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His Achilles Heel

His Achilles Heel

Author: Jo Hayward



His Achilles Heel PDF Free Download


Are you tired of the damsel in distress stories? Then this one is just for you. Read and have fun... *** Their worlds were never meant to clash, but through knowing each other their lives unravelled. "Don't think about Malcolm because I am not him. I will treat you better, give you the desires of your heart, showered you with kisses that will make you weak at the knees, even go as far as giving you my heart, but just don't leave me,"he said looking lost as he pulled her closer supporting her some more. "No, no, not again," I murmured as my heart rate increased. "Then this is what is going to happen. Tomorrow we are getting married I don't care if you have to be in bed for the ceremony but so be it. We are going to live together as man and wife, and I am going to f***k that idiot out of your system until I am the only one in your mind, until you long for only my touch....."
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Chapter 1

  Chapter 1

  "What the..." Marcellus Martinez cursed as he swerved his car out of the road.

  Out of nowhere a woman had run onto the empty street clutching her stomach. It was raining cats and dogs as he stepped out of his car ready to shout at the crazy lunatic.

  "What is your problem? Matter of fact woman are a nuisance, can't you see where you are going?"

  "Please help me," she whispered before passing out.

  Looking down at the still, bleeding figure he muttered a string of curses under his breath as he contemplated on what to do. A car slowed down coming to a halt as the driver jumped out of the car.

  "What happened," she asked pulling out her phone.

  "I don't know, she just ran out of nowhere," he said in a flat tone.

  "Help me get her into my car. She is losing a lot of blood," the woman yelled out.

  Lowering down he scooped her up as her head rested on his shoulder. A flash of lighting illuminated the sky as he walked towards the woman's car whilst he caught a glimpse of the woman making him frown. Placing her in the car he turned to leave without as much as a backward glance.

  "Wait where are you going? I need your help. We need to slow down the bleeding."

  "Do I look like a medical doctor to you?"

  The woman looked shocked as he continued to walk away from the car.

  "Please sir," she called out as he reached his car. Sighing he locked his car after parking it away from the road and headed back to the other car.

  "You can drive," she said as she slid into the back of the car.

  Nyasha's POV

  "Miss. Can you try sit up for me," I heard as I opened my eyes to find myself in a cool, sterile room.

  Each movement was painful. Malcolm had really done a number on me as I looked down to find think bandages around my abdomen.

  You are probably wondering what happened to me, and who Malcolm is.

  Malcolm is my husband and he is the reason I am in hospital. After spending all of his salary on alcohol with his buddies he expected for me to provide a meal when he refused for me to work resulting in no food being present in the house. This was not the first time tasting my own blood in my mouth, but it was the first time being admitted into hospital. Now aside from worrying how I would face him again, I wondered where I would get money for the hospital bills.

  "Ma'am can you hear me," Dr Alexis said with a worried look as I caught sight of her name tag.

  "Hmmm, yes, yes. I am fine thank you. I need to leave. How much is all this going to be?"

  "Don't worry the bill has already been taken care of."

  Looking at her completely puzzled, I asked who had paid as she began telling me what had happened. Handing over the card I looked at the name. Marcellus Martinez it read.

  "Martinez, Martinez. As in Marcellus Martinez of Martinez Industries. No anyone else but him," I cried. "He was Malcolm's boss and from what Malcolm had mention the man was ruthless. Never talking much but had a sharp temper.

  "He helped me bring you here. Just go thank him at least," Alexis said knowing what must have been going on in my mind.


  "Umm Mr Martinez?" He heard his secretary mutter.

  "Spit it out. I don't have all day."

  "You have a visitor," she said looking at the bedraggled state of Nyasha with a frown. She stood out like a sore thumb, her dark chocolate skin, short hair and oversized clothes.

  "Five minutes is all I have to spare," he said ending the call.

  "You may go in," the secretary said looking worried.

  Knocking on the door she waited to hear a response. Hearing his deep clipped voice she entered the office her heart hammering against her chest. As she walked in he kept staring down at his papers a scowl marking his features. As he looked at her she felt ashamed as blue eyes roamed from her toes to her head. This was her best dress but knew in others eyes it looked pathetic.

  "How may I help you," he said with a frown.

  "I..I I'm the lady you saved yesterday. I just wanted to say thank you," she said softly before looking down. "If there is any way I can repay you please let me know. So I can at least pay off my debt to you."

  "Do I look like I am in need of anything? Like I am lacking?"

  "No, not at all sir," she said as she began to tremble out of fear.

  He frowned at her state before saying, "If you are done I have a meeting to attend to. I am sure you know the way out."

  Walking out of his office she spotted Malcolm who had an angry scowl on his face.

  "Don't even think of coming home if you want to live. You are an embarrassment," he said angrily.

  As Marcellus left his office he saw the exchange between Malcolm and the young lady from earlier.