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His Rose-shiningsta

His Rose-shiningsta



His Rose-shiningsta PDF Free Download


When Jonah Anderson saw Clara for the first time at one of the business party, there he falls in love with her at the first sight but they couldn't be together because their parents are rival but it didn't stop Jonah to have her because whatever he wants he gets and he wants Clara.
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Chapter 1

When Jonah Anderson saw Clara for the first time at one of the business party, there he falls in love with her at the first sight but they couldn't be together because their parents are rival but it didn't stop Jonah to have her because whatever he wants he gets and he wants Clara.


"What's your name?" he asked me again.

"I am not going to tell you" his eyes held amazement for what, I don't know?

"So I need to keep a name for you" he thinks before replying.

"Baby doll"







"Why Rose?"

"Because you smell like a Rose"


Clara's P.O.V

"I don't want to go" I made my best cute face but it didn't make my own mother melt.

"You have to come to the party Clara" I admit I am the only heir for my family business but I am only 21 years old to take over my dad's position. First I want to complete my university before training with my dad and learning about his business. Sometimes I think it would have been much better if I had an older sibling to take over my dad's business.

"But why mom? It just some business party I don't need to be there" I have one year to graduate from university, for the last two years, they are taking me to business parties so that I can know some business partners. These parties are the most boring things to attain to.

"You will take over your dad's position in a few years, you have to associate with your dad's business partner" I never liked this business, I want to become a fashion designer but they never listen to me. I can never convince mom. I sighed in defeat and went to my bedroom to get ready.

In these two years, I own many dresses for ball and business parties. I don't like to dress up but for my mom's sake, I have to dress up. She loves to show off me around her friends, business associates, and relatives. But on the other side, she is a loving mom. I dress up in a red gown with beaded long sleeves which is in deep red color with the high heels. I did some makeup and left my blond hair down.

"Clara, we are running late, get down" mom yelled from downstairs. And the most important thing to remember about my mom is she didn't tolerate latecomers.

When I went downstairs my mom is dressed in a beautiful long dress with makeup. She is looking beautiful as always. Dad was waiting for me sitting on the couch while messaging someone on his phone, obviously to his business partners regarding some business matters. I rolled my eyes at his work dedication. He always loves to work whenever he is free. He is dressed in a business suit.

When he heard me coming he looked up and has a huge smile on his face which makes me smile at him too.

He stands up and came towards me. On the way, he put back his phone in his suit jacket. When he was in front of me, I hug him with so much happiness. He was in Germany for some business for I month. I miss him a lot.

"I miss you a lot dad" I whispered to him not wanting to break the hug.

"I miss you too my sweety pie" he whispered back. That makes me smile.

"You both are ignoring me again" I chuckled at mom.

"Group hug" I invited mom. She happily joins us. After hugging we broke our hug.

"I love you guys" I said to them.

"We love you too" they replied in unison.

"We better hurry otherwise we will be late for the party"

"Yes mam" Dad and I replied in unison, she chuckled at us. We followed her outside of the house. There was a limo waiting to take us to the party venue.

We settled into the limo then it started moving.

I don't want to go to that party for many reasons.


All the business parties are boring.


All men will talk about business while women like to talk about some gossips.


We have to maintain our standard otherwise we will become a joke of the party.


At that party, Veronica Johnson will be there. It is the main reason I don't want to go to that party. We are known as an enemy in the university. I don't know what I did to her to hate me so much. She embarrassed me in front of all the students at the university. From that day, I started to hate her like my enemy.

"Come on, we are here" I didn't even realize when we reached the venue but my dad's voice brought back me in the present time. I nodded and followed my dad out of the limo.

The venue was bigger than the last one. There was a red carpet with paparazzi. I never like to come in contact with paparazzi, they are nightmares. I tried to hide from them but somehow or other they always find me, thanks to my dad's popularity.

We went inside the building, I followed my Dad whose hand was wrapped around my mom's waist. After so many years of marriage, they still love each other like a newlywed couple.

When we enter, the hall was already packed. One man came towards us and greeted dad. I think he is the host of the party but I forget his name when mom told me about it in the limo.

Mom excused from us and went towards her friends, Dad started talking about business. I know now I have to survive this party alone.

I wish I don't come in contact with Veronica then this will be my worst business party. I sat alone on the table on the corner so that no one can notice nor they come to talk to me.

"Thank you for attending this business party" he was the same man who welcomed us a few minutes before, still I can't remember his name. He was on the stage with the mic, beside him there was a man who looks familiar but I can't remember him.

I can't remember anyone what kind of person am I?

"He is my friend and business partner" he introduced to the man who stands beside him.

"Stephen Anderson" What? Did I hear him correctly or are my ears are ringing? Now I got it why he looks familiar. I saw him in the magazine. He is the number one business tycoon in this city along with Dad. They both are known for the best businessman in this whole New York City. And also known for number one enemy, they are enemies before my birth, I don't know why they are? When I ask mom and dad about it they just divert the topic.

I heard Stephen Anderson had only one son Jonah Anderson, I heard many things about him that he is very rude and Jerk. He took over his father two years ago and from then onwards his company was doing much better than his father's. I also heard that he is very strict in the business field, he didn't even spare anyone before firing them. I didn't even seen his picture but everyone told me he is the most handsome bachelor. I don't want to meet him in my entire life because of his attitude.

"CLARA" I heard someone yelled my name in excitement. When I looked towards the voice, I want the earth to swallow me, I didn't know he will be here at this business party, I never thought he was interested in the business field.

"Hi Liam" I forced a smile at him.

"Hi, Clara, nice to see you here" I met him in the first year of university, at first he was sweet and caring, after 6 months of friendship he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was shocked at first, I always saw him like a brother who I never had. Immediately I said NO. From then onwards the thing between us becomes awkward. From that day I was avoiding him but still, he tries to talk to me and tried to impress me so that I become his girlfriend. He always tried to give me expensive gifts but I always return them. I told him 'Do not waste his time and money on me but he didn't listen.

"Nice to see you too Liam" what should I do now I thought.

"What are you doing here Liam? Last time I know you didn't like business parties" he grins at me.

"I knew you would be here, so I come here to meet you" this is very awkward, why he can't leave me alone. How I wish I would have not come here. What should I do, I want to get away from him but how.

"Why are you alone, where are your Mom and Dad?" Yep, mom excuse will be fine to escape from him.

"Hmm, I think mom is calling me, bye" after saying that I quickly went to the other side not waiting for his reply. I sign in relief when I couldn't see him.

"Clara, what a surprise to see you here?" I shut my eyes tightly please kill me now.