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Forever Mine

Forever Mine

Author: Kingsley Duru



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Let's welcome Redford a student of Royal high school who just got his resignation letter to the Red blood association (RBA) this association is Known as an association whereby dangerous event are carried out or been taken plac.Mere looking at Redford you would think he's cool but his heart is so darken, he's a loner and doesn't like to stay around friends, He's every girls crush and any girl would quickly fall in love with him at first sight,he loves wearing coats. Monalisa called Lisa for short ,a village girl who just came back from the village and had gotten a schoolarship to school at one of thebest schools in Korea, Royal High school,she got bullied by other students,most time she don't have the opportunity to feel among other students cause she's poor and a little bit archaic, most times she got troubled and Redford seems to be her protector. Here comes Elena the principal's daughter,the head of the class girls, she's very harsh and impertinent,she fell in love with Redford since he was admitted to the school ,she was actually the reason why Lisa is bullied most times, would get Redford at any cost. Redford doesn't even like her for a second,he doesn't even play love and wasn't interested in anything called love until he meets Lisa,this brought to many tribulations around the two lovers. Sending a resignation letter to the Red blood? Do you think he's going succeed? Would Redford admit his love for Lisa,the village girl? How does it go then? What about the jousy Elena and her crew of friends? What's gonna happen if Lisa finds out that Redfordwas a killer!!! Grab your popcorn let's go on an adventure, hope ya ready for this awesome novel Let's move.. Much love from Kingsley Duru-author
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Chapter 1

Guys am very sorry I made a big mistake the protagonist name is Lucas not Redford please try to understand…thank you!

Seoul Korea*

Royal high school...

Royal high school is one of the most famous and expensive school on Seoul

"Mum the school is very big,I love it"Monalisa said happily while describing the school to her mum through the phone

"Oops,it it seems like lessons has began"she said and cut the call in a haste to her classroom on getting to her class she stumbled and fell pulling a guy trousers. 


am sorry

She muttered

Everyone in the he class was in shock and speechless,Lucas drag up his trousers and walk up to his desk without minding anyone,Lisa followed looking for a desk,after few minutes scilence mummors filled the air 

"She's so ugly"

"She's dirty "

"What did she just do"

"Her clothes are old fashioned"

She continued looking for desk and no one agreed to pair with her

"Come sit "she was shocked when she heard Lucas voice

She came gentle and sit



"she muttered

The class has their eyes fixed in them both as Elena boiled in anger

Lucas didn't reply her he was looking straight without minding.

  Few minutes the teacher left the class and Lucas went out of the classroom with a letter,as he left few girls apporach Lisa 

"Hey if you really wanna enjoy your days in the school, stay away from him"Elena voice was heard 

Other girls continue mocking her as Elena was leading

"Ion even know how you got in here"some girls said 

"She smells"the other one said while she squeeze her face....


Lucas apporach two guys as he gave them the letters, probably they are members of the Red bloods,they read itand looked at him in surpit that's the resignation letter,

"What do you mean "Carson said 

"You read it am done"Lucas said with a straight face 

"That's impossible you know?"Brake said they were already angry

"You read the conditions before joining you aren't resigning "carsoC said,Lucas paid deaf ears to them a was about going when one pouch landed from behind.he held the hand and and turn back squeezing it 

"Awwwwwwwww"one of them shout breathing heavily the other one came with a kick he dodge  as he gave him a poypo the two was restless on the ground as he ran


Lucas entered the class and was surprised that the girls were around Lisa trenthing her as they noice his appearance they acted like there were having random discussion 

"So how old are you"one of the girls said Lisa was surprised that such a word could come out from there mouth she didn't know they did it cause they noticed Lucas presence

He didn't mind as he went to  his seat .....


Red blood association*

The boys rush to their Master

"Master!"the two said as they breathed heavily

"Lucas said he's leaving the association here is the letter"Brake said 

Bruno take it and read he was surprised too

"Nooooo!!!..."he shouted as the two boys was frightened

"He can't leave he need to be killed if not he's gonna exposed us"

"So Master was the plan"Carson asked

Are you standing here telling me this ....

"Do something now!"he irdered with high tune immediately the boys dashed out ...


So guys would do you think about the nove..... love you all

Please don't forget to rate the book

Kingsley Duru -author