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My Roses Are For You

My Roses Are For You

Author: Darbiedoll



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Cassie loved him. Even though he was married, had three kids, and a sweet loving wife, who was once America's top actress, she didn't feel guilty at all. Though she wasn't really sure what love about. But she knew she loved staying beside him, loved wearing his shirts, and didn't like it that he spent very few days with her, and most of time with his family. And to Cassie, that was all what love was about. But the true feeling of love came when she met Jason Anderson, a top billionaire who was rumored to be gay. Cassie hadn't liked him at first, he seemed to her, like those kinds of men who derived pleasure in breaking girls heart. But days later, she figured out that she spent most of her nights daydreaming about him. And to the extent that she wasn't even thinking about her real lover anymore. But when Cassie discovered that both men had fallen so deeply in love with her, she tries to leave them. But to her dismay, she finds herself and them stuck in a bond so strong it can destroy any body who comes between it.
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Chapter 1

  "How many days are you staying Greg?" Cassie Stevens asked, turning to look at her lover Greg Murphy. New York top one business man.

  They were lying down on her bed at her house in Las Vegas. It was the place he had chosen to come see her ever since his wife had figured out about the house he bought for her at Maryland. He kissed her neck sensually and said in a low voice; "two days sweetheart. There's a truckload of files waiting for me at the office, and I have to sort them out soon." She propped herself up on the bed with her hands. "Have you talked to her yet?" She asked.

  Greg furrowed his brows. "Who?" "Your wife of course!" She said, hitting him lightly on his chest, "have you gotten her to sign the papers?"

  "No. Not yet.". He answered, "but I promise to get her to sign to sign as soon as possible darling..."

  She frowned. Her face looking serious, "and what are you waiting for Mr Greg Murphy? Greg frowned slightly. He had never liked it when Cassie said his name in that manner. It made the relationship they had, seem distant, emotionless. He tried to wrap his hands around her waist, but she shrugged him off. "She's been going through a lot lately Cassie....and......

  " And so have I Greg!" She said, angrily cutting him off, "so have I! For Godsake Greg, we've been together for a whole year, and you keep on telling me that your gonna divorce her soon! But it isn't happening Greg! It's not!"

  He tried to hold her hand, but she shrugged him off again. And then she stood up and walked towards the window. Her long slender arms wrapped around her stomach. "Cassie." He called, his voice was calm and apologetic, "I know. But you can't blame me. Her mother had a heart attack recently, and John had gotten into an accident and had fractured his arm....if I give her a divorce paper now...who...who knows if she might have a heart attack also...." He paused for a moment to look at her for a reaction. There was none. "I want you to understand me Cassie...Anna is a crazy woman and I know what she's capable of doing. I just want to take this slowly."

  She turned to look at him, and then running her hand through her long inky black hair, she mumbled, "I understand. But deep down Cassie knew she didn't understand, couldn't understand. She knew she was pressurizing him. That he was also facing some difficult situations like she was. But she didn't want to lose him, not to anyone. Not to even his pretty wife.

  Cassie had seen his wife before, a tall beautiful blonde in her late twenties, who had a charming smile and was fiercely friendly. And as she turned to look at Greg, she knew she didn't want to lose him. He made her feel happy, made her feel wanted. He was the perfect prince charming she had dreamnt of. Cassie knew that she hadn't been with much men, the few that she had dated all cared about getting into her bed and using her. But Greg hadn't been like that, he was a perfect gentleman who respected her views as a lady. And perharps that was also one of the reason she had liked him so much.

  Cassie Stevens had grown up in the hands of her father, Sam Stevens, who was once a soldier, and who later had retired and opened up a business. She had never known her mother; her father never talked about her. So Cassie had grown up with nannies. Nannies who didn't have time to come up to her room at night and tell her bedtime stories, who never cared about her emotional and social life, nannies who were just there to feed and clothe her. And she couldn't talk to her father either. Her father was a strict man, a very strict one, who never had time for her little chit chats, who never had time for her silly games, or her princess play dates. And who expected her to be the best at what ever she was doing, without him guiding her. Her father never allowed her go to parties, or host a party, or have any serious male friends, for fear that she might spoil herself, or get mixed up with the wrong crowd. Her entire teenage life had been a mess. She had grown up with the idea that when she got to the age of getting married, she was going to choose the man her father would pick for her. Because to Cassie love wasn't for someone like her, they were for other pretty girls, who had grown up reading romance novels, and having romantic fantasies, who got cute boyfriends with sweet abs. Not for someone like her who never had fantasies, talk more of a romantic one.