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HIS SECRETARY {Dangerous Attraction }

HIS SECRETARY {Dangerous Attraction }

Author: Scholastic Treasure



HIS SECRETARY {Dangerous Attraction } PDF Free Download


Amelia Miller is the young, hot and pretty secretary of the Watson's empire heir, Nick Watson. Her boss is very hot and every woman's dream. Her boss, Nick Watson is a big time flirt and he has always wanted to get in between Amelia's legs, but she never knew. Amelia suddenly started feeling an attraction towards her boss and she knew it was wrong. Why? Because he was already engaged and would be getting married soon. Amelia tried to fight this attraction but it only got worst and eventually, she fell helplessly in love with him. Does Amelia have a chance with her boss? What happened when she found out it was a one sided love? Will she give up on him or does she stand a chance with him?
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Chapter 1


"Good morning boss." Amelia greeted with a smile and dropped the hot coffee she was holding on the desk.

Her boss, Nick took his gaze from his file to stare at her, his hot secretary.

He smirked and took the coffee from the desk and sipped gently from it.

His gaze on her was starting to make her face heat up.

Her face had suddenly gone all red from blushing.

"Good morning miss Miller." He drawled seductively at last.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave now." Amelia said with a professional smile and bowed lightly.

"Don't!" He ordered sternly. She turned around and stood facing him so closely. "You're looking gorgeous Lia." He drawled with his smirk in check.

"Huh? Thank you...sir..." She stuttered not expecting to hear his sudden compliment. What was the compliment about? She wondered with a sigh.

Her reply was more like a croaky whisper.

Nick walked closer to her and turned her swiftly to hit his desk. She gasped with the unexpected move from him. She was almost sitting on top of the desk while he was standing at the space she was before.

She gulped hard nothing as they both stared intently at each other.

Not breaking the eye contact, he tucked in behind her ear a loose strand of her hair. Goosebumps broke out from her skin as she felt his touch on her smooth and tender skin.

He nuzzled her neck and kissed her collarbone softly while a soft and quiet moan left her mouth.

God! What's he doing to her?

Every of his touch made her want him more.

He trailed his hand from her face down to her cleavage, her breathe hitched as she closed her eyes to enjoy his soft touch on her body.

He touched her lips and before she could access what he's about to do, his lips was already on hers, kissing her senselessly. She didn't expect it and as she gasped, he took it as an opportunity and delved into her mouth.

Amelia opened up as Nick savoured every of her taste.

He kissed her hotly and passionately. She reciprocated the kiss and wrapped her slender hands around his neck. He drew her closer to his body, making them breathe the same air.

His hand went to her boobs and then, he squeezed it gently, she let out a soft moan as he continued to tease her nipple.

Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her up and placed her on the desk. He suddenly broke the kiss and placed his forehead on hers, but due to the fact that Amelia was shy, she quickly looked away – she couldn't stare back at him.

Her lips were already so wet and swollen. She licked her lips lightly and he tasted like mint to her.

That simple act she did was a great turn on for him, he found himself hardening against his trousers. He wanted nothing than to pull off her clothes and fuck her on his table, right there and then.

He smirked and smacked her butt.

"Huh?" Amelia almost freaked out. She found her panties going wet and dripping already. She was already turned on and wanted his dick shoved inside her pussy.

He chuckled lightly and fondled with her boobs. He caressed them lightly while she let out careless and soft moans.

"God! This feels so good." She moaned and ran her hands through his wavy mass of hair.

"Yeah..." Nick groaned out, the atmosphere hot from the sexual tension between them.

He sucked and played with her tits with his tongue. "Oh yes Nick!" She moaned out, not aware that she had called her boss by his name. She was too carried away.

Nick's dick was almost bugging out from his trouser. It poked on her thigh and she gasped when she realized what it was.

"You taste just great – like strawberry." He groaned seductively in her ears, making her go wet more.

He was about placing his lips on hers again and devour them when a knock came in. They both jolted up and disengaged from their closed proximity. I hurriedly got down from the desk and straightened my skirt.

She touched her face lightly and wiped her wet lips with his handkerchief that he had quickly throw to her.

He arranged his suit properly and sat on his swivel chair with a smile on his face.

What the hell? Amelia screamed in her head.

Her boss didn't even look bothered, in fact he didn't even look like someone who just had a hot make out session with his secretary.

"Come in." He breathed out while she just kept my head bowed. He pretended to be scribbling down some things on a file. He became suddenly serious and focused. Amelia just stood, staring down at her feet.

She smirked at him at his act, he's sure a good actor. "He could feature in a Hollywood movie." She scoffed silently.

She stared up to look at him and she found him staring at her. As their gazes locked, he gave her a lewd wink before taking his gaze to the door.

The door creaked opened with a clicking sound. Amelia turned and her eyes met with the angry stare of her boss's fiancee. A cold shiver ran down her spine.

"Good day ma'am." She greeted politely with a faux smile. The lady scanned Amelia irritatedly with her angry eyes and hissed disgustingly.

She hissed again loudly and catwalked to Nick' table. "Hey baby." She smiled and pecked him on the cheek.

"Hey Alice." He replied perfunctorily. "What's she doing here?" She asked with a pout and stared daggers at me.

If looks could kill, I'll probably be six feet below the ground.

"Come on Alice, she's my secretary and she came to give me my morning coffee." He shrugged.

"Oh whatever!" She grumbled begrudgingly and sat on his thigh. "Baby, I missed you." She cooed softly and kissed him soundly on his left cheeks.

"I'll take my leave now boss." Amelia said lowly.

Without waiting for his response, she dashed out of the office. She couldn't bare spending another second in that office not with them being all lovey and dovey.


As Amelia walked out of the elevator of the last floor, her co-workers were whispering and murmuring amongst themselves.

"Geez"!I wonder why they're talking like buzzing flies and staring at me like that!" She murmured to herself and rolled her eyes, feeling rather too uncomfortable with the stares and all.

"Lia, your cleavage is exposed. Your buttons are opened." Clara, Amelia's best friend ran to meet her and whispered into her ears.


She stared down at her chest and truly, her first three buttons were opened.

"Shits!" She gasped loudly and ran back to the elevator, feeling very embarrassed.

No wonder they were staring and murmuring.



Gosh! She sighed and ran her hand through her hair as she stared at her self on the mirror.

Her lips was swollen, wet and more pinkish than usual, her face was flushed red and her cleavage was revealing too much.

She buttoned up her sleeves and stared angrily at herself on the mirror.

She didn't even realize when her boss had opened her buttons. Guess she was too carried away by the hot make out session with him.

She hit her head lightly continuously with a pout.

"What's wrong with you Amelia? What were you thinking? Your boss is already engaged and he's with her in the office, maybe making out with her." She said to herself with a sad sigh.

"You had better remove every thought of your boss. He's engaged already and would soon be married. He's only gonna use you, play with your feelings and eventually dump you when he's done.

He's gonna leave you broken." Sheadmonished herself and smacked her head.

She sighed sadly and continued to stare at herself on the mirror. Despite the fact that she knew what she was telling herself was the truth, she just couldn't help but feel hurt.


"I'm busy right now, Alice." Nick groaned as Alice played with his hair still sitting on his thigh. Thank goodness, his erection had gone down else, he would have to answer Alice's unending and annoying questions.

"I came to see you Nick." She pouted seductively. "I missed your touch. You haven't even called for the past three days." She added.

"I'm sorry babe. I've been really busy with work." He forced a small smile.

He doesn't want to bluntly push her away else, she'd cry home and his parents would summon him. Nick and Alice got engaged six months ago but Nick wasn't ready to officially take her to the alter.

They weren't engaged because of love but for family legacies...

Anytime the issue came up, he would always find a way out of it – sometimes, he gave excuses.

"Fine! You'll make it up to me by coming over today. I missed you Nick." She whined like a spoilt child. Nick gave a nervous laugh and nodded his head, "sure. I'll come." He answered, just to make her stop pestering him.

He wasn't gonna go to her house, not when he has lots of works to do at the office.

Work's being really demanding this few weeks.

"Yay! Thank you babe." She said enthusiastically and kissed him. Nick didn't want her to feel bad, he reciprocated the kiss – not like that haven't had sex with each other. They've had sex with each other countless times and Nick always like the way he feels inside her.

She's the only one that can satisfy his desire. He fucks other sluts when be goes to the bar or the club or when he feels lonely and tired.

Alice suddenly abruptly pulled away from the kiss. "You taste different Nick." She said with her eyebrows raised questioningly at him.

"I don't understand you." He tried to play it all calm and innocent.

"You usually taste like mint but now you're tasting strawberry mixed with mint." She said to Nick's dismay. "Um..."he itched his non-itching hair nervously.

"Did you perhaps kiss a girl Nick Watson? Your secretary in particular!" She yelled angrily. Nick knew he was in a deep shit.

Calling his full name means trouble!