
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Ppowell





Lol mesha have left her country and family behind and in anew land she goes through life with a smile on her face, no ene knew she carried a dark secret she hoped never tell speak about until she fell in love and everything had to come out.
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Chapter 1

  It was a cold december morning when she stepped off the british airways at gatwick airport, with excitement and anticipation she waited with excitement to be collected by her new family, she was finally here, she have made it out she taught, no more hand me downs, no more hungry nights and days, no more sharing her bed with two other children, God she has happy, she can finally eat a sweet without having to break it into tiny pieces to share.

  Lomesha have always felt different, like she was part of the work but somewhat not present, and being a part of a large family she have never felt like she belonged, she always felt different like she was meant for something bigger, greater, a new adventure and now, finally she was on the biggest adventure of her life she was in England and the roads she heard was paved with gold, and she couldn't wait to see it.

  Finally, as she sat by with the other children who have traveled in her group she saw him, she jumped up and ran over with the biggest smile on her face, uncle, its you, i know i would remember you, especially with those jerry curls in your hair. As she leaped on his, her uncle hugged tightly and said with a big smile on his face, i missed you, where are your suitcase, let's go home, by his side was her aunt, her uncles partner, lomesha remembered speaking to her on the phone and now she was right here. Her aunt was even more excited to see her, especially as she is unable to have a child she was very happy that lomesha was coming to live with them as she would be able to be a mother to a child.

  As they left the airport lomesha fell asleep after having her first meal, Kentucky fry chicken, yummy, and she didn't have to share, how great!

  I have arrived

  I have arrived

  I'm going to be an only child

  No more sharing

  my shoes

  My dress

  My bed

  Or my sweets

  Everything i get

  Is all mine

  My bed is mine

  My clothes are mine

  Everything i get will be mine

  All mine!

  Lomesha slept all the way home, she had to be woken up by her uncle who said, hey, wake up, we are home, lomesha immediately jumped up, she couldn't wait to go inside, as she stepped out of the car she shivered s it was very cold outside, as she looked around she ask, why the tree dem naked? Her uncle laughed, they are not nakid, it's winter, and in england the trees lose their leaves, oh ok said lomesha, but how come di road no have no gold den? Her uncle laughed again, that's just a saying, do you really believe the roads are made of gold?

  Let's go,before you freese, it's not as hot as it is in Jamaica and you don't want to get cold in your bones, said her uncle. Her uncle was always concerned about her, he was caring and very kind, it was because of his kindness that he had taken her from Jamaica to England a kind gesture in order to provide her with a better life and lomesha was grateful for this opportunity at a better life.

  As Lomesha entered the house she gasped at how immaculate it was, it was a mansion, with a rome of her own, as she stepped into her room she smiled as she looked at her aunt and uncle and asked is this my room, i love it and she gave them both a big hug, she went straight to her room and visual her life in her own room, my own space, yes, i love it.

  I have my own room,

  My own space

  My ow

  My own

  I have a door

  I can close it

  I have a bed

  Only i will lye in it

  I have a chair

  A desk

  My own toys

  It's all mine

  My own room

  My own door

  My own space

  My own

  That sounds great

  For the next week Lomesha enjoyed her new life in England, she visited families and met friends of her uncle and aunt and she was happy, she also went to view her new school which she will be starting soon, its a girl school, no boys, only girls, wow she was very excited to be starting year 8 soon, she was also very scared as she had no idea of how she will get on at her new school especially as she was new in the country and did not know anyone at the school. Lomsha has visited her new school with her uncle and aunt and has met the head teacher and her dorm room teacher, she was also introduced to a few students and her buddy who will show her around the school.

  As she waited in reception lomesha suddenly became shy, scared, she had this feeling in the bottom of her stomach, was this fear, yes she was scared, looking at this big building with many rooms, stairs, so many stairs, and it was way different from her high school back in jamaica, she suddenly thought of her friends, and how she missed them, when will she see them again and will she make new friends, thee mas so many thoughts going through her mind, what if they don't understand me or like me

  I'm new, i know

  I'm new, just arrived

  Will they like me

  Will i survive

  This building so me

  Really huge

  Their voices so different

  I speak patwa

  Will they understand me

  Will there be children

  Like me

  With an accent like me

  Will there be children

  With a background like me

  I new i know

  I've just arrived

  I'm different

  Your different will i like you

  New country

  New school

  New faces

  I want to know

  Will you like me

  Will i like you

  I guess i'll find out soon

  I can do this lomesha taught as she walked through the corridor of her new school, she looked at the children, the teachers the rooms, i can do this, i can do this i know i can. As her uncle finalized all the school papers they said goodbye to the head teacher and then they left, see you on monday, said the head teacher, that word Monday echoed in Lomeshas ear. Excited, scared, it's all the same. Just feelings she taught, I can't wait.

  As they made thor way home her uncle spoke to her, you know that will be your new school lomesha and you will have to walk by yourself to school so from tomorrow we will walk the rout you will take to and from school so that you are familiar with it, ok uncle sha relied and also you need to drop the patwa as it's not a proper way of speaking it's a dirty language ok.

  Lomesha taught as her uncle said this to her, a dirty language, what does that mean, that's how i speak, that's part of me, my accent is part of me, my patwa is part of me, but she just replied ok uncle, as her uncle knows better, he always do the best for her.

  Drop mi accent

  But dat a part a mi

  After mi neva pick it up

  A Wat him mean

  Mi haffi drop it

  Drop mi accent

  But a so mi speak

  A so mi talk

  A so mi be

  Yes it a part a mi

  From di day mi barn

  A so mi learn fi speak

  But him say fi drop it

  Fling it weh

  Leave it behind

  Because it's just a dutty part a mi

  It was monday, the first day at her new school, Lomesha woke up, she was excited, she was scared, she was happy, she was ready, her uncle and aunt was very excited to take her to school on her first day, her uncle hugged her and told her to behave herself and not to let the other children lead her astray. Listen to the teachers he said and make sure you pay attention to your class work.

  Lomeshas first day at school was fun, she was met at reception by her pear buddy nikki who took her to her to the locker room and showed her where her locker was, she then showed her around the school where the bathrooms were and where her home room was as this was the first room she would go to when she arrived at school to take the register and the last room before she go home. Being the new girl in the class was scary as she did not know anyone however all the girls were nice and helped her to find her class and Nikki was very supportive and made sure she got to where she needed to go, her teachers were really nice to, it reminded her of her high school back in Jamaica, as she had to travel to different rooms in the school to take different classe.

  Lomesha has survived her first week at school and has been walking home from school by herself. She also had some girls from her class who went her way which made it a little easier. When she got home she hugged her uncle and told him all about her first week at school, it was a lot to bet use to, her second month in the country and she have already started school, her uncle smiled as he listened to her talked about school and how she have walked home with a few girls from school. You didn't walk home by yourself he said, no i didn't, i walked home with a girl who was in my class and her friend they live round the corner from us. I don't want you walking with anyone, do you heat me, I don't send you to school to make friends.

  Don't make no friends

  Dat funny to mi

  Alk home by yourself

  Dat dont sound right


  Mi new to this

  New country

  New home

  New school

  Mi want to make friends

  Mi can't make friends

  Nut afta a nuh prison mi deh

  This sounds wared to mi

  Well a guest him right

  So mi will just walk home

  By myself