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Demons From The Past

Demons From The Past

Author: Reeyu97



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Nate Cohen is being framed for a murder he didn't commit. In order to clear his name and find the real culprit he must join forces with the strong-headed, steel-willed Verena Dawson. A woman who gets on his very last nerve and the killer's next target.
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Chapter 1


I felt the sweat trickle down my face as I threw in punch after punch. I didn't care. The punching-bag swung back and forth wildly as a result of my assaults but I didn't stop.

I could feel the sting on my swathed knuckles as they collided with the hard leather of the bag but that just made me punch harder. I didn't care about the bruises that were probably going to surface on my skin by tomorrow.

"Nate man, listen up." I heard my friend Marcus walk in.

I just grunted in response not bothering to stop my exhausting drill.

"I think that unfortunate punching-bag has had quite enough." Marcus put in drily.

I finally ceased my work out and fixated Marcus with an irritated glare. Marcus didn't seem to mind though. Marcus was the only person who wasn't weary of me. Instead of quaking under my glare like everyone else Marcus chose to ignore it, which was why he was my only friend.

"You remember my cousin Liam right?" Marcus asked.


Marcus wasn't effected by my clipped response either.

"So, a couple of his college buddies are throwing a party tonight and he's invited us to come." He continued without missing a beat.

"No." I replied coldly as I started undoing my hand wraps.

He was expecting that. He crossed his arms across his chest and and gave me a serious look.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. When was the last time you went out and partied, had a good time? In fact, when was the last time you even smiled?" Marcus demanded.

My face twisted into a scowl. Marcus was the only friend I had but most of the time I just wished he'd leave me alone. I knew Marcus meant well but that didn't make him any less exasperating.

"I don't party and I'll smile when I have a reason to." I replied in the same clipped tone.

"You're going to the party, Nate."

"I'm not and there's no way in hell you're making me."


My jaw was set as I concentrated on the road, my knuckles turning white as I clutched the steering wheel tightly.

Marcus and I were currently seated in my pickup truck, heading for that party Marcus had been talking about.

"Wouldn't it have been easier if you just agreed to go in the first place?" Marcus asked with a chuckle.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Sometimes I seriously question our friendship." I seethed.

"Aw, Nate come on. Don't be like that."

"You threatened to kick me out of the apartment!" I accused.

"It was I joke! I was trying to get you to go out and have fun." Marcus put in lightly.

Marcus's explanation managed to piss me off even more. I reverted my attention back to the road.

"Stop here, it's a few houses away from the party but it's safer, in case the cops decide to burst in. We can make a run for it and get out without the cops noticing us or seeing the number plate." Marcus explained somewhat sheepishly.

I just gave him a pointed look. The last thing I needed right now was a run in with the authorities. We parked the truck in a deserted alleyway, the moon seemed to be the only source of light there.

In the eerie quietness of the alley I could hear the sound of blaring music from a distance as we made our way towards the house.

A shuffling sound of feet nearby made us stop in our tracks. I looked around the deserted street, there seemed to be no sign of a living being besides the two of us.

There it was again. It was definitely the sound of someone walking, it came from close by.

My whole body tensed up.

Were we being followed?

"Whoever you are, show yourself." I demanded, my hands clenched into fists.

Suddenly a figure stumbled forward towards us from the shadows. I got ready to attack, taking up a fighting stance.

Just as I was about to strike I heard Marcus cry out,

"Nate, don't! It's a girl!"

My hand stopped in midair, I had to squint in the dim light to see properly. The girl stumbled over her feet.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath as I realized that I'd almost struck her.

"Something's wrong with her." Marcus's voice was panicked.

He was right. Something was definitely wrong with her. Her breathing was erratic and she seemed to be having trouble standing up.

"Help me." The girl whimpered as she started to sway. Marcus caught her before she hit the ground.

"What's wrong with her?" I questioned uneasily.

I took in the girl's attire, from her dress and hair it seemed likely that she was dressed for the party.

"She's probably drunk." Marcus responded.

"I think someone spiked her drink, alcohol doesn't do this." I observed.

"Let's just take her with us to the party, she seems like a college student, someone will recognize her there." Marcus offered.

"Taking an unconscious girl to a party filled with hormonal drunk college boys, does that really sound like a good plan to you?" I snapped.

"If you can think of anything else then I'm all ears! It's not like we know where she lives." Marcus snapped back.

"Celeste Apartment Complex, I live at the Celeste Apartment Complex." I heard the girl mumble suddenly.

I gave Marcus a pointed look.

Marcus nodded, "That solves our problem. The party's going to have to wait."

"No, you go to the party. I'll take her." I added quickly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, just put her in the truck."

"You're not going to come back to the party after you drop her off, are you?" Marcus asked with a sigh.

I didn't answer.


"Celeste Apartment Complex." I read the gold plated sign aloud and I let out a low whistle.

The complex was lavishly constructed, the huge black Iron gates seemed to open automatically as the truck approached.

"Can I help you, Sir?" A uniformed guard stepped forward and asked politely.

"Yes, I'm here to drop off. . ." I trailed off as I realized that I didn't know her name. The girl mumbled something incoherently, she was still unconscious.

"Er- a friend." I finished awkwardly.

The guard seemed to recognize the girl because he permitted me to proceed inside but not before giving me a suspicious look. I parked my truck in the massive parking lot, before stepping out and unlocking the door to the passenger seat. I cursed under my breath as the girl almost toppled to the ground when I did so.

I picked her up in my arms and made my way towards the extravagant building. I couldn't help but be enthralled by my surroundings. The place was beautiful, everything about it screamed of money, the marble fountains, the antique looking brick building.

I made my way inside to the reception. I sighed in relief as I noticed a woman sitting behind the counter.

"Excuse me ma'am. I happened to come across this girl, she's unconscious. I believe she lives here."

The woman studied me for a brief moment before her eyes wandered to the girl's limp form in my arms.

"Oh, yes. That's Allison Wyatt." She answered, her voice sounded suspicious.

I felt immensely relieved, "Thank God she lives here. Can you make sure she gets to her apartment safely? I need to-."

"She's not my business." The woman cut me off.

"Excuse me?"

"My shift's over, I'm leaving."

I scoffed, "I thought you said she lives here."

"I did, but that doesn't make her my problem. You brought her here so you're responsible."

"I don't even know her." I gritted through clenched teeth.

This woman was getting on my nerves.

"Here" She snapped impatiently as she held out a key. "She's number 187."

"You expect me to carry her all the way to her apartment?" I demanded angrily.

"It's on the eighteenth floor, use the elevator." She gave me a condescending smile.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance as I snatched the key she was holding out with my free hand struggling to hold Allison up with the other.

I couldn't keep the scowl off my face as the elevators doors opened and I got off the eighteenth floor. Finally I reached the door labelled '187'.

I struggled to unlock the door with an unconscious girl in my arms. I cursed loudly as the key refused to go in.

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind me caught my attention.

My eyes met with a pair of suspicious hazel ones.

"You need any help?" The girl asked pointedly.

She eyed the unconscious girl in my arms with suspicion.

"I got it." My voice was thick with irritation.

"Okay." She sounded amused. "You know, it would probably be a lot easier if you weren't holding the key upside down."

I grumbled when I realized that she was right. Quickly correcting my mistake I unlocked the door and stepped in. The apartment was lavishly furnished like the rest of the complex, it didn't come as a surprise to me.

I quickly placed Allison down on the huge L-shaped sofa and adjusted the cushions around her so she was comfortable. Leaving the key on the kitchen counter I finally walked out of the apartment, shutting the door behind me quietly.

To my surprise the girl was still standing there, she eyed me curiously.

I took in her toned frame, her auburn hair was tied up into a ponytail. My attention was drawn back to her too big almost doe like eyes.

Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, her chin tipped up. I assumed it was something she did to appear intimidating.

I nearly snorted. She barely even reached my shoulders.

For a moment I allowed my eyes to linger over her attractive form. I felt an unfamiliar clench in my gut but quickly pushed the feeling down.

"Care to explain how that happened?" She demanded, motioning towards Allison's apartment.

Her voice sounded suspicious. The annoyance I had been feeling before quickly returned.

"Nothing much to explain. She was unconscious when I found her so I brought her home." I responded with a scowl.

It wasn't like I owed her any explanation.

She gauged my expression, trying to figure out if I was lying or not but my face stayed impassive. Finally she gave up and let out a sigh.

"If that is the case then that was really kind of you. A lot of guys would have taken advantage of the situation." She said softly.

My lips curled up in disgust. "Those guys deserve to have their faces introduced to my fists."

She laughed, her eyes shining. "Well, for what it's worth, I'm glad you're not one of those creeps."

I scratched my neck awkwardly.

"Nice place you got here." I finally said.


Not bothering to say anything else I started to make my way towards the elevator, it was getting late and I needed to leave. The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside. To my surprise the girl stepped in after me.

She was so quiet I hadn't even noticed her following behind.

She's stalking me now?

"I'm going to the library. I've got a lot of studying to do." She told me when she saw the questioning look on my face.

I nodded, my shoulders relaxing. She pressed the button for Ground floor and the elevator started moving.

"Is it always this deserted?" I asked after a while, breaking the silence.

I found it strange that the whole complex seemed to be empty, I hadn't seen any people walking around or heard any noise altogether, the place seemed to be uninhabited.

"The complex is mostly occupied by college students, all of them have gone to attend some party."

"How come you're not at the party?"

"I'm not much of a party person." She admitted.

I smiled at that. That made two of us.

"You go to college here?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Tomorrow's my first day actually. I just moved here."

The elevator doors binged open and we both stepped out into the lobby. We continued to walk in silence towards the parking lot. I found my self looking back in her direction again once I'd reached my truck

"I could drop you off at the library, if you want?" I found myself asking before I could stop myself.

I was surprised I'd actually asked her that. I was instantly mad at myself for making such a ridiculous offer.

What had I been thinking?

The library was nowhere near my apartment. I'd have to drive half way across town.

She looked taken aback by my offer too.

"No thanks. I have my own car." She answered quickly, motioning towards the sleek red Lamborghini parked a few feet away.

"Good." I replied, my voice was flat

I got into my truck and started the ignition.

To my surprise I'd actually felt a pang of disappointment when she declined my offer.

I didn't look back as I drove off.


I groaned in annoyance when I heard someone banging the front door.

What time is it?

I grabbed my phone and squinted at the screen, it read '6 AM'. I groaned again.

"Marcus will you please go get the damn door!" I yelled.

There was no response, the banging seemed to get louder.

Begrudgingly, I got out of bed. I was ready to kill the bastard who had made me wake up this early. I clenched my jaw in annoyance when I saw Marcus passed out in the hall. I was surprised he had managed to make it home from the party last night.

I yanked the door open, ready to give whoever it was a piece of my mind, but who I saw standing outside made me stop short.

In front of me stood two police officers.

"Nathaniel Cohen?" One of them asked.

"That's me." I responded coldly, all traces of sleep gone.

"You're coming with us." The policeman ordered.

"What for?" I demanded.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Allison Wyatt."