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When the ice melts

When the ice melts



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Meet Samantha Mett, Ice queen and Queen Bee of the most popular private high school in New York. She has the power to scare people around her, she has never had any feelings for anyone but will it all change when the new girl comes to school? Dušica Nikolić, the girl who is originally from Serbia but she spent most of her life in London. After a big tragedy that happened to this family two years ago, they decided to move to New York. Samantha's family is the richest family in the USA and the second richest and powerful family in the world, while Dušica's family is the first most influential family. Girls don't know each other because Dušica's family has done everything to keep their precious daughter away from the eyes of paparazzi, and no one knows how she looks like except her best friend Mia. If you want to know what will happen when their paths cross, read this story to find out and follow their life story.
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Chapter 1

Dušica's P.O.V.

Sound of alarm woke me up. Aghhh I just want to sleep. I took another pillow from the bed and put it on my face, not even bothering to look at my phone. After a good five minutes alarm started again. Dammit, I need to get up. I took my phone from the night table that was next to my bed and turned the alarm off.

God, it is only 4 am and I need to be up. Our flight is at 7, why couldn't I sleep more??? But I'm finally moving to New York. I have been waiting for this for too long. I slowly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a short shower.

While the hot water was streaming down my body I was thinking about the past and everything that led to this moment. I was born in Serbia, but I moved to England when I was 6, and I lived here ever since. Now it's time to move to New York. My mother is originally from there, but she moved to Serbia when she met my father and fell deeply in love blah blah blah. I really can't wait to see my grandparents again, it's been too long since the last time I saw them. Oh, and I'm finally going to see my best friend – Mia again. She has been my best friend since we were six. We met in London but she is originally from Serbia as well, her family is so nice and my parents and I were lucky to have such good neighbors. Unfortunately, she moved to New York two years ago. We used to spend summers together and now I'm going to be in the same school as her, I really couldn't be happier.

I got out of the shower and took towels to dry my body. After that, I brushed my teeth and hair. I went into my room and immediately regret not listening to my mom. She was right to say I should have found the clothes I wanted to wear the night before but nooo, I think I'm the smartest. Although my dresser is half empty now I still have a lot of clothes and no idea what to wear. After a few minutes, I took black, skinny jeans and a white shirt. I opened the door and went downstairs. I met my parents in the kitchen.

Speaking Serbian

"Good morning mom, dad" I saluted.

"Morning sweetie" my dad greeted, "How was your night?"

"Night? Seriously dad? I didn't even get to sleep for five hours. And if anyone knows how much I love to sleep it's you"

They just laughed at me and mom started talking about how I should have just went to bed earlier and everything would be fine. I rolled my eyes and took a plate with pancakes my mom's already made for me. Gosh, I love it when she cooks.

They were talking about the flight today but I was too busy with my pancakes so I didn't even bother listening. When I finished the food I put a plate away and look at my parents

"So, are we ready to go?" I asked them excitedly.

"Now we are" mom answered and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

We came to the airport and waited awhile for our plane to come. Private jet. When we all were comfortable in our seats, I took my phone from pocket and texted Mia that I am ready to go. I smiled at thought of us being together again. I moved my head so I could look through the window and soon enough drifted off to sleep.

Mia's P.O.V.

Oh my god! I still can't fucking believe Dušica is coming here. I miss her so much. I'm sitting on my bed, all dressed up for school but it is still early and I am way too lazy to get up now.

I got the message around 1 last night from Dušica that she is already on the plane waiting for it to leave. It was 7 am there when here was 1 am. Aghhh time zones are killing me. It's already 7:30 now and I should be going if I don't want to be late. My parents had already left for a job so I'm alone at home.

I got out of the house and locked the door then I saw my baby waiting for me to come inside her. Don't be so perverted, I'm talking about my car. The newest Range Rover. I love it more than I love half the people I know. I turn on the radio and Diamonds of Rihanna traveled down the road with me.

After ten minutes I came to the school parking lot. People are everywhere and everyone stared at me. I just hate it so much. Quickly I walked inside and went to my locker. Then I saw Emili, one of my good friends, leaning on my locker.

She had long, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She turned her head and saw me then smiled, I smiled back and hugged her when I come close.

"Hey, baby how are you?" she asked sweetly like she always does.

"Never better!" I said with a big grin on my face. I took some books from the locker that I need for my first period and turned to her "And you?"

"Wow someone is in a really good mood today, I see," she said which made me smile and nod. "I'm great too" she finally said. "Do you think Ms. Smith will give us a test today?" she asked worldly. She was such a nerd, but I adored it.

"I'm not sure, but I hope she won't," I said and she laughed.

I couldn't wait for the first and second period to end. It was so long and boring. But after this, I'm finally going to eat. Yeah, I love food, what can I do...

Finally, the bell rang and I rushed down the hallway and went to the cafeteria. I have no fucking idea how the hell are all these tables almost full. Then I saw my table, "popular table". Yeah, somehow I am one of the most popular kids in the school and it's pretty weird.

There is Emili, one of the cheerleaders and my good friend.

Jon, captain of the school football team, the most popular guy at school, all the girls are drooling all over him but he is just a player. His messy brown hair and sky blue eyes make him so freaking handsome.

Then there is Anna, captain of the volleyball team and my teammate. Yes, I am on the school volleyball team and one of the best. But I really can't wait for Dušica to come because she is the best of best in volleyball, and she will play for our team. Anna is a beautiful girl, with long, wavy, brown hair and green eyes and she is a lesbian. She doesn't care what people think about her, and I absolutely love it.