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The Undercover Billionare

The Undercover Billionare

Author: Nelson



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Collins, he's a billionaire and he hangs with the billionaires but he is not happy deep down because he loves this Filipino woman who hate rich people because she thinks they are all selfish, proud and stingy people. Would collins give up his billions because of this woman or he should move on with his life?
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Chapter 1

Beep Beep Beep

The alarm sounded and woke collins right when he was starting to enjoy his sleep, he opened his eyes and slowly reached for the alarm as he banged it to Its silence. He stood up from his bed and walked to the bathroom, he walked to the mirror and looked at himself, thereafter he picked up his toothbrush and added a little toothpaste to it, and commenced brushing his teeth, when he was done, he took a shower and got dressed in a white suit and a black hat. He walked to his room exit door, he sighed and opened the door as a group of maids bowed their heads and greeted him good morning.

Collins walked past them leaving their heads facing the ground without saying anything to them. He headed to the dining room to have breakfast, he had coffee and a sandwich, he took a bite of the sandwich and sipped a little coffee. He stood up from his seat and headed out of the house, he headed to his 30 million dollars Mercedes-Benz while he was heading to his car, his driver had already opened the door and waited for his arrival in the car so he could drive him to where ever he wanted to go. When he got to the car the driver bow and greeted him. Collins didn't say anything, he got to the back seat and removed his hat as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and began to look at the picture of a Filipino girl on the phone.

"Sir, where is your destination?" The driver asked but Collins didn't respond to him because he didn't hear him the first time. "Sir, please where is your destination?" The driver asked again as Collins looked at the driver,

"Mr. Manual's place," he said as the driver started the car and slowly drove off.

While he was in the back seat, he kept looking at the picture of the Filipino girl, "Oh how pretty is this girl, who knew Filipino girls are this pretty," he said to himself as he kept glancing at the picture. After an hour, he arrived at Mr. Manuel's place. Mr. Manuel is a good friend of Collins, he is a forex trader and he makes millions of dollars per day. When Collins arrived at Mr. Manuel's place he had no idea the car had stopped because he was lost in looking at the picture of the girl.

"Sir, we are here," the driver said and opened the door for him to get off the car. Collins picked up his hat and slowly came out of the car, immediately he got down he wore his hat and walked towards the exit door of Mr. Manuel, he pressed his index finger on the fancy doorbell as he stood and waited for a response, after a very short while one of the maids in Mr. Manuel's house opened the door and smiled at him,

"Good morning sir," she said as he walked in. the maid shut the door and led him to the living room, she told him to seat on the couch and wait for Mr. Manuel.

Collins sat on the couch close to the huge television and began to look at the fancy living room. Almost everything we're made of gold, and there was this gold statue of Mr. Manual in the middle of the living room right on top of the table. Shortly after Mr. Manuel walked into the living room, "Collins my man," he said walking toward him as they both shook hands. Mr. Manuel sat on the biggest couch in his living room and asked one of his maids to get them a bottle of whiskey.

"So Collins, what brings you to my place on a Sunday morning like this when you're meant to be in church?" Mr. Manuel asked,

"Well, you're meant to be in church too, but I knew you don't go to church and you are always busy in the week, that's why I came over today," said Collins,

"Alright so what do you need, money?" Mr. Manuel asked and chuckled as the maid arrived with the bottle of Whiskey and two wine glasses.

"No man," Collins said and sighed, "I came because of...." he tried to talk but Mr. Manuel interrupted,

"Wait let me guess, because of that Filipino girl?" Mr. Manuel asked and sighed as he picked up the bottle of whisky and poured a little into the wine glass, and gulped it once.