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Her Unwanted Mate

Her Unwanted Mate



Her Unwanted Mate PDF Free Download


She, a pure, innocent girl who has everything. Good friends, pretty face, loaded family, anything you can imagine. There's only one thing that she only heard of, but not possessed – mate. However, on her 16th birthday, God played a trick on her.
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Chapter 1

*Paisley's POV*

"Look there goes another one, used and heartbroken." I said bitterly to my best friend Lela as I watched the heartbroken girl run away with tears in her eyes, away from the no good piece of scum.

"I know it's sickening but why do you care so much? The way you get mad every time that you see him break a girls heart I'm starting to think that you have feelings for him." Lela questioned. I snorted in a very un lady like way when she said that last part.

"It pisses me off because no girl deserves to be treated like that." I said harshly as I watched the douche bag join his buddies at there lunch table. I heard Lela sigh from across the table and I turned to face her.

"Paisley you just need to ignore it, there's nothing you can do about it." She stated. I huffed but kept silent because I knew it was true. It just irritates me how he treats girls, sleeps with them and then dumps them its just not right. I lifted my head up when I heard the scrapping of a chair across from me. I watched as Seth sat in the seat next to Lela and and took her hand.

You see Lela and Seth are a whole year older then me so they had already found out that they were mates on Lela's birthday. I watched fondly as the two made google eyes at each other. I wanted to find my mate badly and thankfully my sixteenth birthday is tomorrow so I can start looking for my other half.

"What's her problem?" I heard Seth ask Lela as he looked down at me. Lela giggled slightly before replying.

"It's Xander again, she's pissed because he broke another girls heart." She stated. Seth rolled his eyes at me and turned towards the table where Xander sits. He was laughing it up with his buddies and acting like what had happened minutes before didn't really happen.

"Just ignore him Paisley." Seth said. I snorted at how alike the two were. You see the douche bag I'm talking about is Xander Jackson soon to be alpha of the blood moon pack, my parents best friends son and the schools biggest player. Xander and I used to be the best of friends when we were little, attached at the hip, but that all changed when we got into the seventh grade.

Xander started being mean to me and blowing me off for other people and it only continued to get worse to what it is today. I hate Xander with a fiery passion and I want to murder him at least five times a day but I can't do anything about it because our parents are best friends and have been since they were teenagers, Lela's mom is also best friends with my mom.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of eyes on me. Looking up my eyes connected with the jerks. I glared harshly at him and he did nothing but smile evilly in return. I rolled my eyes at the stupid boy and nearly jumped for joy when the bell rang. I gathered my things and left the lunchroom glad it was finally over.


"Mom I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the familiar house. I set my things down on the couch and looked up when I heard my mom come into the room. My mom may be in her thirties but she is still gorgeous. She has long honey blonde hair, large blue eyes and not a wrinkle on her face. Sadly the only thing I get from my mom is her pretty blue eyes the rest I get from my dad.

"Hi honey! How was your day?" She asked happily as she engulfed me in a hug. I smiled at how happy my mom always is and hugged her back.

"It was good." I said with a fake smile that she of course saw right threw.

"Tell me what happened." She ordered as she led me over to the couch. I sighed but sat down and started to explain to her what happened at lunch.

"I just can't stand him!" I finished. My mom slightly smirked and she suddenly got a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I don't think you'll be thinking that after tomorrow." She mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she looked away from me.

"Nothing." She said but I could tell she was lying. I narrowed my eyes at her but after a moment I let it go.

"Alright well I'm going to go upstairs." I said as I stood up. My mom nodded her head and I headed up the stairs towards my large bedroom. When I entered my bedroom I dropped my bag on the bed and climbed onto it.

What did my mom mean by that? 'I won't be saying that after tomorrow'? It just doesn't make any sense. I sighed and pushed the confusing thoughts from my head. I laid on my back and looked around my room. The walls are a light blue color and all of the furniture is white so it gives off a girly feel. My parents had let me design my own room when I turned fifteen last year and I was very grateful for that.

I groaned when I realized that I had a buttload of homework to do and I reached forward to get my bag, better get started.

"Paisley it's time for dinner!" My mom yelled about two hours later. I cheered happily and slammed my math book closed. Jumping up from my bed I ran towards the door and threw it open. When I reached our large kitchen I saw that my dad was standing by the counter watching my mom dish up the food.

"Daddy!" I squealed happily causing him to turn around. I walked towards him and he engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey baby girl." He said to me as he let go. I smiled up at my dad and walked over to the table. My dad and I have always been really close and you could say I'm a bit of a daddy's girl.

"How was your day?" I asked him as he and my mom sat down at the table with there food. My dad sighed and ran his fingers threw his dark hair.

"Frustrating. I had so much paper work to do and I was also helping Reed with a few things, he's freaking out because Xander hasn't found his mate yet and he needs to take over the pack." He finished with a sigh. Reed is the current alpha of the blood moon pack and also Xander's dad.

"When was he due to take over the pack?" I asked. I had been told this many times but I always seem to forget.

"When he turned seventeen and that was two months ago." He said calmly. I nodded my head and thought about it, I feel sorry for the girl who gets him as a mate. The rest of dinner was spent making small talk and eating the delicious food my mom had cooked.

"So Paisley are you excited for tomorrow?" My mom asked as I set my plate in the sink. I squealed in happiness and heard my dad grumble from his place at the counter. He's not very excited about tomorrow because he doesn't want me to find my mate and 'grow up' so he says. I rolled my eyes at my dad and turned my eyes back to my mom.

"I'm so excited! I can finally find my mate!" I said happily. My dad scoffed from across the counter and I turned towards him.

"Whatever." He mumbled under his breath and scowled. I frowned and walked around the counter so I was at his side.

"Why are you so upset about me finding my mate Daddy?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and sighed.

"I just don't want you to get hurt baby girl. He could end up to be some jerk who's going to break your heart and I don't want that to happen to you." He said softly. I felt a small smile come to my face because of how much my dad cares.

"He won't be daddy and if he is then I'm a big girl and I can handle it." I said strongly. My dad huffed and looked down at his hands.

"That's not the only thing your dads worried about." My mom said as she joined us. I gave her a confused look and she chuckled when my dad scowled down at his hands.