Black cults' pays me visit every full moon and tried to kill me if  I refuse to follow them. I was getting different advices from different sources. My Dad said it was all in my head, and the possible way to erase the delusion is to finish fifteen dozens of fluoxetine.

Using the tablet is one of my most hatred daily routines. But my school nurse is some of a different kinds.

He replied me, saying. "I get, I get it little dude." His voice is thicken, as much as it's gruffy. "You've gotten friends from another world because you always contact through the book your read in the library and they came for you to join them then you refuse, you'll better make negotiate with them." He adds.

My brows furrowed, as curiousity settled in, making me ask for the negotiation he had mentioned, and he replied. "I would ask for something un-taming to follow them.

"What if it's all a delusion like some people say?" my voice is little, whispering, unsure of my own question. 

He chuckled, his eyes meeting mine briefly before he looks away, "keep using your fluoxetine and become a Magnum XL wearer motherfucker and have sex with a fellow dude like you then all decision will eradicate."

My mouth goes agape, rendering me speechless. I had not expected him to say something as such. He wasn't supposed to say that. Or is it me being delusional once again? No, I don't think so. He really said that.

I ask, baffled. "Aren't you a nurse?" Then, I make my tone sound less insulting as much as I could mister. "Because nurses...aren't really meant to say such thing." 

There's a sarcastic glint of a ghosty smile, playing on his lips as they are tugged up. "I am a nurse, and at the same time, a guidance counselor," his eyes is showing how obvious he'd expected me to notice it beforehand. 

But then, he, telling me to have sex is as a guidance counselor and telling me to keep on with my medication was a nurse. He is always a wired Man.

My Principal said my spirit doesn't tally with that of the school, so I would change my high school and that is one thing I can never try. The reason for me not to let go of my school led me to the advice our Library guidance Mr John gave me; he advised me never to read anything dark in the library anymore, he said he knows am a nyctophile and not to be so curious to read story lifes of late Satanic oracles. I can't live my school because it's the only school that get dark-side books in it's library in my town New Orleans.

 I frequently used to go to library to read about story life of past oracles so I went against Mr John's advice by sneaking into the library to read my favourites untill I was banned not to enter the library anymore. Even though I was banned but he had forgotten that I borrowed a book from the library weeks ago which happened to be the darkest one called The Black Cults because I was eager to know how the black cults kill the Viper in that book. 

The second weird person my life is entangled with is one of our neighbors whose a Voodoo man. He never wears a good clothes and his dressing becomes unbecoming to me anytime I see him. His detached house is rightly opposite to ours so I have chance to satisfy my curiosity by going there. My mom would never allow me to do so but I don't give up easily. 

The day I went there, his house was full of cobwebs and different enchanting books. It was as nauseating as much as it's enchanting. The smell of the area in my nostrils doesn't quite allures me, but there's something in the place that makes it antique, and eye-catchy. 

I had entered without anyone's permission, and now I'm like a weirdo — which most see me as already — my eyes is wandering around the room, as I use my hand to weave past the webs in my way. Remind me again why I came here. 

I manage to conceal my cough, not wanting voodoo man to catch me when suddenly there's the sound of a crunching bone. My feet had trampled upon it. My eyes widens as a result, and looking ahead of me, I see the man right before me, giving me a wary look.

"What do you want here?" He ask, and walks towards me. I back away from a fear that's grew in me. He bends down to pick the crushed bone, and pack the pieces into a ceramic bowl on the table next to it.

My voice is stuttering as I answer. "What do you use those books for?" I am direct. His brows raises, as his gaze isn't fixated on me, but on the bowl.

"That's brave of you, kid." He pauses and faces me, my heart thuds. "I want to become the greatest sorcerer ever known." I find myself nodding at his level of determination.

"What's your aim? I mean, how you want your sorcerer to look like." 

He turns, letting his back face my front and he state. "Don't stop reading the book. The truth lies in the depth of the makings of each dotting ink."

I don't allow my battling inquisitional part win over me, so I changed the topic. "Why don't you 

clean up the cobwebs—"

The yell of my name from the distance fazed me as I recognize it to be from mom. She's banging at my door, while I quickly rush out of voodoo man's house, and to mine. Hurriedly, my legs are leading me to kitchen since it's next to my room. Easier way to sneak into the room without mom catching me.

It was 5p.m towards twilight when my Dad arrived. No sooner did he arrived that we heard someone knocking our door. I heard my mom and dad disagreement which, on the aftermath I realized that mom denied my dad's idea of taking me to a psychiatrist hospital the next day, Wednesday which night is a full moon . 

On opening the door, it was the Voodoo man. Whilst my mom was arguing with Dad about my case the Voodoo man went in without anyone's permission. How dare you enter my house without my permission?, my mom asked angrily. 'How dare your child Thomas entered my house  without my permission?' He replied. 

As she heard this, she turned to me and yelled at me, 'you're leaving your school for the hospital tomorrow and you are also grounded for weeks'. I turned back to my room to read the book BLACK CULTS and thinking about what to do when the black cults arrives the next night. I couldn't let go of the book if it's was has been bringing the black cults to me because it's the most interesting novel I've ever read. 

The chapter I read that night was the seventeenth call The Gem. I went asleep while reading the part where the black cult has to look for a gem.

   Yesterday was Wednesday 31st of October. Its a day I can never forget in my life even though I did not easily realized there was an unforgettable occasion that happens that day. I was awoke by our second closest neighbor's call, "kate" who lives with her dad only. 

The two of them are always funny family to me for other siblings of Kate lives in Philippines with their mom and only Kate and her father Mr Juan that lives together. I heard they all seperated because Mr Juan loves his car than her daughter and cares less about her. Mr Juan calls his car baby instead of her daughter. 

Her daughter Kate happens to be someone that easily empathize. She feels empathy for me and called me very early around 6a.m. She initially talked about my feelings and later asked if I would follow her Uncle's birthday and stay there for  Halloween party. She included several places near her Uncle's house where we could get Halloween costumes.

She decided to include me to the part for she knows I did not wanted to go to the hospital. I asked for when we were going to return and she replied that next morning. I agreed with her opinion to ditch school by 1pm. I felt  to have nailed it because once I step into that hospital, everyone in my school will give me another name. Right now they call me 'Pussy the mental guy'. 

As I was getting out of the house to get into the car and set off for school, I saw the Voodoo man walking ahead of me. I was very angry that I did not wanted to hear anything but he said, 'you have forgotten your book'. I check my bag pack and realized I have truly left the Black Cults book on my reading chair in my room. I went to pick it up and decided not to worry how he knew I hadn't taken it because I hear Voodoo is all about magic stuff. 

The time clocked 1p.m in my school and we all had to go for a short break before we return for our last class of the day. I saw Victor, our principal favorite student walking ahead of me and stopped as he got to my seat. He said, ' Hey Thomas, you're very fond of clean imagination due to the people you imagine were with you last month till you jumped through you story building and fell on your dad's car. I love your imaginary skills.

 was speaking loud that he drew the whole class attention. You know what Pussy? Let be a Imaaaaginary friend uhn. You'll just always hang along with me and we'll just pretend you don't exist. What? I replied him and asked; is there something reasonable you here for instead of all these you're saying. He said, 'yes! Your parents are in the principal's office waiting for you and seems you going somewhere with them. As he was walking out of my class, he pointed at me and shouted, "somebody toss that pussy into the mental world please" then the whole class Laughed.