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Last Day's At Hiddenville High School

Last Day's At Hiddenville High School

Author: Building12345



Last Day's At Hiddenville High School PDF Free Download


My Last Days At Hiddenville Prolong My last days at Hiddenviile high school tells a story of a teenage girl Rianna Henson a teenager who was being bullied at school. Everyone simply hated her just because she isn't one of the most beautiful girls and as for boys no one want to have anything to do with her. She was always seen with her head down not looking at anyone,boys mock her just because she's plain,old fashion and wear glasses everyone avioded. She has no friends at school because no one would want to talk to her,the only friend who stick to her wasn't accepted by the school either. Both boys and girls made fun of them together. Her year at Hiddenville is coming to an end and she hope to pass out peacefully but then there is Jake kyle the hottest guy at Hiddenville. Who Rianna had secretly been crushing on but Jake happens to look down on his nose at all,just like everyother boys,he mock her and make fun of her. He never notice her even if he happens to notice her,he will just make a nasty comment and walk past laughing with other boys!. And he also happens to be Gloria Mather boyfriend!. Gloria Martha the hottest bitch at hiddenville. Things are getting more complicated as the year draw to an end. Will Jake Kyle ever see her more than that plian girl? How will Rianna survive the year? Will she ever beable to stand for herself and stand up to those bully her?. Tbc. Find out in this story am sure you don't wanna miss it.
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Chapter 1

  My Last Days At Hiddenville


  My last days at Hiddenviile high school tells a story of a teenage girl Rianna Henson a teenager who was being bullied at school.

  Everyone simply hated her just because she isn't one of the most beautiful girls and as for boys no one want to have anything to do with her.

  She was always seen with her head down not looking at anyone,boys mock her just because she's plain,old fashion and wear glasses everyone avioded.

  She has no friends at school because no one would want to talk to her,the only friend who stick to her wasn't accepted by the school either.

  Both boys and girls made fun of them together.

  Her year at Hiddenville is coming to an end and she hope to pass out peacefully but then there is Jake kyle the hottest guy at Hiddenville.

  Who Rianna had secretly been crushing on but Jake happens to look down on his nose at all,just like everyother boys,he mock her and make fun of her.

  He never notice her even if he happens to notice her,he will just make a nasty comment and walk past laughing with other boys!.

  And he also happens to be Gloria Mather boyfriend!.

  Gloria Martha the hottest bitch at hiddenville.

  Things are getting more complicated as the year draw to an end.

  Will Jake Kyle ever see her more than that plian girl?

  How will Rianna survive the year?

  Will she ever beable to stand for herself and stand up to those bully her?.


  Find out in this story am sure you don't wanna miss it.

  My Last Days At Hiddenville

  Episode 1

  Rianna pov

  "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"That was the sound of my alarm i turn over trying to switch it off without getting up.

  I ended up knocking over a few things,how could i even forget i wasn't wearing my glasses and my eyes were half close.

  I open my eyes and try to locate where my glasses are everything in the room was just blur making it difficult for me.

  I have a very poor sight that i can only take my classes of whenever i want to sleep.

  I guess Anna heard the falling of object and rush up towards my room i could only see her figure as she move around the room.

  "Here you go"She said helping me to put it on.

  I smile at her and adjust my glasses then lay down on the bed back,making no move to get ready for school.

  "Morning Anna"I finally murmur,Anna is my step mom and she's great at first i hated her i was scard that if i love her,i was cheating on my mom.

  And each time Dad smile at Anna,it made me so sad that he already forgotten about my mom.

  Of course not I am older now and i understand,he still love my mom but he also love Anna i guess i can leave with that.

  My four years old brother,Eggs he's Anna and Dad son which make him my brother.

  "Morning,next time Rianna make sure your glasses aren't far away okay?"Anna pleaded before walking out of the room but Eggs stayed behinde.

  "Ria,why do birds sing in the morning"Here we go again,Eggs could really ask question and most of the question are stupid and i don't know them.

  "Eggs! am trying to sleep in here"I groan covering my head with my pillow.

  "Are you not going to school"Saying that i sprang up and quickily rush to the bathroom.

  Just like everyday am not looking forward in going to school,school for me is like hell.

  As soon as i step foot in school after dropping Eggs at school i heard the bell rings,first period,as i was runing up the stairs i mis a foot and fall down,rolling down the stairs people just laugh at me while some pretend as if nothing happened.

  I stood up and dust my clothes,my lips were shaking so badly,this happen each time am about to cry,i chew on them i cannot afford to cry in front of the half the whole school.

  "What your problem dumpmass you still wear glasses and you can't see"Someone hissed behinde me.

  "Move over some of us with good eyes are trying to get to class"This time i recognise the voice and quickily move over.

  Gloria turn around and look at me"Well you can go first"She said,smirking at her friends.

  I knew she was up to sonething but i just don't know what.

  I noded and i had only taken two step when i felt her hand on my glasses,i made to re-treat but it was too late,she remove it chuckle with her friends and walk away.

  I quickily gasp the iron stairs but my hand couldn't touch it i fell down again and roll of the tears.

  More than two hours i was on the stair case looking for my glasses while the rest are in class.

  I cannot see a thing,i just lay down on the floor,feeling it like a blind man maybe i could feel it.

  First period was over,people stood there laughing at me,some betting money on me maybe i could find the glasses.

  I just sat there,okay i am crawling around looking for it, some student were even stepping on my hands.

  "What is going on? Ria"A new voice cried.

  Thank God my Best friend is here to save me!
